The time rushes.

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''Come on'' Luhan says to Hyerin while he takes her arm, after their discussion, if coul call it like that Luhan had decided to show her his house '' I offer you sightseeing of the house'' he said.
Both got out from the bedroom, Luhan close the door behind him and starts to be my guide.
Hyerin feel like a small thing between all this sumptuous halls,and it's strange because she live in a city were there are a lot of buildings of the past that would have the title to convey a similar feeling only amplified a thousand times. It could be that between that walls you don't feel like the guest entered to the back door of someone else, someone living in another century, in another world..
Here while she go through room that seems like outputs from another time, she seems to steal the steps to someone else, to invade the privacy of the ancient owners in that house, the door of which, until a few weeks ago, had not been crossed for years. Maybe if she pay attention she can seen the hem of a dress disappear behind one of the corners.
This thoughts scared her and a shiver runs through her back, Luhan notice that Hyerin was a little pale and asks '' Cold?'' 
''No, it's that your house has a strange effect'' Hyerin reply sincerely
''How bad' he give her a look falsely insolent  ''I thought it was for my presence''. 
Hyerin laughs so raucous to hide her face that become red like a tomato '' Come, I want to show you the most beautiful thing of this house''.
Both descend the wide stone stairs to thedown floor and they stop in front of a large door with a stone frame, much more conspicuous than the others; Luhan take off a big key of iron, like the one of the past, bustle with the heavy lock and finally opens the door.
''There is a little bit of dust, we haven't  a lot of time to clean all the room, this is my favourite room ever, Luhan extends an arm as if to show her a treasure, like a real tour guide.
Hyerin go in.
She lose the contact with the real world, that room looks like a breach in time.

Smooth and polished marble floors, two fireplaces of the same  immaculate material at the two extremity of the room, dark hardwood desks, armchairs covered in heavy fabrics and embroidered., walls hidden on each side by a large library of up to the ceiling; books,everywhere tons of books.
The landlord comes close to one of the walls and he touches with his fingers the covers of the book, it seem like he is caressing them..
''There is everything here, many text that I don't know existed, that talk also of this city. 
Luhan walk towards a huge desk in a corner of the room '' I like a lot come here'' he continue ''It's a relaxing place''  and while he was talking Hyerin decide to sit down on one of the chairs and to her surprise it was more soft of what seem '' I sensed that you like read'' she says, *but more that an intuition this is an evidence: Luhan have always a book with him* and as if to confirm what she was thinking Luhan says ''It's nott that I like read
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Chapter 9: Your fanfic is really nice and you have done the chapters and story line really intresting!^^
Chapter 9: Author nim**
Chapter 9: Update soon autjor nim!!
crazyexotic #4
Chapter 1: update soon