The Concealed World



 F O R B I D D E N 

 C H A P T E R  I 




The concealed world of the clan of fairies shook as their chief elder whack his wooden cane on the terrain.

“E R I N !!!”

His lurid voice brought abrupt terror, causing all the inhabitants in the north, south, east and west to halt their works.

A young female elf, at that time, hurriedly walks her way out of the Willow Forest – the forbidden forest in the fairy world. She is aware that her appearance as of the moment is fair to be described as a huge mess, despite of this she cannot stop on her track.

She knew she’s screwed - again.

The only difference is, this time, she’s screwed big time.

“I’LL GIVE YOU FIVE SECONDS, YOUNG LADY!” The chief elder roared once again.

Before she could reach the end of the forest, she tripped over a random root emerging from the ground which caused her to tumble down. She quickly went back to her feet and looked from left to right to see if anyone saw that mini event of hers. Glad, a huge smile formed on her face. She’s alone in the forest of course, no other fairies present since Willow forest – is again – the forbidden forest.

Nobody dares to step in the forest premises for every single fairy in their world knows what kind of punishment is waiting for their return. Well, that is, except her. She loves to explore, and that includes paying no attention to all the dangers possible.

When she finally reached the entrance of the castle, she stilled herself and whispered an enchantment.

In less than a second, her untidy appearance was immediately fixed. Her hair and clothes were now orderly placed and clean.

“Erin!” The chief elder came rushing down the stairs, heading to her direction.

She quickly held the sides of her cream dress and pulled it wider. She then bowed down before her the man who is closing a distance to her – her grandfather.

“This is strike three, young lady.” The chief elder said and pointed the end of his wooden cane towards a random direction.

Confused, she followed its path.

“Ivo!” She exclaimed upon seeing the bunny-like creature sitting at the corner of the castle.

She ran to where Ivo is and hugged him.

“I’ve been looking for you!” she added.

 The chief elder tapped his wooden cane on the ground to get her attention.

“This is strike three, young lady.” He repeated.

She let go of the bunny-like creature and hurriedly stomped in front of the chief elder.

After placing her hands on her hips, she raised her chin and shouted, “Tell me how Ivo became my third strike, old man!”

“E R I N !!!" He shouted in that same lurid voice he had used earlier.

“Ahhh! Stop it!” She retorted, her hands firmly pressing both of her ears.

“I told you to call me grandfather. Not old man!”

“You’re old! I’m just stating a fact!”

She rushed back to Ivo and petted him.

“You’re not learning to follow the rules of our kingdom, Erin.” The chief leader stated in a serious tone. “I’m afraid I have to punish you accordingly.”

With that, she shot up and looked at the chief elder. She kept thinking that he cannot be serious about punishing her – she’s his granddaughter after all.

“One of the eastern Willow forest protectors reported that you’ve been in that forbidden forest again.”

“Because I was looking for Ivo!” she immediately argued back.

“I told you to get rid of him!” The chief elder composed himself before saying, “I told you, that thing you call Ivo, is a forbidden creature. He can cause extreme harm to us fairies that’s why he was kept in the Willow forest.”

“How can he cause harm? Look at him!” She pointed her index finger towards the bunny-like creature. “Does that face seem destructive?”

“It is not the outer appearance that defines what kind of being he is, Erin.” The chief leader responded. “He may be young now, but who knows when the right time comes, he will be a beast, Erin – a beast that could make our entire nation extinct.”

“Ho-” she tried to argue but she decided to just keep it inside.

The two of them quieted down for the first time they met this night.

She just stood there as Ivo brushed his face on her ankles. She kept wondering how come her grandfather was able to say those words even though he has not seen, specifically with his own eyes, a creature like Ivo turn into a beast and destroy their kingdom.

Well, this is the problem with their world. Whatever looks different, not a fairy at all, is dangerous - the same reason why she was never allowed to go out of the castle and meddle with the other fairies. It is because she is different.

She is a half fairy, half human.

Her mother who is a noble fairy of their kingdom fell in love with her father who is a human.

Fairies during the past were able to travel to the human world. Their world is rich with natural resources which the fairies used to enhance their concealed world. Her mother was one of those few fairies who had possessed the ability to go in and out of the portal. Through her travels, she met her human husband. At first, her father feared, but eventually fell for her mother.

The product of their affair is Erin.

Her mother died immediately after she gave birth. And as a corrupted result, it was assumed by many that it is because she had this child with a human – yes, assumed.

On the other hand, her father remained in his world since he has no ability to travel back and forth in the portal. Who knows, it might have been very dangerous.

Eventually, the final result of the events caused the portal to be closed. The fairies were forced to stop traveling to the human world to prevent another occurrence like that to happen – that’s according to the elders.

“I know you feel very lonely, Erin.” The chief leader said softly. “I know you wanted a companion that’s why you took Ivo away from the Willow forest.”  

Tears filled her eyes as she nodded.

My grandfather understands me after all, she thought.

“Your 20th birthday is tomorrow, right?” He continued.

“Yes. And I want Ivo as a gift.” She firmly replied.

The chief leader walked closer to her and held her shoulders, his eyes were full of gloom as he stated, “I’m afraid that can’t be done. Our kingdom has rules, and as the chief leader, I must solely comply.”


“But I have a better gift for you, my dear.”

He made three steps backward before telling her to close her eyes.

“No matter what happens, do not open them. Just listen to my voice.”

Since it won’t hurt to go with the flow, she firmly closed her eyes. She was just listening to all of her grandfather’s words, but behind this, she’s not actually looking forward to know what gift his grandfather had prepared for her this year. She had always received a dress from him every single year, nothing more than that.

“I think the right time has come,” she heard him say after few minutes, “to meet your father.”

Her eyes went wide open after hearing him say those magic words.

But when her vision cleared, a different world welcomed her. A very, very different world.

The only thing that she is familiar with is the droplets of rain falling on her skin.

“Erin!” A voice shouted from behind, surpassing the sound of the raindrops hitting the ground.

A tall man, dressed in pieces of clothing she had never seen in her entire 19 years of existence, is approaching her with a huge smile on his face.

“W-who are you? What is this place? Where did grandpa go?” she questioned in so much confusion.

“I am Sunggyu.” The man said and bowed at her. “My father is the chief leader’s right hand in the human world. It’s my pleasure to finally meet you, young lady.”

“Hu-human world?” She asked in disbelief. “This is the human world?”

Sunggyu’s smile broadened, “Yes.”

Erin looked back to the different – human world rather – that welcomed her when she opened her eyes. It’s strangely beautiful.

 “Where is my father?” she asked after a minute and looked back to the man.

There was a hint of blues in his dark eyes as he responded, “As of now, I don’t know.”

He answered with all honesty.

“But I’ll help you find him. For sure.”




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