
Fatal Touch

Chapter Two

Before long I returned to the manor I called home. Coming back to the close friends I called my brothers. For a moment I stared at the wall of the house and then jumped in the only open window, the window of my room. Changjo was perched on the chaise lounge in front of the fireplace. Messing with the flames, turning them into shapes and manipulating them with his mind. "Sis, check this out!" He beamed as he made the fire grow into the shape of a roaring lion and then disperse. My mind had drifted too far to give him a sincere reaction. He turned to me and said "Humph, you're just jealous because my vegetarian ways make me way more powerful than you." I nodded and faked a laugh.

He shot a glare at me. "What's wrong with you?" he asked and I wondered if there was any point lying to him. Vampires have sharp minds that would easily see through any facade, so he'd quickly find out my crime. "I made a new vampire." I spat, "Oh... w-where is it?" his reply made me feel at ease slightly although that stutter meant there was, indeed, cause for alarm. Then I realised the real threat again. "Damn, I left him in the forest near town." as soon as I’d said it, he caught my gaze.

He stood up and rushed over to me with sharp eyes, he stood over me menacingly. “How could you leave it in the forest?” The both of us were silent as we turned to the window, the forest was visible to us from here. "What did you leave in the forest little Ae-cha?" a voice traveled into the room. Changjo and I froze for a moment as we heard the far too familiar voice. Changjo and I shared a look of knowing before facing him. Chunji leaned on the door frame, smirking in our direction. His small body against the door frame and his elongated arms at his sides. "She left her pendant. Right, that gaudy piece of junk you always wear?" Changjo nodded and grinned at Chunji. "No way did Ae lose her pendant. She’s attached to that ugly thing" Ricky chimed in, awful timing as usual, appearing from thin air as he often did. Plopping himself down on the couch, his black hair flowing as he did. That was his power, invisibility.

Though he never used it to sneak up on humans, he used it to torture us through the centuries. Chunji edged over to Ricky and added "Why don't we all go and look for this pendant as a family?" I held back the glare that I felt brewing. Calmly replying "As heartwarming as that sounds I'll just take Changjo, bye!" I grabbed his arm and hopped out of the open window. Before we'd got out of earshot I shouted "And my pendant isn't ugly!" Knowing that Chunji and Ricky would be listening.

-Chunji POV-

"Haha, she's so transparent." I giggled, Ricky nodded "She honestly thinks we can't see that thing popping through her clothes. I wonder what she's really looking for?" Ricky added. "Who knows..." I shrugged it off and sat at her window.

-Ae POV-

When we returned to the spot where I'd left the kid, he was out of sight. "Fantastic." I mocked. "Well, I'd say 'he couldn't have gone far' but we both know new bloods. One thing they aren't is slow." Changjo sighed into the air. A pointless action of course, but some vampires never lose human traits. Changjo in particular had a strong connection with the living, which is why he chose a dreary veggie life. "I don't hear any screams so that's a good thing" I looked into the forest. For a second, it looked endless. Impenetrable.

"What do we do?" Changjo asked. "I don't know we could walk around the town, we'll still be able to smell him and he’ll most likely be there hunting." I looked over at Changjo who nodded in agreement. We slowly walked towards the town, looking inconspicuous to the humans who inhabited the town. Cautiously, we scanned and sniffed every alley searching for his new blood scent. A tingle emerged in my nostrils and I could tell he was near, I nudged Changjo. He could smell it too.

We tuned our senses to pinpoint any trace of him. Passing small taverns and little shops on our way, we felt the scent becoming more prominent in the air as we walked. Before we could carry on the scent became very apparent. I looked up slowly, at a huge church stood at the edge of the village. When I drew my eyes up further the new blood was sat at the top of the roof, eating a dirty black raven. It was a few seconds before he saw us and whipped around. He was wearing the same torn up rags he was the first time I saw him. With immense vampire speed he jumped down and stood before us. “Hey.. you’re the girl that saved me right?” he came off calm, with his voice monotone and his laid back body language. Though his eyes told a different story one full of panic and fright. With a deep questioning in their sparkle. I gave raised my eyebrow at Changjo then look back at the kid "Yes. You have to come with us now." I tried not to sound threatening but still his face fell.

'Please don't kill me' his words rang in my mind and I blinked. "Did you just telecommunicate with me?" naturally I was stunned. The boy fluffed his brown hair in confusion "I telewhatted with you?", "Do it again, speak to me like you just did!" I commanded. He stepped back in slight terror. 'Why can I do this?' he asked me using his telepathy. Changjo stood tensely watching us "Do it to him." I pointed at my red haired friend and waited. The new born focused his gaze on him and narrowed his eyes. "That's a new trick, I haven't heard of a telepath in ages." I cut a glance at him to say 'well, what do we do about it?' and Changjo laughed heartily. "Let's get him fed then!" he shot off away from the town and towards our home. The boy followed also and of course so did I.

I shut the window of my room, hastily before the new blood tried to escape. "What's your name anyway?" Changjo asked, sat cross legged on the edge of my four poster bed. The new blood- who was busy gawking at my room- his eyes wide and glowing a slight orange. When he finally heard the questio, he turned swiftly. "B-Byunghun.", "Well Byunghun, you've got a powerful gift. In fact, I haven't been in the company of a decent telepath in years." Changjo began "Everyone in this household have powers like yours. Personally, I can manipulate the element of fire. Watch." He demonstrated his usual trick of bending the fire, this time into a wave and then it dispersed into the air. Small sparks sauntered and glittered in the room. Byunghun stepped away in fear. "I don't understand. "What are you people?", I sat down on my couch, flicking ash off of the arms and the cushions. "Not people... Vampires." I added as I crossed my legs. "I've never heard of such things.." he replied.

My mind thought of ways to explain, ways to summarise. "We're the reanimated dead, corpses that walk, talk, live and drink the blood of humans. And yes, like Changjo says, our particular brand of vampire harnesses vampiric powers. Where he can control fire, I can shape shift.". Byunghun backed away in sheer terror. "Are you telling me that I'm dead?", "Yes, if you don't believe it try and feel your heartbeat" Changjo added. Byunghun looked at his white hand and grazed it against his hard chest towards his heart. There were no 'thumps' no movement at all.

“Well you’re gonna meet the family soon Byunghun and well... those two will mock you forever with a name like that. It sounds too soft. Do you have any nicknames?” Changjo asked, it was true the name wasn’t entirely threatening. Byunghun shook his head. “Any ideas Ae-Cha?” I looked over at Byunghun. “I created him, so he should be named after my creator, right?” I hummed for a moment “Joe was his name.”, “So I’ll be Lee Joe from now on?” he asked. “L.Joe” Changjo announced, looking like a three year old. Proud of his creativity. “O-okay” he flipped his dark spiky hair away from his face.

As if on queue the two clowns walked by. They were talking casually and pretending as if they weren’t walking past for a reason. Chunji took a double take into the room and acted surprised “Ae-Cha! Changjo! And... guest?” they turned into the room. “He stinks!” Ricky laughed and covered his nose. “He does” Chunji agreed “Smells like a newborn.” he drew his eyes over to me. I didn’t look at him. Chunji sat quickly down next to me “So is this your new thrall, fledgling, your new pet?”, “What? Like Ricky when he was a newborn? Oh wait he’s still so far up your .” I snarled. Ricky shouted from over near Changjo “Hey what did I do!?” he exclaimed. Changjo laughed.

“This is so amusing, what’s his name?” Chunji went quickly over to him and leaned into his face “I’m B-L.Joe.”, “BellJoe?”, “L.Joe you idiot, he’s scared can’t you see that?” I said as I shot over and slapped him around the head, playfully of course. “My deepest apologies L.Joe. Ignore Ae-Cha. If you want to be an interesting vampire and not a depressing, stay-in one like these two you better come with me and Ricky. We’ll show you the riveting world of vampirism” Chunji put his arm around L.Joe’s shoulders, smirking at me the whole time. The brown haired boy stood awkwardly in his grasp. “Urm, that’s okay, best stay with my maker... I think...” He awkwardly touched the back of his neck and chuckled. I was so glad L.Joe said that, more to rub in Chunji’s smug face. I went over and shoved Chunji off and sat L.Joe down. “See, he doesn’t like you!” I started “No I didn’t mean-” L.Joe muttered, “He did, he’s too polite to say!” I interrupted him. He sank into the couch quietly, hiding from his new family.


Chapters kinda longer lol

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I got bored so I made you this poster hahaha hope you like it, if not don't feel bad, ya don't got to use it.
I got bored so I made you this poster hahaha hope you like it, if not don't feel bad, ya don't got to use it.
Update soon Author - nim