A Memorable Sunday

A Memorable Sunday

Facing the calm and breathtaking ocean, i stretched my hands out and enjoy the warm wind on my face. I close my eyes, imagining that i am embracing this beautiful scene. I wiggly my toes on the soft sand and let out a sigh. My mouth naturally curved up to a satisfying smile. I felt a pair of hands wrapped around my waist as i already know who it is. The love of my life. He buried his face into my neck as he breathes in my scent. I turned my head back to met his mezmerising smile. His lips met mine with our hands wrapping around each other on my waist. How I wish this perfect moment would last forever.

Our moment immediately got disturbed by a piercing sound of alarm clock. Damn. Of all times it just had to wake me up now. I turned my upper body back reaching to the table beside the bed to shut it off. I shouldnt have forgotten to turn the alarm off last night. I couldnt care less and fall back to the bed again and pull the cover over my head. Jae woke up weakly from the noise and pull away my cover from my face. I groan in complaint as he shakes my shoulder with almost zero force with his still closed eyelids:"wake up baby, youre gonna be late for work" "Its sunday...." i said with a weak voice and turned to face him, cuddling him and try to drift back to sleep. Jae let out a weak "hmm" and pulled me closer, heading back to dreamland as well.

After what seem to be few seconds later which in fact half an hour had passed by, I finally awaken from the beach paradise. I slowly looked up to Jae's face and stares at his beautiful face. I started tracing his face with my index finger from his forehead to his puffy cheeks, down to his full lips to his chin. What a gorgeous husband I am blessed with. I thought. I pecked his chin lightly as he suddenly faces down to meet his lips with mine. I didnt hesitate to kiss him back, softly nibbing his bottom lip. Jae slightly opens his left eye to peek at me before turning our bodies so that he was on top of me. He kissed me deeply with his fingers the strands of hair that was on my face. After a few minutes of making out I stopped him:"I'm hungry. Lets hurry up and wash up so that we can have breakfast." He gave me a charming smile and pecked my forehead:"whatever you say" He quickly got up and carried me bridal style to the bathroom. He put me down infront of the basin and we brushed our teeth together infront of the mirror.

Jae suddenly attacked my face while brushing his teeth, leaving me with white foam on my cheek with his "foam kiss". I shouted at him:"Yah Yoo Youngjae that's dirty!" I punched his shoulder as he's rinsing his mouth. He laughed sheepishly and help me wash it off. Thinking of revenge, i tried to attack him by splashing water on his face, but that guy's got instincts of an animal. He splashed water on my face before i got to do so, i tried to escape but he pulled me back by my wrist, leaving me shouting and laughing at the same time. Jae stopped after a while and turned to a soft expression:"alright baby, im sorry, you finish up and i will go prepare breakfast ok?" He left after kissing my hand that he was holding a while ago. Damn. How can I ever get mad at him? 

After washing up and changing into my favourite tshirt and shorts, I walk out to the living room, smelling heaven. Jae's cooking my favourite omelett and he's already done the pancakes. A brain box and a natural chef. Is there any other thing that this man cant do? I sneaked up behind him trying to scare him but as i said, he's got animal's instincts. "Dont even try" he said, still focusing on the eggs in the pan. I sighed. I s my arms around his waist from behind and place my chin on his shoulder checking out his skills. "This has got to be the best omelette in the world" He smirked as he glance at me:"hello, best chef in the world here" I raised one of my brow with an unamused look on my face. He chuckled as he says:"breakfast's served!"

As expected, it was an extremely satisfying breakfast. Since Jae was the cook I offered to do the dishes today. As i scrub the sauce stain off the plates, Jae came up to me with his phone, showing a picture of a nice beach. I was totally esctatic when he asks:"baby lets go for a one day trip at the beach today!" I tried to control myself from jumping up and down:"how did you know i had a dream about the beach??! YES YES YES LETS GO!!" Jae was first confused but he immediately laughed at my reaction. He pinched my cheek:"Alright alright. I'll go pack" 

I couldnt hide my excitement all the way throughout the journey as i blast and sing aloud to all the songs in my playlist. Jae just laughs along while he drives. We're headed to a beach not too far away and we're grateful for that as we still have work the next day. When we arrived, I ran towards the sea almost immediately, leaving Jae walking behind me chuckling. I ran back to him and hopped on him with too much force, until we both fell on the soft white sand with Jae beneath me. Jae grunted and glance at me as if asking "why did you do that" I looked at him with a wide grin on my face. He sighs and help us both up. He lightly pats off the sand on my body as i did the same to him.

We had a light lunch at a restaurant near the beach and we're ready to have some fun. We already wore swimsuits underneath our clothes so we just took them off. Jae made me wear his white tshirt he was wearing over my swimsuit because he said my swinsuit was too revealing. Someone's being possessive. There's a number of people out at the beach today because after all its a Sunday, but not to the extent that it's packed. Just nice. After applying sunscreen on each other(which turned out to be a tickling battle), we're finally good to go.

We swam a little bit at shallow water and made sand castles. I made Jae lie down and buried him, after making sure he wouldnt be able to move under the heavy sand, i ran away, leaving him to complain and shout as i laughed hard under the tree. 

We took a shower at the bathroom provided and change into clean clothes. We spread out a carpet we brought from home and sat down at a quiet spot on the beach. Feeling the comfortable wind on our faces, i lean my body on Jae as I sit between his legs. He kisses me on the cheek and I tighten my grip on his hands wrapped around me. "Thank you for bringing me here. I haven't had such great time in a while" I said staring at the beautiful sunset infront of us. "I had a great time too, baby. But most importantly i got to spent the day with you" Jae said, rocking our bodies side to side. "I love you, Jae" words came out of my mouth without me realizing. "I love you too, Baby. Now shall we go eat? My stomach is grumbling" he said rubbing on my stomach. I looked back at him and turned my head back to the almost dissapearing sun under the red-purple sky:"Dont spoil the moment Jae" He pouted. 

Few seconds later, I couldnt fight it anymore. "OK lets go eat i'm hungry as hell" i said standing up with lightning speed, pulling Jae up from the carpet. He laughed, "thats my girl" he commented.


Aww don't you just love the handsome brainbox

This was actually my first oneshot ever. I originally put the oneshots in one collection but I've decided to break them up into separate stories. Hope you like it!

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