`( taehyung layout

`( bubble tea layout gallery )



                                   KIM TAEHYUNG❞   
                                          single //  straight // eargasm // eyegasm    
about me about me about me about me about me about me about me about me about me about me abo
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just a little note from the bubble tea monster
hey there! so i recently found out about bangtan boys or
bts or bulletproof boyscouts and asdfghjkl they're sooo
idek how to describe but anyway, i was bored at home
since i couldn't go out bc of the hazee. i mean the PSI is
over 300 you know. so i decided to make this layout of
taehyung or v, one of my biases. i think i'm getting a bit
better at making layouts yaay. oh! plus do not  forget to
subscribe and comment if you're using any of the layouts
 the code o/



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hope you like the layouts guys! o/


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karliray #1
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: using this
as-lijji #2
Chapter 6: using this too!
as-lijji #3
Chapter 3: using this <3
Chapter 3: using this.
Chapter 7: Using this! Yes, I do love coffee
Chapter 3: using this
Chapter 7: using this
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