A Cat & A Dog

Our Changdola


It was already 5am and they have to reach the airport by 7am. Knowing how Yunho takes so much time in the washroom, Changmin decided to wake his hyung up. He tip-toed into Yunho's room and burst out laughing looking at the way his hyung slept. Half of Yunho's body was already danggling near the edge of the bed. Just a matter of time before this hyung falls on the floor.

"Ehhhhhhhh noo i'm not like that darling ahhh. aigoooo you make me blushhh~" Yunho talked in his sleep with his hand covering his eyes and smiling like a fool to himself. 

"Three... two... one... PLOP!" Hah! I knew it, he'll fall. Changmin thought to himself, trying to suppress himself from laughing out loud. 

Yunho fell off his bed as expected by Changmin. He got up and rubbed his eyes. Looking around the room with his messy brown hair eyes half closed, still in a daze. 

"Oh Changdola, why did you push me? Where am I?" Yunho was still confuzzled and looked at Changmin, waiting for his dongsaeng's reply. 

"I didn't push you! You fell off the bed! Now get up and shower, we have to reach the airport by 6!" Changmin lied, wanting his hyung to hurry up.

"Oh no no, tell them next time. I'm busy today." Yunho replied, got on his bed and fell asleep. 

"Hyunggg! What you mean busy!? You're busy because you have schedules today! Get up! GET UP!!! GET! UP!" Changmin barked at the older one, pulling the blanket with all his might. 

Changmin continued pulling the blanket with Yunho still hanging onto it. He pulled both all the way to the washroom's door, grabbed the shower head and soak Yunho's head with it. 

"Ah ah changdola changdola oh oh okayy I'm up, I'm up!" Yunho struggled with Changmin to let go of the shower and locked himself inside the washroom. 

Changmin shook his head and waited for Yunho on the couch while playing with his ipod. 


One hour later...


"Changmin-ah, let's go! Oh my god why are you bringing such a big bag for?!" Yunho yelled, looking over at Changmin who was busy listening to some songs. 

Yunho took Changmin's big bagpack and stood in front of the maknae. He pointed at the bag and question Changmin with action. Changmin pulled out his earphones and snatched the bag away. 

"I have to bring a lot of stuff. You know nothing.." Slinging the bag over his shoulder. 

"Like what? Magazines, mangas, chocolates and more chocolates?" Yunho probed him for his excuse. 

Yunho ped the bag and took out the junk Changmin insisted that are important. He then zipped the bag again and it to Changmin. The younger one still surprised at what his hyung  did just stood there dumbfoundedly. 

"Let's go! We're only going for a day. You said we're late right? Let's go!" Yunho yanked Changmin's hand and dragged him all the way to the door. 

Changmin knew Yunho wouldn't bother listening to his explanation thus keeping quiet and avoided his hyung throughout the journey. Both of them were really quiet in the car. Their manager kept looking over the side mirror, checking Changmin's expression. He looked at Yunho was sitting beside him, Yunho replied his manager with a shrug and resumed looking out over the window. 

These two grown up idols would argue over such a small matter. Despite being the older one, Yunho doesn't relent that easily. Eventhough he admitted that he will and followed by a snort from the maknae. Yunho could go on the whole day not talking to Changmin. The younger one will feel uneasy by then and will take the initiative to apologise, although it was never his fault in the first place. 

After checking in, and since they were early, Changmin stopped by The Cocoa Tree and bought some chocolate bars and stuffed it in his bag, leaving one in his cardigan's pocket. 

"Hyung, can I change seats with you?" Yunho asked his manager. He was still mad at Changmin. It wasn't even a big matter but he tends to make it sound so big. 

"Yunho-ah, don't create a fuss early in the morning. Just sit with Changmin and pretend nothing happened.." The manager advised Yunho and left the young man sulking while waiting for their call. 


In the plane..


Yunho took out his cap from his MCM bag and hid his face under it, avoiding any conversation with Changmin who was already uneasy and kept looking at his hyung. 

A few seconds after covering his face and trying to ignore his surrounding, Yunho felt a someone sliding something in his jacket's pocket. 

"Aishh.. what is.." Yunho stoped halfway when he saw Changmin's hand holding a chocolate bar trying to force it in his hyung's pocket. He looked up at the younger who was already looking away, clearing his throat avoiding the awkward situation. 

Tsk, this boy. Yunho thought to himself and smirked. He fished out the chocolate he secretly brought with him for the younger one and threw it over the maknae's lap. Covered himself back with the cap and continued his neverending sleep. 

Changmin looked down at the chocolate his hyung threw and smiled gleefully cause it's his favourite and the airport didn't sell that. He peeked over at his hyung and beamed with his mismatched eyes, cheeks balled up with happiness. 



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lonelygirl0624 #1
Chapter 10: I usually dont do homin because its weird, no ot5 ... But this is just sweeeet ai want mooooreeee >.< aww
but ... Yoochun? Was Yoochun calling Minnie? In that chapter where .. Huh ...
Chapter 10: :) awwww..... i am feeling very giddy and smiley ... homin bromance is the best!!! really love these stories!!!! Please keep writing these awesome stories.
Taemax #3
Chapter 10: So dramatic yet still awesome!
Chapter 10: Sweet Minnie XD
love HoMin's bromance XD
Chapter 10: awww, changmin ah
carissawhite #6
Chapter 10: oho, so sweet of minnie. gave his hyung a goodnight kiss. hope they'll talk again like usual.
Chapter 10: Yay! They made up! XD
carissawhite #8
Chapter 9: oh, i love this bromance fic. i kinda curious too why changmin try to smoke. hope author-si can update it soon.
akarinami984 #9
Chapter 9: Hmmm.... I wonder what will happen? I can't condone the idea of Changminnie smoking, but he is ultimately the one that makes the final judgement.