Phone Call


Phone call, usually is what we get from other for some small little stuff, right? So, what if this phone call is concerned with your other half? Good or bad? It was an unknown until the moment you start to communicate with the caller.

So, are you ready for the phone call?


Hihi, hiyoki's here. This is my 3rd fic. I know I haven't finished the previous two fic but this is like a one shot thingy, so...yeah, I'm doing it. Actually, this is where I get inspired to write my 2nd fic-Teach me,Luhan. In fact, this is the essay I wrote for my exam. I just got it today. I feel like sharing it with you. You'll find that this fic is quite similar to Teach me, Luhan but not exactly. There's a twist.

Enough word, hope you enjoy my work and rhanks for reading.^^

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i'll read this later... can't wait!!!!!! luhanie.... ^^