3; As Time Goes By


*sorry I got writer's block;;; here's the lame update, and thank you for those people who subbing this fic;---;<3


A traffic jam is always be a sign that she was late and that means she would get punished by her school security—plus, usually the-lazyass-student-who-came-late would ran around soccer field 3 times in a row. There she was, in the bus, in the traffic, and her watch told her that it’s already 8.30 AM.

Damn, I hate this town.

Her phone rang, all of sudden. She answered that call angrily. Who wouldn’t angry if you were late for school—in the bus who got traffic jam and the bus is full capacity, once again who wouldn’t angry for that?

“Hyusun-ah! Where are you? You know it’s late already?! That big Senpai will punish you!! You know that right?? Don’t tell me you want to skip class today, oh my God Hyusun-ah DO NOT EVER DO THAT YAH!!! I KNOW YOU DIDN’T WANT TO MEET HIM OR I CAN SAY YOU ARE NOT READY TO FACING HIM BUT YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SKIPPING CLASS LIKE THIS LEE HYUSUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” was all that she heard from her-so-called-friend.

“so? Are you done with your--talking?”


“talk to you later, as you said before, I’m late. So bye bye,” And with that, she hung up the call first. Having someone yelled on your ear—though it just via telephone—is annoying, especiall when you’re on public place or even the-full-capacity-bus.

You’re so dead, Kim Shika.

“Sir, my stop is here.”

And with that, the bus stopped in front of the school gate. “Kamsahamnida,” she said and hopped out from the crowded bus.


“you know, she got punished this morning Hyung.”

“yeah, I saw that too. She was running around soccer field…ummm…. 5 times I guess?”

Luhan nodded weakly, he knew. He saw it too. And he felt guilty. According to his plan, he wanted to ask her go to school with him this morning. But his plan failed. And the reason is because he was afraid. He afraid that he will get rejected by her, he afraid that he will shuttered in front of her, he afraid that he will make her cry again.

The last point was a real reason. It’s true that he was afraid of being rejected by girls, and he will shuttered after he got rejected. But the real reason is just that, he didn’t want to make her remember their memories again, he didn’t to make her feel sad (or maybe she will never ever feel sad because of him again, that was what on his mind), or any kind of them. He wanted her to be happy (even though he, himself, felt miserable without her).

Only me that allowed to keep our memories, only me that allowed to trapped in our past relationship, only me, not you.

“call me selfish if you’re happy with that,” he whispered. But his friends could hear those words clearly, and they feel bad for bringing this topic again.

“you know, Luhan? In life, nothing last forever. Donghae sunbae once told me this quote,

‘If you love someone, let it go. If it comeback to you, it yours forever. But if it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be yours’

And I’m pretty sure that you and Hyusun were—I mean are meant to be,” all of sudden, his younger friend said.

“I don’t get what Sehun mean, but I agree with him. Nothing last forever……” Jongin said what’s on his mind. And it’s exactly about his ex.

Luhan smiled. Even though they were younger than him, he really appreaciate them. They always accompany him when he needs friend—because Baekhyun is such a bookworm type-student in the school. Maybe they were right, maybe he should learn to letting her go from now….

As time goes by…… I’m sure you’ll back again…


The bell rang, sign that the school has ended.

Immediately, all of students came out from their respective classes. Including Hyusun, Shika, Hyekyung, and Hyumi. They weren’t in the same class (well it just Hyekyung who get separated), usually they will go to cafeteria together. Or just have a little conversation in front of headmaster room (because there’s a hotspot). And now, they planned to visit Hyumi’s house because it’s been a long time since the last time they go there.

“say, why were you late this morning Hyu?” asked Hyekyung.

Hyusun remained silent. Didn’t want to answer that question, the question that she avoid today. “you know Kyungie? That’s  sleepyhead problem,” Shika answered.

Hyusun only—faking a—smiled. Thanks Shika thanks, that’s a good answer. Hyusun thought.

“nope, the real reason is stupid reason. Believe me you guys doesn’t want to know it,” she reasoned, they frowned. The weird side of Hyusun is here, the one that always lying.

“you better tell us in Hyumi’s  or you want us to tell him that you’re still have a felings for him?”

Go tell him, go ahead…. Because I do still love him…. “no, DO NOT tell him. I’ll tell you later guys.”

This is the weak spot of her, couldn’t lie at this situation. It’s not that she couldn’t lie of haven’t lying before, it just……. she could lie when she is in her ‘normal’ situation. Not in a heartbreak situation, get it? it's doesn't feel right for her.

They were walking side by side to the front gate now, doesn’t want to wasting time. Suddenly, someone approaching them. Someone with a blonde hair, a pair of doe eyed eyes, milky white skinned. Hyusun looked down to her feet, she doesn’t want—or perhaps doesn’t ready—to face him. Especially after what happened last night.

No, don’t. Don’t come here, jebal.

She cursed on her mind, she always wish that she was the only one who hoping him to ask her out again. She hope he didn’t feel the pain that she felt, she hope he hate her as much as she loves him. Fortunately, those wishes are just wish. Because in reality, she knows that he felt what her felt. She couldn’t lie to herself about that.

“uh, hi..” greeted Luhan awkwardly.

“hi, Luhan. What’s your business here?” her friend doesn’t mean to be rude but, those words just came out from her motuh without even she thinking about it.

Way to go, Luhan. You need to do this or you’ll regret later.

“I just want to ask Hyusun to go home with me to doing our music assigntment or maybe I can say practice for our music test.. but, looks like you guys need ‘the girls’ time… so, I’ll be going or else ur plan will ruined by me hehe. Bye,” was all that he said. And with that, he turned his heels to his motorcycle direction. How he wish she called his name, and saying ‘I will go with you, the others can tolerate it hehe’. But it just his wish, nothing more.

What was that? Why I’m saying those words?

On the other side, she felt hurt too. How she wish he will turn his head just to give her his pleading—puppy—eyes, just like the old times. But, once again.. it just her wish. And it’s too good to be true.

“why you’re not accepting his offer?” asked Hyekyung.

Because it will make me even harder to forget him. “because I didn’t want to go with him, simple.”


“c’mon. I don’t want to go home late again,”

And they listen to her. Maybe just maybe, they do know how it felt. How much it hurts their friend, how hard she was trying to forget him. But one thing that they really know, there’s something wrong with the two of them—Luhan&Hyusun. They still could see the sparks in Luhan’s doe eyes when he look at Hyusun. But their friend is just too strong headed to be true.

But they trust fate….. They believe that as time goes by, they—Luhan and Hyusun—will find their way to each other’s arm again…..

**I know I'm a bad newbie author u___u blame my brain:( (and blame SM too for making me distracted by exo comeback and f(x)'s teaser.... YOU KNOW KAISTAL<333333)

special thanks for;

you guys really make me want to continue this story<3 (esp that Hyusun girl :P)

till then, see you at the next chap!

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Chapter 3: omg like finally!! i;ve been waiting for your update;~~; ugh i really hate their strong-headed mind. like?? seriously, they ARE still in love with each other </3 im waiting for the next update~~ keep going~~~ <3
Chapter 2: Love this story!
Yes! I'm the first one who read this story! So you have to give me an award ;) lol jk! Pls update soon n_n