
He Just Knew.
Himchan sat alone in the cozy restaurant with a bouquet of flowers in front of him. Today was his boyfriend and his 6th month anniversary and Himchan had decided that it was an appropriate time to finally tell his boyfriend that he loves him. Of course they showed their love to each other every day, but neither of them had said it out loud just yet. This was a big deal to Himchan. He has never been in love and quite frankly, he was a little scared. But his boyfriend was something special and he knew this wasn't going to be a mistake. With a nervous exhale he glanced at his watch and noticed that his boyfriend was a half hour late.
He said he had to study at the library this afternoon. He probably got side tracked. He'll be here soon. I'm sure of it...
Himchan's eyes landed on the bouquet of flowers and he exhaled once again. He was probably just running late. After all, he did have a tendency to be fashionably late even at the most important events. Yet Himchan couldn't help but be a little nervous. He sat back and let his mind play the devil's advocate on him. 
Maybe he isn't showing up? Maybe those rumors were true?
You see, Himchan and his boyfriend had always been the talk of the campus. No one could believe that someone as tough as the great Bang Yongguk could fall for someone as soft as Kim Himchan. The cruel words reached Himchan's ears every day but he chose to ignore them. Everything they said were just fake rumors made up by fake people trying to bring him down. The most popular rumor of them all was that Yongguk was just dating Himchan to make Choi Junhong, a tall skater boy who was one of Yongguk's close friends, jealous. Of course Himchan knew that was false. Everyone knew Junhong was dating Moon Jongup, the most popular and talented b-boy of the school. Plus Junhong and Yongguk had been friends for years and just because they were close friends, didn't mean that they were romantically interested in each other. People could be so cruel. 
And Himchan refused to believe that those rumors were true. He knew Yongguk loved him. He showed it to him all the time. 
He showed it when he'd bring Himchan his favorite coffee when he was pulling an allnighter to finish a research paper. 
He showed it when they'd go out for ice cream and he'd put a dab of his ice cream on Himchan's nose before smiling his big gummy smile and then kissing the sugary treat away. 
He showed it when he'd wrap his arms around Himchan when they were cuddling on the couch and kiss his neck. 
Himchan just knew that Yongguk loved him. He never said it, but he just knew. He didn't need Yongguk to climb the tallest mountain and scream out his love for him. No. He just needed the sweet little things Yongguk would do for him. And with those little things, he just knew. 
He glanced at his watch once more. 
7:45pm. He's 45 minutes late. Maybe I should call him?
Just as he pulled out his cellphone to dial his boyfriend's number, he heard him. 
Reservation for 2 under Bang Yongguk.
Himchan smiled and stood up and was about to greet his boyfriend but he stopped dead in his tracks. 
His boyfriend of 6 months exactly, Bang Yongguk, walked to a different table across the restaurant hand in hand with Choi Junhong, his boyfriend's close friend. 
And just like that, he knew. 
He knew he had been led on and played. 
He knew he had made a mistake.
He knew his heart had just broken into millions of pieces.
Himchan sat back down and continued to watch Yongguk and Junhong.
He watched as the maître d' placed the menus in front of the couple.
He watched as Yongguk wrapped his arm around Junhong's shoulder and whispered something in his ear before kissing his cheek.
He watched as Junhong blushed and began looking at the menu. 
Himchan grabbed the bouquet of flowers, stood up, and quietly walked over to his boyfriend's table and cleared his throat. 
Yongguk, who was reading through the menu, glanced up and gasped. 
"H-Himchan. I-"
He was cut off by Himchan before he could begin to spew out excuses. 
"How could you, Yongguk? How could you? Do you even know what today is?"
"No, save it Yongguk. I thought those rumors weren't true! I thought they were made up by fake people who just couldn't stand to see a happy couple. But I was wrong. I was wrong for not listening to them. I was wrong for thinking you two were "just close friends". I was wrong for not realizing it sooner. But most of all, I was wrong for thinking you truly cared about me."
"Himchan please. If you could just let me explain!"
"No Yongguk. I'm done.
And with that Himchan threw the flowers at Yongguk and walked out of the restaurant with tears he wouldn't dare let fall until he was locked up in his room curled up under his covers.
Yongguk watched Himchan walk away before looking down at the flowers in his lap and noticed the card attached to the plastic.
To Bang Yongguk, the one who makes me the happiest man alive. I love you.   


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mehmehme #1
Meh Likey!!

Why did you have to do that to me ;___; It doesn't help that this is really freaking good either, merp.
Chapter 1: oh dude this is hard for me! look, im a banglo shipper, but gosh im feeling terrible for Channie too! poor little boy ;___; and Guk for doing this to him! TwT but, in the other hand, im so happy that Guk and Junnie were together, aigo ~
am i an horrible person? D: hahaha
Chapter 1: I love this story so much as I hate it ; ;
I love it write more stories like this author-nim , what me?! No i didn't cry ;-;
Evraska #6
Chapter 1: I'm a Banglo shipper, but I really love Himchan too, a lot, and I feel so bad for him... Stupid Yongguk.
Short and sad but nice story though :)
Chapter 1: I totally love Banglo but I start hating Yongguk for what he did to Himchan... :'( That was so sad. Yongguk, what a jerk...! But I can't blame him, Zelo is just too cute :3
Whatever, good story. ^^ Your writing is really good! :D
Chapter 1: omfg, let me cry T__T
Nice (sad) fic author! ;__;
Ahahaha as a die hard banglo shipper this made me ridiculously happy xD I'm a horrible person
Chapter 1: ;~; my poor baby Himchan!!!!! *runs after him and hugs him FOREVEEER!!* . Nice fic btw :) !!! (Even though I wanna cry ;~;)