Phantom Love


There are no such things as ghosts, yet, I believe that the phantom feelings of our loved ones gone, remain with us. Becoming our conscious or way of thinking. Our minds cling to the memory of the loved one forcing our bodies to react to the way they would when in danger. But, the we as humans choose to believe in the ghosts of our loved ones being the ones protecting us.


His death was still fresh on my mind. I had seen it coming but still it stunned me. I was a ticking bomb refusing to discharge. While everyone else screamed and called his name, begging for my hyung to cling to life. I just stood in frozen silence watching him take his final breath, unable to say those three words I wanted so desperately to utter. The moment he was placed in the earth, I felt sanity crack.


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prose-from-a-potato #1
Chapter 1: :( So sad...yet beautiful...
Chapter 1: Although it's so sad I liked to read it. I think this has potential to be writtin in a longer version. I hope you will write one in the future, because there are still questions. Like how did Yesung die? Why is Wookie the way it is? How did they get together