The Beginning..

My Fate

In a few seconds, from his back a pair of great black wings spread out and lifted him up to soar….. he didn’t have any destination in his mind, he just flew away wherever his wings brings him. Who knows that in that moment, those wings decided to bring him to a new life~

1st day


Taemin’s POV

I just flew away, that place just make me bored. This fresh air felt much better, I really didn’t have any destination to go. I just flew.. and flew.. while my eyes searching below the sky till I found something that really attract me. I decided to get a closer look, so I began my descend and hide my wings. I landed a few meters behind him and began to walk closer.

I saw a young guy, kneeling down on a garden, doing something that was weird enough to make me came down to see it. He seems to sense my appearance because he suddenly turned back and saw me. I didn’t know why he could sense me, usually humans can’t feel my appearance.

Felt a little surprised, I kept staring at his face…that handsome one, with a pair of clear black big eyes looking back at me. I felt something different, yet I didn’t know what kind of feeling is this. Maybe I was shocked because he could sense my appearance.

“Hi!” I greeted him, waving my hand, and of course with my sweet smile like usual.
He was just staring at me, speechless…but he started to move after I greeted him, he turned his head around and ended up pointing at himself with a big question mark on his face.

“Me?” he said, pointing at himself.

“Yeah you, who else could it be?” I walked closer to him as his eyes still glued on me.

“Do you know me? Because...I'm sorry, I don’t recognize you” the human said. I let out a little smile and stopped a few feet from him. Then I bowed a little so he could see me clearly.

“No, I don’t know who you are. But I want to know…” I said, he just kept quiet and looked confused because suddenly there was a stranger come and wanted to know about him. Maybe I should introduce myself first..

“Can I know your name? I’m Taemin, Lee Taemin” I smile and held out my hand to him,

“I’m Minho…., Choi Minho..” he answered as he shook my hand and smiled.

“Nice to know you then~” then I knelt down beside him, looking to something that he did. I couldn’t help but asked,

“What are you doing?”

“Tend this cat's wound, can't you see? She’s bleeding?” he answered while his hands kept working at the cat’s leg.

“Why you have to take care of her? Is it necessary? Or is it your hobby??” I asked. I really didn’t know why he had to take a good care of that cat? Let her die and eaten by the crows wouldn't affect his life. But my question sounds really weird to him. He just sent me back a weird look, were humans always like this??

“Why I have to take care of her? Look, she’s bleeding. She’s hurt, of course I have to take care of her, trying to get her well. I saw her slipped down from the roof. How can I just ignore it?” he answered.

“ that what you must do?" I asked again, “I usually walked away from them if I ever saw one."

Minho's face began to look weirder, so I took it as a chance to speak out, "I usually ignore them. Well….what harm could you be in if you ignore them anyway? They don't mess up with your life, right?"

".....if I ignored them...I would feel really guilty..." Minho tried to say it right in the middle of confusion in his head.

"Why would you feel so guilty about it? That’s just.......weird....." I replied, "I really can't understand why..."

Minho let out a sigh, it seems like he got pretty confused by me. "How can I explain it...this, this action, it's called see? Love? Caring?"

"Huh? What’s that?" I asked, "What’s love looks like?"

Minho was really shocked that he nearly let the cat fell down from his hands.


"What?" he really couldn't believe it,

"It's the feeling that your mother and father always give to you, they take care of you, feed you, keeping you away from're weird....."

I thought for a while...I never remembered my parents ever did that to me...yes, they've been raising me, but then…they left me to fend for myself after I was strong enough to hunt...I even learned how to hunt from Onew hyung, not from them…that was so different..


Minho's voice brought me up from my reverie, he showed me the cat's back leg. It was neatly bandaged and the cat looks so happy to be up on its four legs again.

“Well...will you tell me the reason why you suddenly wanted to know me?" he asked, with a warm smile on his lips. I couldn't answer right away because somehow, his smile was really different from any smile that I ever seen.

"W-well.....I...just wanted to know you, that's all." I replied as quickly as I could,

"'s just...why me?" Minho demanded something that I really didn't know how to explain.

"I...saw you from...from above and..."

"ABOVE??" he was really surprised, I totally forgot about his human nature...

“I mean...not above up there in the sky....I was...walking around when I saw you down here...."

"I see….well...what bring you out here in the middle of the night then?" I sensed that he still didn't believe me,

"and in that suit?" he added up while his finger pointing at my suit.

"I was in a party near here...I got bored, so I went out and apparently...I meet you.." I replied with a smile on my face.

I noticed that Minho was still not quite sure, but he nodded. I was pretty relieved with that.


“It must be a really boring party, huh?”, again, he smiled to me. I nodded and smiled back. Minho suddenly stood up with the cat in his arms.

“It’s getting darker.” He looked up at the night sky,

“Why don’t you come in? We can talk more if you like.”

I shook my head to decline and said to him that I already bothered him too much,


“And I should be going back now…I believe they are looking for me there.” Minho smiled and said his good-bye to me. Just before he went inside, I called him out pretty loud,

Minho turned his head at me, wondering what was wrong.

“Will you…” I felt my face burned as I said it,

“Tell me more about that feeling of love when we meet again?

Minho laughed, “Sure, why not?”

I waved him good-bye as he and the cat entered his house and walked away. After I was sure there were nobody around, I jumped and quickly soared freely in the sky. My heart was inexplicably happy, I was sure that I will meet him again and hear all things about that weird feeling of love. I finally landed on Magic Castle’s balcony from which I went away.


The party was nearly over, from where I stood, I could see Lord JaeJoong and Lord Yunho stood together to express their gratitude to the guests, Changmin was sitting in a chair near his brother, Lord Junsu and ,Lord Junsu’s lover, Lord Yoochun…it seems that they were succeed to put out Changmin’s anger…

I tiptoed back inside the ballroom, hoping that nobody would notice….but …

“Where are you from just now, my little brother?” Onew stood right beside me. He was quite angry, judging from his face…

“I was out, for some fresh air….I’ve told you, didn’t I?” I acted innocently.

“No, you did not…I’ve been looking for you all over the castle!!” Onew whispered in anger, “Who do you think His Highness will blame if something happened to his little son!!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!! It will never happen again…”

“Well okay…..what are you doing out there anyway? “

“…” I couldn’t answered to him, but the thought of meeting Minho again made me smiled so wide that Onew began to feel annoyed enough to hit my head and dragged me home with him. He mumbled about causing him too much trouble tonight as we flew together to get some more blood before we went home.

Onew took me to hunt for some young guys who he spotted from above. There were six of them, Onew greedily finished four, while the remaining two shivering at my feet. I took one out and played with the other one, but this one were so frightened that he suddenly yelled and runaway. I watched him run, but he didn’t run far…

Onew caught him and attacked him down.

“What’s wrong with you!? You want us all got killed? Here, finish him so we can go home!” he handed me over the body of the young guy, still alive, but not too long.


“You shouldn’t have become really unaware around humans....they are the sneakiest creatures. One mistake and they will hunt us down!” Onew preached me as I finished my last prey.


“They aren’t that bad…” I said innocently, but it made Onew got very mad.

“NOT THAT BAD!!!! Look at what they did to some of our ancestors!! They burned them alive under the hottest point of the sun, some cunning human even caught a WEREWOLF once and sent it out to hunt down Magic Castle’s clan members! Remember!? Luckily Lord Yoochun was strong enough to tame him and made him as his pet!” he said it in anger,
“Still not enough!? How about that incident when we were still very young? The one that made His Highness moved the Mansion in the middle of a thick forest? The one that made Everlasting Castle must stay hidden in ancient magic that will out the strength of all vampires in that Castle’s clan every certain day of the year to renew its power till these days?” he stopped for a while before he yelled,
“The one that MADE ME AN ORPHAN!!? THAT WAS ALL HUMAN!!” Onew flew away in his wrath, so I followed him and said sorry a million times. I never knew…

Dawn was nearly came when we arrived at home, so Onew rushed me into the Mansion and prepared my chamber,


“Hurry up, would you?” Onew grabbed my hand,

“Spend your last hours of this night outside and I will sweep your ashes tonight!! Geezz…you’re really annoying today, aren’t you!?” I follow him obediently…looks like that he had forgiven me…

I began to close the windows and pull down the curtains to ward off the lights of the day.


Before I pulled down the last one, I took a look at the newly rising sun…it was so beautiful….but it hurts….


I thought about Minho in my bed. He was an interesting and kind-hearted human….why’d Onew said only bad things about his kind? Were all of them really that bad like on his stories? I was too tired to think again, so I fell asleep….
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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
oh i think i read this story...made me cry at the end
boyxboy? dangg... :O