A Promise Not To Cry

A Promise Not To Cry

                The sky was dark. There was no part of the sun that showed. All there was up at the sky was dark, angry looking clouds. The sky matched my mood, dark, gloomy. I don’t know why I was feeling like this though. A tear fell slid down my cheek as I kept looking at the grey clouds.

                “What are you doing there all by yourself?” A soft voice reached my ears. I looked away from the clouds and focused my attention on the handsome smiling young man beside me.

                “Luhan… Ah, nothing. I was just looking up at the sky again to see if we finally get to have a break from the rain that has been happening for the past week.” I responded and gave him my own smile as I rose up from the chair beside the window. The gloomy feeling I was feeling suddenly vanished, only to be replaced with a much more cheerful one when Luhan got my attention.

                Luhan continued to smile at me and one of my hands as he wiped the single tear away.

                “Well whether if it’s bad weather or good weather, I don’t mind as long as you’re with me. And why are you crying?” I felt blush creep up my cheeks and I lightly pushed him with my free hand.

                “Stop, you’re making me blush. And I was crying because the weather just affects my mood sometimes.”

                “Hm~ You still look cute when you blush or cry. But you promised me you won’t cry over anything, remember?” I pushed him lightly again as a soft giggle left my lips.

                “I’m serious Lulu, stop it. And yes, I remember.” I said with a serious face. Though it was hard to keep it straight and prevent it from breaking out into a huge grin because, well, you can never get mad at Luhan seriously.

                “Fine, anything for you.” He grinned and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back.

                “What do you want to eat?” I asked when we pulled apart. It was almost lunch time and I hadn’t made anything to eat for the two of us.    

                “Anything you make. Everything you make is delicious and I would gladly eat it.” Luhan responded without a second thought, making me smile lovingly at him. This boy really knows how to be a gentleman.

                “Even if it is rock soup?” I asked sarcastically as we moved to the kitchen.

                Luhan nodded and back-hugged me, “As I said; anything you make I would gladly eat.”

                “Alright, now let go of me so I can make food for us.”

                I felt Luhan nod against the top of my head before he leaned over and kissed the side of my right ear. He let go of me and let me start preparing lunch for us.

                I decided to just make kimchi since we were very limited with our food supplies. I cooked and prepared the table while Luhan just sat on his side of the round table, giving me those loving eyes like he always does.

                “You look so cute preparing food.” He suddenly spoke through the silence as I was putting the kimchi onto our plates. An immediately smile broke out on my lips as soon as his words reached my ears, but since I didn’t want to let him have the pleasure of seeing my positive reaction, I continued to put the kimchi on his plate with my back turned back on him.

                “Luhan, what did I say about complimenting me? Do you want me to eat all this myself so you’ll starve and finally learn your lesson?” I threatened, though we both now that I would never do that to him.

                “Yah~ That’s mean Sehyun-ah~” He whined from his spot. It took all self-control in me not to laugh at his aegyo. But that didn’t mean that a small giggle came out. “Are you laughing at me?”

                “Maybe, maybe not.” I turned around with the two plates on kimchi in my hands. I set one down in front of Luhan and the other across from him, where I will obviously be sitting. In my peripheral vision, I saw Luhan pouting at me in response to my answer, but laughed it off. “So what’s with you and the cheesy compliments today?”

                “Nothing. I just feel like complimenting my princess today.” I laughed at his smug expression.

                “Alright then, oh, Lulu, I need to get groceries today. Do you mind eating by yourself?”

                “No I don’t mind, but do you? I mean we never ate with each other since this weeks.”

                “Yeah sorry about that. I’ve been really busy. But I’m fine with it, as long as I know you’re still here it doesn’t matter if we eat together or not.”

                “Alright, be careful.”
                “I will.” I smiled and took off my apron; folding it and placing it gently on the counter. I walked to the front door, slipped on my water boots and grabbed a coat. I was about to head out when a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

                “You forgot this Hyunnie~” That soft voice spoke. Luhan handed me the pink umbrella he bought for me and smiled- like he always does.

                “Ah, forgetful me. Thank you Lulu.” I kissed his cheek, causing him to grin bigger. I giggled at the stupid yet adorable look on his face and went outside, opening the umbrella up at the same time. As soon as I walked through the front door; away from the warmth that embraced me, away from the fresh smell of newly cooked kimchi, away from Luhan, I felt dead. I don’t know why though, I was happy and refreshed just a few moments ago.

                I decided to ignore it and started to walk down the sidewalk that had some people running to take shelter from the rain. A small sigh escaped my lips as the feeling of emptiness never left me.



                Getting groceries was longer than I thought it would. I had left somewhere about 1 P.M., but now it is 6 at night. It would usually take me about an hour or less, but I guess it was the rain that slowed me down a lot. And because the bags that I had to carry were heavy, and I had to hold up an umbrella.

                I knew I would have to explain a lot to Luhan as to why I was so late, but I also knew he would understand. I also knew he would feel guilty about not helping me, but its fine.

                I have no idea why but the thought of Luhan… made me sad? My mind kept telling me to turn around and never come back to the house, but my body said otherwise. Like I said, I have no idea why I was feeling this way but thought nothing serious of it.

                I finally reached our house and a sigh of relief came out of my mouth automatically because I could finally put down the heavy bags. I put on a smile as I walked through the front door after unlocking it. I was greeted with the sight of the empty house- and no Luhan. Another sigh escaped my lips but it wasn’t a sigh of relief- it was a sigh of sadness. It has been like this for the past week. I would come home from doing something and Luhan would be gone. I would wake up and fall asleep without Luhan near my presence. Sadness washed over me like bricks being thrown.




                That is the only emotion I had felt for the past week. The past week.

                I closed the front door, locked it, took off my shoes and walked into the kitchen to properly put the groceries down.

                “Luhan? Are you here?” I yelled as I started unpacking the continents in the bags. I stood still for a moment to hear any signs of Luhan being in the house. This has been the routine these days. I would ask if he was in the house, only to get no answer. And today was no different than those other days.

                I continued to put the food in its proper place after getting no answer. I heard a very soft footstep behind me and I immediately stopped what I was doing to turn around. I was half expecting it to be Luhan, and half expecting it to only be in my imagination. I got a little bit of both.

                I saw nothing behind me but saw something move near the door-frame leading to the stairs. I smiled, put everything down and went to the stairs.

                “Lulu~ Is that you? Come on, don’t hide from me,” I said as stepped up the steps. My smile widened as I saw our bedroom door slightly ajar. My playful side came out and smothered the sadness in me. I tiptoed down the hallway, trying my best not to make a sound.

                I stopped beside the doorframe and counted to three before barging in the room with my arms wide open.

                “LUHAN~!!” I yelled before grinning widely. My grin went from wide, to a straight line. Luhan was standing in front of me alright, but he looked different than what he did this morning. No he did not look bad, he looked... pampered. He was wearing all white, his hair was slicked back but that gentle smile kept playing on his lips.

                “Sehyun-ah… I wish I had more time with you, I really do. I wish I could be with you until we are old. Until we have our own children. Our own grand-children. I wish I could be there to protect you and keep you happy until the end of time. I wish I could be there when you get married. I am sorry I haven’t been here the whole week, but these small interactions we had has satisfied me, and I wish it would to you too since it will be our last.” Luhan smiled sadly. His eyes got slightly teary, as did mine. I didn’t know what he was talking about, but what all he said had made me feel like crying myself to sleep.

                “Luhan what are you talking about?” I said as I tried to blink back the tears that were threatening to fall. “Don’t talk like that, you’re making me want to cry.” I choked out. He continues to smile at me as he stepped closer to me. His hands slowly went up to cup my face and he leaned in to rest his forehead against mine. He looked deeply into my eyes, as if he was looking through my soul.

                “I’m so sorry Sehyun… I love you… Please don’t forget that.” He whispered before pulling me into a tight hug, which I gladly returned. I buried my face into his chest as he buried his between the crooks of my neck. Our hug didn’t last long. He pulled away from me after prying my arms off of him. He stepped back until he was back near the window. I tried to step closer to him but something just kept me from doing that.

                “Lu... Han…” I managed to croak out. He only smiled back before the clouds outside suddenly parted and the sudden bright light lit the whole room, causing me to shut my eyes. I opened my eyes once the light disappeared as the clouds closed again. What had just happened completely confused me and I still don’t know what is happening. Especially because Luhan was nowhere in sight.

                My cell phone suddenly started to ring in my pocket, pulling me back into reality. I slowly reached in and pulled it out. I looked at the caller ID and saw Sehun’s name. I pressed the answer button and I put the phone near my ear.

                “H-Hello? Sehun?” I whispered when I couldn’t find my voice to speak loud enough. I heard a stifled whimper on the other line. “Sehun?... Are you crying?”

                “Sehyun… I think it’s time I finally tell you…” He spoke in the softest voice I ever heard him use. Worry took hold of me, afraid of what he was going to say.

                “Wh-What is it?” I asked despite my worries. I heard him take a deep, shaky breath before speaking again after a moment of dead silence between the two of us.

                “Luhan… He died at the beginning of this week… He was driving home from work when a deer had jumped in the road… The police found both his car and his body that had fallen off to the side of the road where he hit a tree… The rest of the guys and I were devastated to hear the news and we didn’t dare tell you until now. Again, we were devastated but we know we can’t imagine how you feel now. We’re sorry for your loss, and we’re sorry for not telling you sooner.” Sehun sounded like he was trying his hardest not to cry right now.

                “I… Sehun… Please don’t cry… Please tell the others that too. And no, don’t be sorry that you didn’t tell me sooner, it’s fine. At least you told me so… Thank you.” I whispered, not taking the chance to use my normal speaking voice because I knew I would just get all choked up.

                “Sehyun… Are you… Are you sure? Are you okay?”

                “Yes Sehun, I’m okay.”

                “… Al-alright… Just call me or the hyungs if you need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on alright?”

                “Yes, thank you…” I hung up, and as soon as the line got disconnected, I fell on my knees with tears streaming down my eyes. I looked down at my phone and saw Luhan’s adorable smiling face on my wallpaper. My vision got blurry as more tears started to fall.

                “Lu…Han…” I whispered as a soft breeze brushed against my cheek, as if to wipe my tears away. “Luhan…” I said with more confidence in my voice.

                So this is why he was complimenting me… Why he hasn’t been here a lot through the week. Why the food I made for him had not been touched. Why his clothes hasn’t been worn. Why his belongings haven’t moved. Why his hugs felt somehow empty.

                The tears came running non-stop. The dark skies outside had started to rain again. The world around me started to disappear and left nothing but me and the small presence around me.


                “I promised not to cry…”



I feel like I could have worded the title better. But, this one shot hasn't been edited so I'm sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. This is late but, CONGRATS EXO ON YOUR FIRST WIN~ :3 

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Oh, Lay won. Uh, but.. But I already started on Sehun- oh heck, I was going to write both anyways! xD


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Syashahahaha #1
Chapter 1: Such a good story !!! I cried alot and made me feel that I never want to lose anyone I love .
I was very touched when he said "I wish I had more time with you .........etc "
Plus I was listening to a sad song and today is a dark and gloomy day just like in the story
Chapter 1: Ohhh that was so unexpected! :o
YangHaNa #3
Chapter 1: I was crying until I saw the reason for his death..seriously..a deer..anyway..amazing story btw..
Chapter 1: Amazing story
crazyexotic #5
Chapter 1: love this....
Chapter 1: I'm crying now, this was so sad but beautiful <3
Ooooh, can you just write all 4~? :) But if it's to much for you (you cute little bunny you, just write 5 more :D Jk I wuv you
Chapter 2: Omo this story is so sad I love it so much I actualy cried ...TT.TT
Dancecover #9
Chapter 1: I got guilty reading the very last line because I did cry.