Wishful thinking

Wishful thinking

3rd person


Things had started off well for Kai and Luhan ,they were in a happy and steadily blossoming relationship ,they were often seen as the perfect couple. Couples on the campus would envy their relationship while the single population would aspire to have a relationship like theirs. Another surprising fact about the couple was they were never met with criticism or hatred ,no homophobic comments were ever thrown their way. In short their relationship was blessed.

The beginning of their relationship was awkward just like any other relationship,finding out the likes and dislikes of the other person ,but eventually they reached a point where they were completely comfortable in each others company. However after passing the two year mark the relationship started falling apart,but it was not failing openly but in a way that even Luhan could not see.

It started out of nowhere,a few harsh words here and there before finally it would turn into fully blown arguements . Argueing was common in their relationship now but Luhan still loved Kai deeply and felt that this was just a slight bump in their relationship which they would soon overcome, this was not Kai's thought process though. Kai no longer saw Luhan as the love of his life , Luhan now seemed cheap and had lost his appeal ,in Kai's eyes he was only good for a quick now.  Kai was now moving on from their relationship without Luhan knowing, but if Luhan knew how Kai was moving on he'd be heartbroken that was for sure. Kai had now been dating someone behind Luhan's back for six months,this person coming in the form of Luhan's younger brother Sehun.

It had been an accident at first ,Kai had had a few drinks and was feeling bitter over how his relationship with Luhan was going, he felt like he needed an escape so when Sehun came downstairs in a towel while Luhan was sleeping it was the perfect moment. They had twice that night once on the sofa and once in Sehun's room . Kai got a rush knowing he had taken Sehun's innocence while he's boyfriend was sleeping and the fact he had done it in the same house only added to the feeling of excitement he had gotten. The next day however he had felt extremley guilty and Sehun had been even worse ,as he sobbed over the fact he had betrayed his brothers trust. They both quickly agreed never to mention what had happened to Luhan and to just pretend it had never happened.

The problem was they didn't pretend it had never happened,in fact they carried on and the rush was better each time in Kai's honest time,like how they had had in Luhan's bed ,that was one of the best. Over time Kai realised that he no longer held feelings of love for Luhan and was in fact deeply in love with Sehun ,but he still refused to break up with Luhan much to Sehun's disappointment.

Sehun had once threatened to tell Luhan everything this did not sit well with Kai who proceeded to beat Sehun and tell him that if he breathed a word to Luhan things were over between them also. Sehun kept quiet after that partly in fear of how Kai would react and also because he was selfish he loved Kai and wanted to be with him ,but that didn't stop the constant feeling of guilt which swallowed him whole every time he came face to face with Luhan. In the end he put as much distance between himself and his brother,which was distressing for his older brother.

All of Kai's friends at this point knew about the whole Sehun and Luhan situation and had promised to keep quiet on what they had learnt ,all agreeing it wasnot their buisness to interefere in other peoples relationships,but it did become a popular conversation topic between the boys ,which was what caused the chain of events which changed everybodies lives.


It had been a long day for Yixing and he was thankful that it was finally over. As he walked he was tackled to the floor in a hug from one of his closest friends Tao ,and following behind was Tao's boyfriend Kris who watched the scene before him in amusement.

"Tao please get off me I can't breath" Yixing heaved

"Sorry Lay but I haven't seen you all day and i've missed you ...where were you at lunch?"

"I was in the libary helping Baekhyun stalk Chanyeol "

"Why would you help with something like that?"

"He looked so sad when he thought I was going to say no ,so I said yes to make him feel better"

"Your too nice ,anyway you coming to Kai and Luhan's party?"

Yixing hesitated slightly,he had indeed been invited as he was one of Luhan's closest friends however it hurt him seeing Kai and Luhan together ,knowing that Luhan would never him the way he loved Kai was painful so being around the two was like Yixing's own personal torture at the same time it was Luhans birthday party and he'd be a horrible friend if he missed it ,but he was torn about if he should go.

"I don't know,I might" Yixing replied honestly

Tao pouted at the answer making him look like a disgruntled puppy "You have to come it's Luhan's birthday party ,and it won't be the same without you there."

"Tao leave Lay alone he'll come if he want's too. I'll see you tommorow Lay ,come on Tao" Kris looked at Yixing sympathetically as he lead a now excited Tao away from the younger boy

Yixing was able to hide his feeling for Luhan well ,no one knew how he felt not even Luhan ,but somehow Kris had known straight away all those years ago,amybe it was because they had known each other so long Yixing didn't know,all he knew was that Kris was always supportive and never judged him in anyway.

Yixing sighed slightly before brushing himself off and heading towards the bus stop and heading home ,the whole time trying to figure out if he should actually go to the stupid party.


The rest of the week passed by quickly ,meaning for Yixing it was already the night of the party and he was still undecided on whether or not he should go for a couple of minutes to wish Luhan a happy birthday. He decided he would simply go,what was the worst that could happen.

Yixing soon found himself outside the house where the party was already in full swing,in all honesty he was rather late so he speedily rushed in and almost straight away bumped into Luhan,the sole object of his desires.

"Lay i'm so glad you're here I thought you weren't going to come"Luhan pouted

Yixing felt his heart tighten at the cute expression on Luhan's face but he was a master of the pokerface and managed to hide the effect Luhan had on him. Yixing fixed his face into what seemed like an effortless smile.

"don't be silly its your birthday off course I was going to come."

"i'm glad you came,I have to go Kai seems to have gone missing but have fun i'll try and catch up with you later." with that Luhan moved off into the crowd.

Yixing couldn't stop the quick look of disappointment which flashed across his face as Luhan once again pushed him aside for Kai again. Anyway where was Kai it was his boyfriends party and he was nowhere to be seen. It was at this point Yixing started listening in on Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Chen's conversation. Yixing wasn't exactly friendly with Kai's friends except for Chen who made an exteame effort to make friends with him.

"God Kai is so lucky,not only is he dating Luhan but now he's ing Sehun."Chanyeol growled looking envious

"Actually from the way Kai talks I think he sees Sehun as his boyfriend and Luhan as his buddy"Chen commented with a smirk

"It's true he prefers Sehun to Luhan. The only reason he hasn't broke up with Luhan is because he's a good and he doesn't want anyone else touching him."Kyungsoo continued

"Yeah but did you hear what he did to that Kyuhyun kid who showed an interest in Sehun?"Chen said quickly

"No what did he do?"Chanyeol asked looking curious

"He beat the out of him,I hear the dude can't even look at Sehun now without shaking in fear"Chen laughed

"Where is Kai anyway?"Kyungsoo inquired

"Oh he's upstairs ing Sehun ,to think he has the nerve to do that at his boyfriends birthday party,the dude is confident if not slightly cocky for doing that."Chanyeol said.

It was at this point that the three went to move across the room,Yixing stealthily grabbed Chen and pulled him back into a nearby bathroom which he made sure to lock before turning to look at Chen.

"What were you and your friends talking about?" He demanded

Chen knew it wasn't his secret to tell but at the same time it gave him a reason to talk to Yixing so he didnt see it as all the big of a deal.

"Oh just about Kai"

"Whats going on with him and Sehun?"

Chen once again hesitated but spilled a second later kind of dazed that Yixing was talking to him. " Well their kind of dating, Kai really loves him"

"What about Luhan?"

"From what I can tell, Kai doesn't care about Luhan anymore he's just a good ,he really cares about Sehun though."

"Thanks chen"

With that Yixing rushed out of the little room leaving behind a very confused and disappointed Chen. Yixing rushed upstairs remembering how the others had mentioned the two were upstairs ,he checked all the rooms,trying to be sneaky so if he found the two they wouldn't notice him. Sure enough he found them in the last room and he was appalled by what he saw ,the two were on the bed Kai hovering above Sehun with his hands down the front of his jeans while they stuck in what looked like a passionate kiss.

Yixing backed out of the room not sure what to think about everything he had just witnessed and feeling slightly sick. He quickly phoned Tao and Kris and told them to meet him at the park telling them it was urgent.


A/N: So originally this was gonna be a one shot,but it's really long once its typed up so i'm splitting it into three chapters,the next one will be longer and the last chapter will be the longest. 

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bby_tigz #1
Chapter 3: oh gawdd i can finally breathe
i had to hold my breath so i didn't cry most the time
i luv that layhan finally worked out
still hate how kai handled the situation
but im glad to see that sekai found each other
thx author-nim for the story! ^^
I'm so happy it ended as LayHan ;-;
Loved this~
Chapter 1: Omgg Kai what are you doingg?! Just break up with Luhan! Ahhh poor Luhan ;A; and Lay.. And Chen.. Wahh can't wait for more~ I wonder how all the couples will end up as :o
Chapter 1: ... I really ship laychen. I hope it isn't some one sides angstyness for Chen Chen the whole time ;__;

Anyways update soon ^^