Fallen Angels: Rise to Darkness


An angel who was accused of heiritacy



Sentenced to Hell



Now as a demon, trying to regain his angelic powers



Kai (You)




- Calm, most of the time

- Above average smart

- Brave, but not heroic. He will only do things that he HAS to do


Kyuhyun (Satan)



- Acts evil, but nice

- Cruel only in the signs of others


Leo (Death)

- Acts tough but very sensitive

- Best friends with Kai and basically his guardian

IU (Girlfriend)



- Innocent

- Kind


Kris (Right-hand man)

- Caring but strong

- not that smart


Kevin (Main bad guy)

- Manipulative

- Soul is a female


Yunho (Leader)

- Werewolf, who uses blood magic



This is my first story so i'm open to any sugestions...by the way I have no idea if there will be a sequal so kay.


Also thanks to...


✪Dαяαgoη's ⓐ ⓟ ⓟ ⓛ ⓔ ✪Shop


 PressPlay - Graphic Studio


"XOXO" Graphic Request Shop

For the awesome poster ^^


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vietasian #1
Chapter 3: Sorry for the wait of this chapter,I kind of forget I was writing a story for a month. :P
3sezel #2
Chapter 1: This is sooooooo good. Really! Update soon :)