
So This Jerk Owns My Heart.....







Jun and Sehun were sitting at the dining table. They were decorating a birthday card for Sehun's little brother. Jun had never met him, and Sehun hasn't in years. His name is Seung, and it's his 17th birthday. "So, what does he look like ?" Jun asked as she passed the green glitter pen to Sehun. He looked annoyed as she has been asking him about Seung for hours and it's 2:30 AM. Well, tomorrow is last day of school, ( If you don't know, graduation of everyone is in mid summer) so they decided to stay up all night anyways. "Yah, why don't you reply to me?" She pouted. Sehun sighed and shook his head. She understood he is tired and took everything from his hands, once she did, he stood up and started to walk away, poker faced. "Where are you going ?" She asked him with a fast tone struggling to manage everything in her hands as she followed him. He didn't stop , "Upstairs." He replied without even turning around and reached his room. When he finally turned around he saw Jun trembling on her way through the stairs. He left out a small laugh and reached her. She was two stairs down the top where he now stood. He leaned down to her forehead and kissed her. She looked at him confused. He took all the stuff from her and went to his room. She followed him in. When they entered his room, Sehun's phone rang.
"Hello?" He rather questioned annoyed. "Heyyy bro its Seung here." A familiar voice came from the other line. Jun watched Sehun's usual poker face change to anger. "Do you know what time is it?" He kept his calm and said as softly as he could but it still sounded harsh. "Well, don't care about the time but I just called to inform you that I am reaching Seoul tomorrow evening, I told dad I wanna have my birthday party there. So next day, it'll be awesome." He excitedly blurted everything at once. For some unknown reason, Sehun's anger started to build up, before he could say something, "Pick me up at 4:00." Seung said and hung up. Sehun threw his phone at the bed and took sat on the bed staring at Jun. She was just standing with a comb in her hand. He kept staring at her for like 5 minutes until she asked, "What happened ?" "Who was it?".
"Nothing, and no one." He replied as he turned his face away and closed his eyes. She sat on the bed and leaned closer to him and hugged him. "You know Sehunnie, you can tell me everything. I will listen and comfort you." With that, and seeing no reaction from Sehun, she got worried. And she started asking him a hell load of questions which got him annoyed to the core and he finally yelled. "What the is your problem. Can't you see I am tensed. Geez, for God's sake shut up for a while." He said as he released from he rudely and sighed heavily covering his face with his hands. She got scared for a while. She wanted to touch him but she didn't. Instead, she stood up and walked towards the door, what he said, hurt her but she understood. 
"He always gets what he wants, always. Why not me?" A sad voice came as she finally reached the doorstep. She turned around to see him crying. He was 18 years old. He never cries. In all honesty, this was the first time anyone ever saw him cry. Jun rushed back to him and sat next to him. He hugged her right away. "You know, I am really sorry for behaving like that. But I realized you are the only one who would understand." He cried as she hugged him even tighter. "He is one year younger than me. I don't know why but mom and dad love him more than me. They always give him everything. It was never like that, until one day I failed an exam. My dad has never been the same to me. EXO is my dream come true, but my dad still hates me. EXO were once going to NYC for a week, in which my birthday came. But my dad said no harshly, I don't know why I listened but I did. I respect him but he treats me like trash. And Seung, he is like a prince to him, just cause he never failed. And now, dad is sending him here to spend his birthday. On top of that, he gets everything I had. When I failed, dad and mom gave all my trophies to him. All my prize possessions. Everything. He even got my friends. But then EXO changed my life. I am here in Seoul. But now, he is back. And I am so afraid he will get something important to me." He pulled back, he instantly felt lighter as he had now told Jun everything. He didn't notice but she cried too, and when he did. He pulled her in for a hug again, "I am jealous of him Jun, he has everything. Dad's attention and Mom's care. And the love of both. I am jealous." He pulled out again, and held her chin, "Does that make me a bad person?" He asked sobbing. She shook her head, "No Sehunnie, it  does not. You don't have to feel bad. He can't affect you. You are a strong person. And every strong person cries once in a while to lighten up and let tears out to see clearer what's in front of them. And you have me and,........." She stopped halfway and didn't say another word. He felt great after what she just said, but he was curious why she stopped. He lifted her head up softly by his one finger on her chin, "And....?" He asked raising a brow, 
"Your child." She didn't think for a moment and blurted it out. He was shocked at first. She looked at him scared that he might be angry, but he started to smile wide and started to laugh loudly with happiness. "Really?" He stood her up and kept a strong grab on her shoulders. "You are going to be a father, Sehun." She replied and he kissed her forehead. He spun her around his large room and kept laughing, he was truly happy. They started to dance until they finally got tired and fell on his bed, they laid down so her back was rested on his chest, he held her hand and raised it with hers in the air. 
"Sehunnie,.." She whispered with a soft cry. 
"Hmmmm?" He asked kissing her cheek. Both of them could hear her heart beat.
"Sehunnie, we are both just 18 how will we manage?" "I am scared." She asked worried.
"Don't worry love, we are going to be great parents, and I am going to be here for you always, I love you and our baby to be." He put his hand on her stomach and they both smiled to each other. 
They kissed and Jun fell asleep in his arms. He kissed her forehead and whispered, 
"Thank you for giving me the biggest happiness of life. Seung can never take this away from me."
Hope you all like this chapter. 
Yes oh yes Jun is pregnant xD and Sehun is surprisingly happy :D 
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pbcccc #1
its hard to be with luhan back after all this stuff happened.. but im glad it ended happily =]
Chapter 39: Daebakkkkkk! I love it ♡
Chapter 38: Sequel would be fantabulous!!! Loved the cheesiness in the story btw.
Chapter 8: June 19!! My birthday!! Haha
Nice story so far^^
Akfanpop #5
Chapter 38: I like this ending but i think a sequel would be nice!!!!!......
nandeul_ #6
Chapter 38: wah, the ending is just too sweet :3
wish, that their unexpected meeting in the plane is their new beginning happily ever after relationship.. :*

this story give many feelings on me...
MissLuhan #7
Chapter 39: Sweet ending. =D
jihanajiha #8
Chapter 39: i was crying when i read this fic,
Good job author-nim.
It's really a great fic.
EXO_Author-nim #9
Chapter 39: The most beautiful ending i have ever read,it was unexpected at some point in the chapter..great job author-nim (~.^)
Chapter 39: I'm crying myself a river because this story too good ;'(