R.I.P Boss

R.I.P Boss

Today was the day that was very sad. Taeyang thought he was doing better. But it tuned out bad. Tae was crying his eyes out. Everyone in Big Bang tried to cheer him up but it wouldn't work. 3 days later they had a funeral for him. Tae was still crying.


Before it happened

He was playing with boss. He went to his concertand came back home and saw boss was missing then when he found boss, boss didn't look so good. He took boss to the vet then boss stayed at the vet for a few weeks. Boss got home and played and Tae took a picture of him. A week later Boss didn't look good so Tae took him to the vetagain, they did surgery, after that...



He died. Tae was so depressed. He didn't eat or sleep. Jiyong his best friend came in and smelled a strong alcohol.  He stopped Tae from drinking and said "Boss will be happy in heaven and he would thank you for being a good owner." That made Tae more happy and he was less depressed. "Thanks Jiyong" he stoodup and hugged Jiyong.  It came out to be a happy ending.

Jiyong said he could be Gahos Uncle just like you are my brother.


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Chapter 1: crying :((((((((((((( stay strong yb