No more

The Flower without the peteals


The flower without the petals


Sunjoung walked to the corner store to get some soda and chips. He was hungry and wanted soda and chips, so he got them and walked home. That’s when Dogkjung came out of the bushes and said,


“Stop it!”, and then he ran away. He wanted to steal Sunjoungs chips and soda, but forgot and when he realized it he forgot again.


Sunjoung, eating his chips that were not stolen, went to the mall to buy a coat for the winter that was coming up in a month tomorrow. But when he got to the door he ran into Donjoung and he stole nothing because he had already disposed of the chips and soda and Donjoung said,


“Whhhhhy, you sing songs and dance.” And with that he left into the abyss.  


After that fiasco, Sunjoung went into the nearest hot topic and purchased himself a shirt and left. Then he found a jacket for the winter that was coming up in two months tomorrow and he put it on. When he put it on he was suddenly in Narnia and he saw the lion and it bit him.


“OUCH LION” Sunjoung gasped and took off his winter coat for a month yesterday tomorrow perhaps and all of the sudden he was transported back to the mall and he said,


“No more winter.” And he died.





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LG1234 #1
Its knew but I hope your like it all guys.