
Dollar Store Markers

The day was May 6th, Byun Baekhyun's birthday, and Park Chanyeol was struggling to get his childhood friend something.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun were friends all along elementary and middle school. Unfortunately once they graduated, Chanyeol had to move to Japan to study abroad, separating them during high school.

Now that they were both in university, Chanyeol had decided to return to Korea to reunite with his friend and it was oh-so-convenient that he'd returned during the first weeks of May. Upon remembering that Baekhyun had a birthday in May, Chanyeol had rushed to his old friend, Minseok, who had updated him on everything that was going on while he was away. Minseok would honestly be the best person to ask for present advice.

Now Chanyeol was walking through the aisles of a normal department store, trying to find this so-called "liquid eyeliner" Minseok had told him to buy.
"He'll love it!" He had said and Chanyeol quickly wrote down name of the item and rushed to the nearest store. If only I could find it... he thought and turned the corner to another unsuccessful aisle. He checked his watch and saw that it was already lunch and the party was at 5:30, so he had to hurry up if he wanted to get ready, scout the place so he wouldn't get lost while driving, and arrive on time. He opted to asking someone, but he was unsure whether his friend had turned out to be a complete lunatic or not, so in the end, decided against it.

Frustrated, Chanyeol whipped out his phone and called Minseok, explaining to him that the item he was looking for must’ve been sold out.

"Nonsense," Minseok had said, "Did you look in the cosmetics?"

"The cosm--what?" Chanyeol walked to the centre aisle where everything was connected and stared down it confused.

"The makeup aisle, silly! Don't you know what eyeliner is? The name practically says it all." The overly excited voice explained, but Chanyeol shook his head, even though Minseok couldn't see him.

"No. I know what makeup is but not eyeliner..." A laugh and then a sigh was heard from the other end,

"Chanyeol, you need to stop living under a rock." and Minseok hung up. Not even a minute after, his phone vibrated, signaling that he had received a text, and from Minseok, no less.

Don't even think of going anywhere, I'll be there in 5 minutes.

Chanyeol smiled nervously and walked through the aisles as he waited.




"I'm paying $15 for this?!"

"Chanyeol, trust me, he'll love you for it."

"He should already be loving me, I'm his best friend!"

"Yeah, but you've been away from each other, you need to show him how much you still care for him."

"Yeah, well I'm still not wasting my money on this. What's the difference between this and a dollar-store marker? They both work the same."

"Ink poisoning. Just buy the damn thing!"

Chanyeol grunted, picking up the so-called "expensive paint" and taking it to the cash register.

"This better be worth it." He grumbled, walking out of the store. The eyeliner tube was so small that he didn't even need a bag for it and he was now carrying it in his hand.

"It will! Now hurry up and go do your own , I still need to get ready. You're lucky I had extra time or I would’ve killed you by now." Chanyeol could’ve sworn he caught a glimpse of a glare before Minseok smiled excitedly at him and waved, darting in the opposite direction. Chanyeol sighed and went back to his car, putting the eyeliner in his cup holder to make sure he wouldn't lose it and drove home.




After getting ready, Chanyeol still had an hour before leaving for the party so he decided to minimally decorate Baekhyun's present. He found a white ribbon in his desk and decorated it with a black marker, drawing polka dots all around it. He then proceeded to wrap the ribbon around the tube of eyeliner and tied it together in a neat bow. After examining it for a few seconds, he deemed it ready and brought the present with him to his car, along with his phone, keys, and other personal belongings.

Chanyeol didn't know what he was expecting, but it sure wasn't the party he just arrived at. Minseok had given him the address to Baekhyun's apartment, where the party was being held and it looked more like a funeral than a birthday party. There were some 11 people (Chanyeol included) currently spread around the area, separated into little groups of friends chatting excitedly and happily. Chanyeol spotted Minseok and walked over to him, waving to the people he was talking to.

"Chanyeol-ah!" Minseok smiled and patted said man on the back, "These are Jongdae, Suho, and Yixing. Guys, this is Chanyeol." Everyone greeted each other and Minseok filled Chanyeol in on the plan. "This entire party is a surprise, but you're the big finish because Baekhyun has no idea you're here." Minseok smiled, "I can't wait to see his face when he sees you! Anyway, just socialize with everyone and when he gets near, I'll tell you where to go." Chanyeol nodded and set off, trying to find a group of people to go talk to. He went to get some food from the kitchen while he examined the area and noticed there was a bartender of sorts near the food.



"Hi," said Chanyeol; he asked the guy if he had anything to drink and he handed him a glass that came out of nowhere. Chanyeol thanked him.

"I'm Kai, by the way."


"Say, Chanyeol, do you come here often?"


Chanyeol nearly spit his drink in Kai's face. What was this kid doing?! Was he hitting on him?! Chanyeol glared at Kai and he, thankfully, got the hint.


"Sorry," he said,

"It's okay."

"I was just kidding..."

"Uh-huh." Chanyeol smiled nevertheless, ruffling Kai's fluffy hair. "I think you'd do better with that guy over there." He nodded his head toward a pair talking, one of them with big round eyes. That's when Chanyeol noticed that there were only guys at the party and he started feeling bad. When he and Baekhyun were friends, they always had friends who were girls and guys, but now it seemed like Baekhyun was unlucky with the ladies. He sighed and, as if on cue, someone yelled,

"He's a block away!" Within three seconds, Minseok was by Chanyeol's side, saying hello to Kai while he was at it.

"Okay Chanyeol, you're gonna hide in that box," He pointed towards a huge box, the size of a sofa turned vertically, that was being carried by three to four people, "and when Baekhyun comes inside and opens the box you jump out and say surprise. Then we'll say surprise later. Good?" Chanyeol nodded, a bit confused, and let himself be guided to the big present box. He crouched down and they slipped the box on top of him and he stuck his head through the top for a second and just as soon as he came out, he went back in. 

He heard feet shuffling and soft whispers and soon the room was silent...a bit too silent. Chanyeol unconsciously whimpered and then the rattling of keys was heard.

"Kyungsoo! I'm h-- ......." soft footsteps slowly came closer towards Chanyeol and he wanted to double over and cry from the tension, but he had to have self-control. He heard the footsteps slowly circle around him and when they stopped, the voice spoke again "Happy... birthday, Baekhyun..." the person shifted their body, "So I guess I'm supposed to open this?" The person grabbed hold of both sides of the lid and whipped it off. Chanyeol, two steps ahead, brought his head up along with the lid and sprung out of the box.


A light squeal and some panting were heard. Then it was silent. The rest of the guests were unsure whether to come out of their hiding spots so they waited for further instruction.

"Ch-ch-chanyeol... is that... is this really you?" Baekhyun cautiously raised his hand up to Chanyeol's cheek, it lovingly. Chanyeol wanted to get out of this box really bad but the only way would be to have it lifted from him again. He nodded, leaning into Baekhyun's touch.

Baekhyun lunged forward, throwing himself into Chanyeol's arms, already in tears. Chanyeol lifted Baekhyun up and into the box with him, but Baekhyun wrapped his legs around Chanyeol's waist.  "Why are you still so goddamn tall?" He mumbled into the soft fabric his face was pressed against. Chanyeol chuckled, "The same reason why you're so short." which earned himself a slap on the shoulder.

"SURPRISE!" Baekhyun looked up in surprise and started crying harder, burying his face further into Chanyeol's neck.

"I ing hate you all." He said, making everyone who was gathered around them laugh. Lifting his face, he wiped his tears away, "but thank you for making this the best birthday of my life."

"Group hug!" Someone yelled and everyone gathered around Baekhyun and Chanyeol, hugging them awkwardly yet lovingly.




The rest of the party went as planned, everyone was enjoying themselves and they even brought out a karaoke machine, one of Baekhyun's presents. Of course, Baekhyun sang the most and he often tried to get people to sing with him. Most of them shook their heads, claiming that their singing was terrible, but there was that daring 1% that went up to sing anyway, wooing everyone in the end.

"Baekkie! Open your presents!" The wide-eyed boy said, dragging Baekhyun to a pile of presents in the corner of the living room. Baekhyun sat on the couch, with the same boy and Minseok at his sides. Baekhyun gasped and yelled out "thank you"-s with every present he opened and soon it all boiled down to Chanyeol's present. He awkwardly stood up and handed Baekhyun the eyeliner, wishing him a happy birthday as he sat down. Baekhyun stared at the eyeliner for the longest time, his face blank.



"OH MY GOD!!" He screeched, making a few people cringe, "KYUNGSOO LOOK, ITS MY FAVOURITE EYELINER!" By now, Baekhyun was sobbing, "How did you manage to get this?" He asked between sobs, his sentence barely coherent. Chanyeol shrugged with a smile and Baekhyun just wobbled over to his best friend, a weeping mess. He threw himself into Chanyeol's arms and whimpered into his shoulder for the second time that day. "Thank you!" He cried, "Thank you so much!" Chanyeol grinned while hugging Baekhyun and out of the corner of his eye, he thought he noticed Minseok smirking at him but he shrugged it off.




Later on, most of the guests had already left. The only people left were Baekhyun, Minseok, Jongdae and Chanyeol.

"Hey Chanyeol, do you need a ride home or anything?" Minseok asked, getting ready to leave with Jongdae.

"Nah, I'm good. I think I'll stay a bit longer, if Baekhyun doesn't mind of course." He smiled at said man, who smiled back.

"Of course I don't! I haven't seen you in forever; I couldn't fathom letting you go like that." Minseok and Jongdae snickered,

"Alright. See you some other time then! Bye!"

The two boys waved at the leaving guests and as soon as the door closed, Baekhyun flopped onto the floor.

"Today was such a tiring day...” he sighed loudly, lolling his head in Chanyeol's direction. Chanyeol smiled, his eyes boring into Baekhyun's. He was thinking of the memories they made back when they were still in school together and his smile widened.

"Hey Baek, remember when we went to Luhan's party back in middle school and tried to hook him up with Sehun but they blushed so hard that his little brother thought he was dying?" Baekhyun burst into laughter,

"Yeah! That was so much fun!" He sighed happily, "I'm glad we're back together... I really missed you, you know. During those first months that you were gone, I cried so hard. I didn't tell anyone and they never saw me cry, but I secretly missed you so much that I kept thinking about moving to Japan just for you. I almost tried it once too."

"What happened?" Chanyeol stared at his friend wide eyed, dreading the next sentence that was going to leave his best friend's mouth.

"Kyungsoo, my roommate, found out and stopped me." He laughed gently, "Good thing he was around, huh?"

"Yeah..." Chanyeol nodded idly, too in shock to process anything more in his brain. He then scooted closer to Baekhyun and laid on top of him, giving him a hug. "I'm sorry I left Baekkie. I really didn't want to and--"

"I know, it’s okay. At least you're back now, right?" Baekhyun ran his fingers through Chanyeol's auburn hair, enjoying the softness of it. There was a moment of silence before Baekhyun spoke up again, "So what should we do now?"

"." Baekhyun's eyes widened,


"Oh, sorry, I thought I lost my phone but it was in my other pocket." Chanyeol smiled apologetically, "Anyway, I don't know...what have we not done in a while?"

"Everything," Baekhyun said with a smile. Chanyeol laughed, sending vibrations onto Baekhyun's stomach, who giggled.

"We could try... watching a drama while drinking, like we used to pretend to." Baekhyun laughed, remembering when they would pour themselves grape juice in wine glasses and pretend they were drinking liquor. They once scared Baekhyun's mom that way.

Baekhyun nodded and tried to get up, but Chanyeol was still clinging onto him. Instead, Chanyeol whisked Baekhyun to his feet and walked with him to the kitchen, always hugging the other boy's back. Baekhyun got out two beer bottles from the fridge and handed one to Chanyeol, who held it whilst he was hugging Baekhyun and the bottle was incredibly close to the latter's crotch area, which made him squirm, but the cold feeling took away any kind of alternate thoughts he had. 

They sat down at the couch and flicked the TV on, flipping through the channels. After going through the first thirty channels, Baekhyun sighed, "There's nothing good on tonight..."

"We might as well enjoy this wonderful beer that you already prepared for us." Chanyeol said, shrugging. He took a chug from his bottle, sighing contently at the feel of the cool drink running down his throat.  Baekhyun couldn't help but watch as Chanyeol's Adams apple bobbed while he drank, his neck perfectly elongated while his head was held up. He unconsciously his lips and turned to his own beverage, taking a small sip from it. Baekhyun shuddered, having never tasted alcohol before, but he then decided it was actually pretty sweet. He took another sip, this time longer, and he eventually swallowed down four more bottles.




"Chanyeol-ah! Do you want more?" Baekhyun called from the fridge, his words slurred.

"Nah, I'm good!" Chanyeol yelled back, watching as Baekhyun's cute little stuck out from the fridge while he fished out more beer for himself. After a few minutes he was still looking and Chanyeol got up, walking over to lean against the fridge. "Baek, I think you drank it all." There was a loud thump and Baekhyun retreated his head from the fridge, rubbing the back of it with his hand.

"That can't be!" He yelled, "I just bought two cases yesterday! Just for this occasion!" He swayed to one side and lost his balance, catching himself just before falling.

"Baekkie, I think you've had enough beer for tonight." Chanyeol said, wrapping his long arm around Baekhyun' waist.

"But it tastes so good..." He mumbled, letting himself be guided to his bedroom.

"You can't even walk straight." Chanyeol reasoned, setting Baekhyun down on his bed. He helped Baekhyun out of his t-shirt, setting it on the floor by the bed. Chanyeol was unsure whether to remove Baekhyun's jeans too, so he just told Baekhyun to go to sleep. He turned around to leave and when he was about to open the door, Baekhyun called him.


"Chanyeol..." he turned around, "please stay. I don't want you to leave me again..."

Chanyeol felt his heart break and he quickly ran to Baekhyun's side, giving him a hug.

"I'll never leave you, Baekhyun." He hugged his best friend tighter, sneaking a hand to dance against his side, tickling him. Baekhyun giggled and leaned his head against Chanyeol, both of them falling to the bed. They kept tickling each other and once Baekhyun's face was as red as a cherry tomato, they stopped. Baekhyun sighed with a smile, trying to regain his breath.

"Thank you for being my friend, Chanyeol. Even after we were separated for a whole, like, century, we still managed to stay friends." He whispered whilst they stared at the pearl white ceiling. Chanyeol chuckled,

"Of course I'd never ditch you, pip-squeak! I love you too much for that." He trapped Baekhyun in a head lock and gave him a noogie. Baekhyun giggled and hit Chanyeol on the arm playfully, trying to release himself from the death trap.

They stared at the ceiling a while longer, Baekhyun cuddling up to Chanyeol's side in the process. He slowly inhaled his scent which always made him want to fall asleep in the other's arms. Which is precisely what he did.


TADA~ It's done! It took me so long to write this on my phone omg and I don't even know how I got this idea but it slowly developed into actual writing and I was like oh damn this is good, let's post it.
It's funny how I kept ing it up but then RANDOM INTERRUPTION because I can't XDD

Anyway, I hope you guys liked it! and suggest which couples you'd like me to write about because otherwise I'll probably write about the same people over and over again >~<

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Thank you, to everyone for the comments and praise! Please keep supporting me in the future! *bows 90°*
Chapter 1: BAEKYEOL!!! Omo so sweet and fluffy Daebaek!
Chapter 1: I like the Baekyeol in this very much. ;u; This was great! ♡