
When you are scared of thunder - EXOM Members oneshots

Xiumin and you both were cuddling with each other on the sofa. Xiumin has no schedule today so he could accompany you but because you are sick, both of you can't go anywhere. Both of you were watching movies, a comedy film. Out of a sudden, it started raining. You were shivering under the blanket which both of you were in because you are afraid of thunders and lightnings. Xiumin noticed you shivering, he calmed you down by hugging you and saying that he's there to protect you , nothing would harm you. You felt safe in xiumin's embrance. All night long, he had been hugging you , not letting you go even how many times you had been asking him to let go. ' Baby! Stop rejecting already, I know you are scared of thunders. Superman-Baozi is here to protect you from those thunders! ' He said proudly. You can't do anything, but chuckled. 

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Chapter 2: Ohh you didn't :D:D:D superman baozi :D It killed me
Chapter 6: OMG!!!One Word! Amazing! I like these one shots author-nim!