Where There Was Beauty


The story about a love that had budded and bloomed but gradually wilted.

A love that she thought was there but really wasn't.

And amidst the poignant feeling of pain, of loss, and scarlet-hued sunsets, she thought that she'd find beauty.

- a Selina/Ella short story collection -


Author's Disclaimer: I, personally, think that Ella and Selina are perfectly straight and interested in men.

However, this story is somewhat experimental, to test the waters of girl's love fiction and to try writing from a different point of view. Because I'm not familiar with this type of fiction and I am not lesbian, it it sometimes difficult for me to write these POVs. Please excuse me.



Forwards: What She Didn’t Know

Catherine carefully unfolded the weather-beaten letter and handed it to Ella, an anxious yet solemn smile forming upon her lips.

“Here, I think you should take a look at this,” Catherine explained, “This was written to me from Selina on my wedding day ten years ago.”

“Oh?”Ella took the letter, curiosity forming between her brows, and began to read.


My Dearest Sister Catherine,

It was you who made a big deal out of the whole thing. And a big deal, indeed, it had become.

You like to ruin things because you want me to be just like you-- the family’s biggest disappointment. You were eighteen when you packed your bags and ran off with a scoundrel, but I mustn’t get into the details lest I get too comfortable with the idea and expose his identity. The whole point I’m getting at is that you fail at party crashing. Okay, so “party crashing” isn’t exactly the right term--it’s more like family crashing--but you get the idea.

I’ll give you some credit, though. At least, you try to make it not work for my family. I mean, you’ve always been like that. No surprise there, really.  

The only problem? There isn’t really anything about me that’ll disappoint my parents. Well, of course there are some things, but they don’t know of those issues, as I usually steer clear of such topics during dinner conversations. I am a good girl, mainly. It’s difficult to keep it that way, I must say. No thanks to you, my loud-mouth older sister, who enjoys ruining my life on a daily basis. Thank goodness you moved out and only ruin my life on Saturdays. I am probably the only person in this world who dreads an upcoming Saturday, did you know that?

But I must admit, those little things that I keep from my parents are my biggest downfalls. It is just like you to pick on those weaknesses, hoping to pull a string that will loosen all threads from the patchwork quilt of my life.

But hey, no one’s perfect. And because you’ve been so persistently annoying all of my life, I thought I ought to tell you a few things now as I will probably not see you again in the future.

There are some things that you don’t know about me but will know soon enough. And as a farewell present, I demand that you don’t let anyone read this or let anyone know what I’m about to tell you.

Well, here it goes…

Okay, I admit it, the rumors are true--I kissed someone.

I kissed my best friend, whom I am kind of, sort of, very much in love with.

And yes, she is a girl.

There. Confession made. Now what? Nothing.

Again, if you let anyone read this, I will murder your shins, kill your spinal cord, decastrate your long hair and kick your into next year.

Oh, and congratulations on getting married.

Your lovely younger sister,



“I-I never knew…”

“You weren’t supposed to know.”





A/N: I've been seeing a lot of Hebe/Ella femmeslash lately, but just don't see the chemistry between the two. I find the Ella/Selina pairing a bit more realistic, despite the fact that I support CE and opposite pairings more. Yet still, I really want to give this pairing a chance. This is my first time trying slash but because my writing project in my class requires me to experiment with different genres, I decided to take my first step into this realm of fanfiction.





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YouDunnoMe #1
wow good fic !!
Chapter 1: I wish there would be an update > <
blanked #3
i am still waiting... update soon:)
pls update soon..
blanked #5
update soon...