Chapter 5

The Absolutely True Diary of a Compulsive Liar

xxxxxx It was still dark out when Eunmi snuck out of the dorm hall. Sunhye always woke up at five-thirty sharp, and Eunmi wanted to be out of the dorm before she noticed something was wrong. Besides, if Sunhye asked, she’d just say that she went out to get the other photos. It’s not a lie, she thought, carefully picking her way down the stairs. Because the building was starting to get on in years, the stairs were creaky, and so Eunmi found herself hugging the walls as she tiptoed down. Their dorm mom had ears like a bat, and she wanted to avoid the inevitable interrogation if she was caught leaving the dorm so early in the morning.

xxxxxx It seemed like a century before Eunmi stepped out into the cool morning air. Inhaling deeply, she glanced around. In the east, the sun could be seen just peeking up over the horizon. Around her, the campus was virtually empty. Most students and teachers didn’t start wandering to breakfast until at least seven. But since classes didn’t even start until eight-thirty, many didn’t even bother until eight o’clock.

xxxxxx Walking down the front steps of the building, Eunmi wandered out onto the main path leading away from the residence halls. It was much too early to start heading to the music room, so she wasn’t sure what to do. And so she just meandered, her chestnut brown oxfords padding softly against the pavement as the sun rose higher in the sky.

xxxxxx An hour and a half later and Eunmi found herself staring at the arts department building. It was six-thirty by now, and a few other students were strolling on the campus grounds as they slowly made their way to breakfast. The sun gleamed above the school buildings now, and not a single cloud could be seen in the sky. Nice weather, she thought, taking a moment to breathe in the crisp morning air. It was pleasant, and Eunmi wondered if she should get up early more often.

xxxxxx Turning her attention to the brick structure before her, Eunmi sighed. It’s now or never, she thought, forcing her feet to move forward. It was slow going, and each step was a struggle. Thoughts ran through her mind a million miles a minute as she moved through the halls and up the stairs. What if he tries to attack me again? Should I go back and get a weapon? Do I really need those pictures? No, that’s not an option. I need Sunhye’s trust again, and those pictures are how I’m going to get it. But still…wait, what am I even debating over? I’ve got this covered. I need his help anyways. But…couldn’t I get someone else to do it for me? That settles it, I’m going to-

xxxxxx “Ah, I thought you weren’t going to come.”

xxxxxx Starting, Eunmi was shaken out of her reverie to see that she was standing in front of music room number three.

xxxxxx “So, you’ve got it, right?”

xxxxxx Looking over, Eunmi saw Myungsoo standing in the doorway of the room, looking at her eagerly. Dressed in his school uniform, she could see why all of the girls swooned at the sight of him. Despite her height of 171 centimeters (which made Eunmi the tallest girl among her friends and prevented her from ever wearing any sort of heeled shoe), the guy stood a good eight or nine centimeters above her. And Eunmi had to admit – he wasn’t exactly hard on the eyes, either. She wondered if her plan was just too ridiculous. No one in their right mind would believe it...

xxxxxx “Ah, yeah,” she responded, pulling the white envelope out of her school bag.

xxxxxx “Awesome.” Myungsoo reached out to grab the package, but Eunmi quickly moved it out of his grasp. “Yah, give it to me quickly before someone comes.”

xxxxxx She frowned and looked at him. “First, where’re my pictures?”

xxxxxx Rolling his eyes, Myungsoo pulled out the package from his pocket (because as everyone knows, the pockets on guys' pants can basically hold anything). “Here,” he said, tossing the package over. Eunmi scrambled to catch it before it hit the ground. “Now can I have mine?”

xxxxxx Recovering her composure, Eunmi pretended to mull over her options for a moment. “Well, you see, I got to thinking, and these pictures…I think they’re a little bit more valuable than the ones you gave me, you know? The trade-off is pretty unequal.”

xxxxxx It was Myungsoo’s turn to frown this time. Clearly peeved, he crossed his arms and stared at Eunmi with his piercing gaze. “So what? Now you’re not going to give them to me?”

xxxxxx Eunmi shook her head. “No, that’s not it. I’ll give them back, but you’re still going to have to trust that I won’t tell Sunhye unnie. I mean, I don’t think she’ll take you stalking her very lightly.”

xxxxxx “St-stalking?” Myungsoo spluttered, apparently shocked at the word. “You have no proof of that!”

xxxxxx “Ah, but I do,” Eunmi said, holding out the resealed envelope of pictures. “Right here.”

xxxxxx Reaching out, Myungsoo snatched the package out of her hand. “Not anymore. And besides, no one would believe you, anyways.”

xxxxxx She just shrugged. “Ah, see, I thought you might be like that, so I kept the negatives just in case you were going to be difficult. They’re labeled with your name on them.” Glancing at Myungsoo, she was satisfied to see his distraught expression. “Now, will you hear me out?”

xxxxxx Scowling, Myungsoo snapped angrily, “Fine, what is it?”

xxxxxx Smiling ever so slightly, Eunmi started her explanation. “Well, you see, I got myself into a bit of a jam. This and that happened, and, well, long story short, Sunhye wants to meet this boyfriend that I said I have.”

xxxxxx Unimpressed, Myungsoo observed her, his sharp stare fixated so intensely on the girl that she couldn’t help but look away. “So you expect me to pretend to be your boyfriend so that Sunhye doesn’t find out about your lie.”

xxxxxx “Ah, well, yeah,” Eunmi mumbled. Now that you say it so plainly, it sounds so awful. “But, you know, it’s not only for my benefit! I mean, you’ll get to be closer to Sunhye, too! I mean, you like her, right? That’s why you’re taking pictures of her.”

xxxxxx Eyes widening, Myungsoo covered the bottom half of his face to hide his blushing cheeks. “H-how did you…?”

xxxxxx “See? I was right, huh?” She said with a small smile. “I just need you to pretend for a little while, anyways. You can just think of it as, like, a part-time jo-”

xxxxxx “No.”

xxxxxx Taken aback, Eunmi turned her gaze to Myungsoo, completely puzzled. “But wh-”

xxxxxx “I don’t want your help. I don’t need it. And I don’t want to help you,” he said, suddenly very cold. Shoving the white envelope into his school bag, Myungsoo moved out of the music room and into the empty hallway, where Eunmi stood. “Tell Sunhye-ssi, I don’t care,” he spit out bitterly, his strong gaze turning into a glare. And without another word, he walked away. Frozen in her spot, Eunmi could only watch his retreating figure.


Hey guys, is the layout distracting? Does it make the story hard to read? Because if so, I can stop using it; I don't want it to be a problem for you all. Anyways, please let me know! Thanks and see ya.

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yazias #1
Chapter 5: ahw. myungsoo should help her. ; u ;
Chapter 5: Yes sort of
xforeverwithyou #3
Chapter 2: Maybe Eunmi will make a deal with Myungsoo to pretend to be her boyfriend? Hehe this is really good!
yazias #4
Chapter 1: i like it so far. wootwoot.