Because of Yesung...



Was it the way his hair perfectly laid on his forehead? Or was it the was he smiled, causing even the most depressed person to smile? It could even be the way he danced. Staying in his own world not caring what others thought of him. He may be one of the worst dancers in my dance class, but something about him drew me into him.

Everyday after class, we would stay longer, just us two, and I would help him improve on his dancing skills. I actually prefer teaching him after class then during my regular class time with the other students. I guess it was because I saw the real Kim Jong-woon.

Jong-woon prefers being called Yesung. Yesung here has a goal, a dream. To be an idol. He may be a shy person in front of others, but he loves to sing. As if he couldn’t get any more perfect, once you hear his voice, you would melt. His voice was just, amazing. He was perfect in everything except for one thing. And that thing was dancing.

That’s where I come in. I’m everything he’s not. He is good at singing and I’m not. He can stand on a stage in front of a lot of people and not get scared, but I’m afraid. Afraid of failing or something going wrong like last time…

The one thing I can do though is dance. Maybe not on stage, but in front of a class, so that’s what I do. I own my own dance studio and teach people dance of all ages. I’ve been teaching people for 14 years.

My studio was not originally mine. It was my parents. They have owned it for who knows how many years. 14 years ago I started working there. I was 18 at that time. My parents trusted me to my own class to teach because I new everything about dance.

After a few months of teaching dance, I saw a new face. When he greeted me, he told me his name was Jong-woon. Kim Jong-woon, but he preferred to be called Yesung.

After he greeted the class, he looked at me and told me that he was not good at dancing. I patted his back and told him it’s ok. I told him I would teach him. Because he told me he could not dance, I sat him in the front of the class.

I started going through my stretching routine with the class. Whenever I would see a student struggling, I would help them. Of course Yesung struggled a little. I don’t blame him though. Not everyone does yoga regularly like I do. That’s right, yoga. After we stretch, we do some yoga to build endurance in our body.

I remember the first time I was teaching the new choreography on his first day. It was cute seeing him struggle, but I did not let my feelings go further then that. I was a teacher and he was my student. Even though I was only one year older then him, I don’t think it’s right. After most of the class got use to the dance, I walked around the room helping people who needed it. Yes, that included Yesung. He wasn’t kidding when he said he couldn’t dance. I ended up helping him the most out of all the kids in the class, but it still wasn’t helping.

This pattern continued for the next few days. I would end up helping Yesung more then others and I thought it wasn’t fair. After that class ended, I called Yesung to stay after and talk to me.

I told him that because I’m helping him more then the others, it’s not fair to them because they feel like I’m focusing too much on him, and not the class. He looked sad with his head hanging down low.

I put my hand on his shoulder. I told him I had to cut him from the class, but we could do a one on one class. He seemed understanding, but told me I didn’t have to do the one on one class. He told me it would be useless and that he was no hope.

I felt so bad. For that whole week he was in my class, he showed determination and he didn’t care that the other kids didn’t like him. I admired him for that. But now I feel like I all of that determination out of him. I feel like I crushed his dreams into a thousand little pieces.

It took a little time, but I convinced him that one on one classes are best for him. After who knows how long, I finally convinced him.

That following day, are one-on-one classes began. I had to start from scratch with him. I taught him all the basics of dance. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.

Through those years, we learned a lot about each other and became really close. That feeling that I felt the first time I met him grew, but I tried to stop it.

One day during a break we took, I asked him why he was so determined to learn dance. That’s when he told me. He told me he was a trainee at SM Entertainment and he wants to debut in an idol group, but he falls behind in classes there so he came here since he heard it was a great place. I kept his secret that he was a trainee because he didn’t want others to find out.

I remember on my 21st birthday, he threw me a birthday party. It wasn’t really a party, but he bought me a small cake along with some goofy glasses and a matching hat. Not long before that birthday, my parents died and I was going through a tough time, but I never missed work.

When my parents died, Yesung was there for me. Whenever something happened to me, he was there for me whether it is good or bad.  We became that close to each other. Close like a brother-sister relationship.

When he gave me the cake that said “Happy Birthday” on it, I felt happy. I felt loved.

I looked at the candles on the cake. There were two candles on it. One candle was in the shape of a “2”, the other in the shape of a “1”. As I was staring at the cake in happiness, Yesung told me to make a wish. I shook my head and closed my eyes. I thought of what to wish for, but couldn’t think of anything. Then it hit me. An even bigger smile came onto my face as I told myself in my mind “I wish that Yesung can become a successful Idol and that we will still hangout when he’s famous.”

I was stupid back then, wasn’t I? I mean come on, who would wish for that? When he’s famous, he will meet better people then me.

Anyways, after I made that wish and blew out the candles, I felt something on my nose. Yesung put icing on it. I grabbed a finger full of icing and chased him around the room.

This has to be my best memory with him. I felt happy. I felt complete.

As I chased him around the room, he fell with the cake in his hands still. H fell head first and guess what? His face went straight into the cake! I will never forget that. Even with a face filled of cake, he still chased me and pushed me face into the already mushy cake. I got icing and cake all over my face. Yesung then grabbed a towel and sat down next to me. He wiped the mush off of my cheek then did something I didn’t expect. Instead of wiping the mush off of my forehead with the towel, he kissed my forehead.

This sent sparks all throughout my body. I looked up at him after he kissed my forehead. He smiled and his lips before telling me that the cake was good. I just pushed aside my feelings and laughed at his weirdness.

Those were the good times. Everyday was fun like this. Even if we weren’t celebrating something, we still had fun. Even while I was teaching him dance.

I taught him dance five days a week for four years. We both rarely cancelled the lesson, unless something important happened.

One day, Yesung came to the lesson even happier then he usually was. I asked him if anything happened and he told me. He told me he was going to debut in less then a month. I was overly happy. I hugged him and congratulated him. When I finally pulled away from the hug, his face looked sad. When I asked him why he was sad, he said that he wouldn’t be able to take my lessons anymore, I felt sad on the inside, but kept a smile on my face.

I asked him he would still visit me, and he shook his head yes, but something didn’t feel right. It felt like he was still hiding something from me.

I guess he noticed I was being suspicious of him so he sat me down. He then sat next to me and took my hand. He held it tight and looked me in the eyes. We were both deeply staring into each other’s eyes. He told me he was sorry. He said he wouldn’t be able to visit me much in person anymore, but he said he would call, text, and video chat me.

I was heartbroken. I felt like crying, but I didn’t. I knew Yesung felt bad since we were really close to each other and I didn’t want him to feel bad. I knew how much he wanted to be an idol and how hard he worked. This is just the price he has to pay for it.

That day was the last day I saw him. Everyday that month, I waited for him in the studio, but he never came. He would never answer my calls or respond to my text, but just like he promised, He debuted on November 6, 2005.

I always supported his Super Junior and Yesung.

I wasn’t an obsessed fan, but I watched most of the programs they were in. Not because I wanted to see Super Junior, but because I wanted to see Yesung. I wanted to make sure he looked healthy. I always worried about him, because there was no doubt in my mind that I loved him.

I went to every concert I could just to see him in person. I hoped that he would see my and remember me. I even made a sign that said, “Do you remember me” that had my picture on it. I don’t think he saw it because I still never heard from him.

I even went to their fan signings whenever I could. I stood in line for hours just to talk to him again. When I saw him, I felt happy. I asked him if he remembered me, and he didn’t respond. I had to leave for the next person to get his autograph. He looked at me though, and his eyes looked like he remembered me. I thought that maybe he remembered me, but couldn’t say anything since the fans were around.

My thought was wrong. As I was watching one of  his interviews, the reporter asked them if they had anyone they were close with during their pre-debut days.

I smiled thinking of what Yesung told me years before.

He told me that I was the most important person to him during his pre-debut days. He told me that I helped him out more then anyone. Dancing was only part of it, but I helped him when he was overly stressed or tired. Anything.

I waited for his answer. Then he began to talk. “My parents were the biggest help to me”. He said it with the biggest smile. The reporter asked if there was anyone else, so he talked again. Even though a few tears fell down my face, I still had hope that he would say my name. He didn’t though. “Well, the other Super Junior members and everyone at SM Entertainment helped me too.”

He forgot me. It was like the past 6sixyears met nothing to him. Four years of helping him, being with him everyday was nothing. Being his supporter for six years. I felt like he put it in the trash like nothing happened.

 I’m so stupid for thinking he would talk to me again. I’m so stupid for thinking that maybe, just maybe he would thank me for helping him. For giving him four years of dancing so he could be good enough to be in a boy group. For listening to all of the problems he faced in order to come as far as he did. For being his sister. I knew he didn’t love me like I loved him, but I though he would still look at me like a sister since I never confessed to him. I knew he only looked at me as a sister back then, but I guess he doesn’t look at me as anything now.

That night I cried. I cried and cried and cried. I cried my heart out. I felt like I lost the person I was closest with.

From that day onwards, I stopped supporting him. I stopped supporting Super Junior. I didn’t go to any of their concerts, fan signings, or buy their albums. I didn’t watch any of their shows, or listen to their radio station anymore. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not an anti. I just don’t support them.

It’s been that was for six years now. I spent six years of my life on Yesung, two years with Super Junior, and six years avoiding anything about them.

I plan on avoiding them in the future too. You could say that I’m over reacting, but it’s been over eight years since Yesung has contacted me via text, call, or video chat.

He broke his promise with me. He promised me he would keep in contact with me. He promised me that he wouldn’t forget me. I can’t believe I wasted my 21st birthday wish on him.

At least a few things came out of these twelve years. I made memories both good and bad, I’m still dancing at my parents’ studio (which I now own), and I found out that not all wishes don’t come true…



Hello Reader! Thank you for reading my story! So, how was it? Did you like it? If you have any suggestion of how I can become a better writer, please tell me!! 

Today has been a sad day due to the weather. It's rainy and dull outside and somehow this plot popped in my mind! Sorry if it's not good. I attempted to write a sad story since I read a lot of happy ones and I thought that I should try something different. 

Anyways, I won't take up anymore of your time by writing pointless things here, so have a good day!!!

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mehmehme #1
Meh Likey!!
Ame-chan #2
Chapter 1: Oh it was well written, and it was sad. The narrator's feelings were well explained, it made me feel bad for her.
Chapter 1: sequel juseyo!