Chapter 07

My blood is cold as ice || fixing || re-writing? ||



We stop in a restaurant near the filming place.

« How was Germany? » I ask him

« Cold, but of course not more than at home »

« Well, that would be hard… You can find less than -40°C only in the Poles »

« Ne, and what about you? »

« Oh, everything is fine. My last task was easy, in only two months I completed it. But still I miss Australia, I kind of like it »

« Eh I know, Australia is a beautiful country. I’d like to live there as I finish in InterLab » he admits

« Oppa, how many missions you have to do until you can leave? »

« After this, only two more missions » he says smiling

« Oh » I’m quite sad « And how much will you stay in Korea? »

« I don’t know, but I think it shouldn’t be more than one year… and you? »

« Well, they said the sooner the better, but anyway no more than one year for me too »

« That’s good! I mean, short tasks are better, you can do more of them »

« Ye » I say, but I’m sad and he notices it

« What’s wrong? » he asks worried

« It’s just that you, HyeRim, everyone… well you all can be free after a decided amount of missions, it depends on how much you have to compensate them, right? »

« That’s true »

« But for me this amount doesn’t exist: they adopted me, so how can I compensate them? » I ask, trying to hold in my tears

« I’m sure that you too can be free »

« But when?! They haven’t told me yet! » I’m about to cry

He stands up and comes to hug me: « I’m sure that sooner or later they will tell you, Blue. And then you will find a nice place where you can have your own life, completely free and happy »

« Oppa » I say and start to cry. He just keeps hugging me until I’m done, then we finish our meal and head to the company. It’s early for me, but he has something to do


It’s 3pm. During the first days, while HyeRim and I were looking around the building B, I saw a nice garden, quite hidden. So I decide to go there to calm down, to send bad thoughts away.

I lay down under a tree, looking at the sky, that today is blue as my eyes. And I fall asleep


After a while I hear someone yelling: « Ya! Get up! This is my place! »

I wake up and see Ren: « This is my place! Go away from here! » he is yelling

I’m still confused so I  just get up and walk away. I’m almost in the building B when I realize what happened “Why was he acting like that?” I wonder.





I’m angry. I need to calm down. “If I go there everything will be fine” I think, heading to my secret garden.

But there I find the last person I want to see. She is laying under the tree, she is so beautiful. “no no”

« Ya! Get up! This is my place! » but she doesn’t move.

« This is my place! Go away from here! » I shout again when she opens her eyes. She just walks away

I lay under my tree, looking at the sky. “It’s so warm here, probably she was here for a while” I think

“No, stop thinking about DeungHae. You must stop” a voice says inside my head. I can’t stop hearing the words Baekho said to me.



After DeungHae left with manager Song, we go eat pizza next the main building. Then we decide to go rest a little in our practice room. HyeRim is with us, so we can’t be relaxed as we want, but she immediately fall asleep. A little after, Baekho says me: « I have to talk to you, come out a moment »

I follow him out, so that we can have some privacy.

« You like DeungHae, don’t you? » he asks me

« Is it so obvious? » I ask, trying not to look in his eyes

« So is it true?! »

« Yes, why? »

« You can’t like her »

« Why? Do you like her? »

« No babo it’s not because of that »

« Then is it because of manager Song? »

« No!! » he yells « Do you really think it can work? »

« Ne, I think so » I answer innocently

« Are you stupid?! Don’t you know why she is here? »

« She is our new make-up artist »

« What?! Have you forgotten already? »

« Ah.. that » I suddenly remember

« Yes, that. Once they end this, they will leave, as easily as they came »

I just look at him

« Were you really thinking that she would stay here forever? » he asks surprised

I nod

« Well, she won’t. As soon as she ends her task she will leave. We are nothing to her, just people she has to work with. I bet that the day after her departure she will already have forgotten about us. Maybe she has a boyfriend at home. You haven’t thought about it right? » he says harshly

“That’s true” I think, but I don’t want to admit it so I say: « That’s not ture. We are friends, she won’t forget us! » and I run away



“But I have to agree with him on something: she will leave for sure as soon as this ends” I finally admit

“I can’t like her” I decide. “But you were so hash with her… now that I think about it, she was sleeping and I woke her up… maybe I’ve hurt her…”

“That would be great. So she will hate you, and maybe you will stop liking her” the voice inside my head says. Then I look at the clock. It’s a quarter to 4. it’s time to go





When I wake up, I look around in the practice room: Ren isn’t here and HyeRim is going out now. I decide to go after her to talk to her. But then I stop: she’s talking with DeungHae, how unlucky! I’m about to go back when I hear HyeRim saying: « Let’s go down for a moment, I want to tell you something ». I’m so curious that I can’t help but following them. They stop near a tree, so I can hide behind it and listen. But I can’t understand what they’re saying: they’re speaking a foreign language. But I’m quite sure it is none of the language they said they knew: it wasn’t Japanese, Chinese, Korean or English, of course, and it was too harsh to be French or Spanish. I think it is German, or  something like that. “Why would they lie to us?” I’m so lost in my thoughts that I see Ren coming just in time to hide. Well, it’s time to go, he will be suspicious if he can’t find me.


I go up in the practice room and Ren and I wake up everyone. A few after, the girls arrive. It’s almost time to practice. But DeungHae’s phone rings and, after seeing who was calling, she walks out to pick up. “That’s strange, she never hides then she is at the phone”

“Stop being suspicious” I say to myself. And I keep chatting with the other. A few minutes after, DeungHae comes up but she doesn’t join us, she asks HyeRim: « Can I talk to you one minute? ». And they start whispering to each other, and by the way they act it’s probably something important. Then they join us

« Ready to start? » HyeRim asks us

« Ye » we all answer

« But what were you talking about? » Baekho asks. “Good” I think “Let’s hear”

They look to each other, as they’re worried. “That’s strange! They’re lying!”

Then HyeRim answers: « Just personal matters »

« Something happened to a friend, it’s personal, we can’t say it » DeungHae continues

“This is not true” I keep thinking

“Why do you care? It’s not your business! Focus on the practice now!” a voice inside me says. “Right” I agree

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 16: Awww they didn't meet each other. I'm glad you write a sequel for this :)
Chapter 17: WOW! This story was awesome, so please, please, PLEASE write a sequel *-* <3
NikiLikesCupquakes #3
Chapter 17: Yes write a sequel! It will be very interesting to find out about "Ren's new girlfriend" So I don't think you have to worry about it being boring and less interesting...
Chapter 16: is this story already completed??
don't you want to make a sequel one??
Chapter 13: wow!! nice story losts of action I love it Lol ^^
Chapter 11: ohhhh... its an action story.. ^^
yuki-girl #7
Chapter 9: Your doing a good job with this. Its interesting and i look forward to updates
Sariah #8
Chapter 2: If it's a girl speaking to an older girl, it's "unnie" not "noona", that's what a boy would call an older girl.