Chapter 1

~Alice in EXO Wonderland~


you slumped on your when you suddenly saw a fluffy white rabbit passed by wearing a red and white blazer, jumping wildly. it keeps on saying something and it looks awfully worried, "IM LATE! IM LATE! NO! NO! no no no  IM soooo late!!", it kept on saying that over and over and over. and out of curiousity, you decided to follow it.



♦Beginning of Chapter1♦

It kept on jumping, slash running towards.... the deep darkest nowhere.. where am I.... you said in your mind, the rabbit didnt seem to notice you stalking following it; probably because of too worryful of being late for... something. anyways, you followed the rabbit, until it jumped into a hole; a rabbit hole. You stopped to your tracks and slowly walk closer towards the rabbit hole.
Your heart beat fast in both excitement and fear. as you stand in front of the rabbit hole, you stopped and see
The hold is deep, dark, endless, well atleast thats what you see. Still curious, you crouch, and see inside the rabbit hole...
nothing unusual. You didnt want to go into the rabbit hole since you were scared; but then, a sudden force came gashing at you from behind; pushing you into the rabbit hole. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!??", you screamed at the top of your lungs as you begin to fall deeper and deeper inside the rabbit hole. what the... what the heck....!? no... i dont want to die.... no! you think to yourself as you go deeper inside the rabbit hole.
Various..... things passed by as you fall, from teacups, limbs, beating hearts; yes beating hearts, and other unspecified things you probably wouldnt want to know. as you almost reached the end, you quickly shut your eyes; ready to take anykind of pain coming her way. but, it never did came... you opened your eyes to find that you landed on a very soft, huge, fluffy marshmallow. thank god, I didnt splattered on the floor like a pomegranate you thought to yourself as you get off of the large marshmallow. you took a tiny chunk out of it and ate it, yum! you thought and you began to grew and grew bigger and bigger.
what?! what is happening??! whats happening to me?! you began to panic as you grew bigger than your normal size before. you turned into a giant! you then began to saw that the marshmallow had a writing on the surface. EAT ME. it said with large and bold words. well that explains that... but now what... I cant stay in this condition forever.  as you try to think of a way to shrink yourself back to normal, that same rabbit came pass you again. Hah! that rabbit! maybe he can help! so as you thought but, you cant get the rabbits attention as the rabbit just continues to surpass you and ran through the small wooden door. You then crouch down and tried to open the door, it wont budge. you tried again and it still wont budge. "hey! hey! HEY! be gentle with the knob will ya!?", you heard a voice out of nowhere. huh? who was that?! you thought to yourself as you search around to see who was the one who talked to you. "oy, over here stupid girl!?", still searching but still cant find who it is. "the knob! the knob! look at the freakin knob!", you then looked at the doors knob and was shocked. it had a face, which was not very amusing. it looked very very pissed.
"how could you not noticed me when my voice is clearly as loud as a megaphone?", "i-i-im sorry sir...", "nevermind, stupid girl... whats the purpose of a huge idiot like you to come across a door this small?", "I-I-I need to find mr rabbit, the one with the red blazer", the door then becomes silent for a while. and looks at you up and down, then up again.
"cant do! you are too big! if you are to force yourself through me, you would have KILLED me to bits!?", "oh.. is there another way to find mr rabbit then, sir door?", "dont call me sir door, stupid girl... call me sir Veon", "oh okay then s-sir Veon..", "and about finding the rabbit...", again, it grew silence. you grew tense in finding the rabbit, not sure why you were tense in the first place though.

".....", "is there a way, sir?", ".....", still silence from sir Veon. You waited for it to gave you an answer, you knew you could've gone better without having to wait for its reply, but you knew that your not in your territory anymore and you knew that sir Veon's reply may help you in the future events. so you decided to wait.
you wait....
and wait....

and wait....











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amonaalyka #1
_spiderlily_ : im back love, and I promise I will update soon or so help me my hands are going to freeze and force to be amputated TT

Exotaome : NO! dont! i will update, for the sake of your lovely head, and soul^^
_spiderlily_ #2
Very interesting. Please update soon~
Update or I'd say : "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD"