Their Story

We love each other

12 June, 2010. 8am

I ordered a Starbucks cappucino and sat by the window. It was a chilly winter Saturday that day and I chose to hang out at the nearest coffee shop instead of laying in bed. As I flipped through my magazine while waiting for my cappucino, the door swung open and a jet-black-haired man entered the cafe. He was around six foot or five foot tall and he had muscles on his biceps the size of watermelons. I haven't seen him around before. Maybe I didn't know about him at all.
He saw me staring at him and he smiled. What a handsome smile! I smiled vack at him and waved a little. He walked towards me and sat at the seat opposite me.
Man: Hello! I just moved here. My name is Wooyoung.
Me: Hi there! Welcome to our neighbourhood. I'm Tiffany. So, what are you doing here on this early Saturday?
Wooyoung: Just taking a stroll around this neighbourhood. I want to familiarise myself with the new environment I'm in.
I nodded and closed my magazine as I saw the waitress coming to me with a mug of cappucino in her hand.
Waitress: Here you go, Agashi. 5000 won, please
Me: Here you go, Ahjumma. Thanks!
Waitress: Your welcome
I sip my coffee and looked at Wooyoung who was blushing and staring out of the window.
Me: Wooyoung, is there something wrong?
Wooyoung: *avoids eye contact*
Obviously there was something troubling his mind. I'm an expert at kinesics. Words can't fool me. His tone got a little higher than when he was introducing himself—a sign of distress. His stammering and his avoiding of eye contact signalled that he was either shy lying. Ok Tiffany, stop trying to interpret his moves! It's not like he's a criminal or something!
Me: I know what's wrong
Wooyoung: *looks up, shocked* You do?
Me: Yes. Spit it out. You'll feel better. *moves forward so that he becomes intimidated by me*
Wooyoung: I really like you and I can't believe I spilled it out. *hands pulling his hair*
Me: It's ok. I fell for you too.
Wooyoung: You did?
12 June, 2012. 2 pm
Wooyoung: It's been two years since we've dated.
Me: Yeah. 
Wooyoung reached for my hand and clutched it rather tightly. His hand was really warm that it killed the chill I felt in my body. He cradeled my face and leaned in to give a kiss. It was really hot and passionate. We almost removed each other's hings but remembered that we were in public and stopped. I pulled myself away from the kiss and adjusted my bum to the hard wooden park bench. As quick as a flash, Wooyoung knelt in front of me with a small cute square box in his hands. He opened up the box and a round gold ring with studded diamonds glistened in the sun.
Wooyoung: Tiffany, will you marry me?
I struggled to say my decision. I was too surprised at his question.
Me: I..I'm sorry Wooyoung.
Wooyoung: Why? Do you accept or not? *disappointed face*
Me: *smiles* I'm sorry but you must stay by my side forever and always try to pleasure me. I'm sorry you can't look at other girls anymore. I'll say yes, but you're going to be really totured in this marriage.
Wooyoung: Oh Tiffany, I love you so much!
 He took out the ring and slid it up my ring finger. Then, he hugged me tight and I could feel his sincere love and warmtg wrap around my body.
12 August, 2012. 5pm
The music played and the wedding song played. The huge entrance doors of the wedding hall opened. I looked at my to-be husband and he looked back at me.  We smiled and looked ahead. We walked down the aisle, hand in hand. Everybody stood up and clapped for us.
We stood at the stage, rught before the pastor who cleared his throat and began the ceremony. He asked us questions and we'd answer "I do" to everyone of them. Except this question he asked us.
Pastor: Will you cheat on your wife when she is away and be unfaithful to her?
Wooyoung: What? No way!
Pastor: *turns to me*  Will you cheat on your husband when he is away and be unfaithful to him?
Me: I do. Not.
Pastor: Alright, I now announce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
Wooyoung pulled me close to him and we kissed passionately. We were practically each other's lips. The audience clapped and cheered for us. The ballroom was filled with euphoria.
12 August, 2012. 9pm
Me: Our house looks really pretty! Where's our bedroom?
Wooyoung: There! *Points to a bedroom at the very end of the hallway*
Me: I wanna check it out!
I ran towards the bedroom and saw that the bed was surrounded by candlelights. There were rose petals surroung the candlelights too. Wooyoung followed me and closed the door. He locked it up and quickly backhugged me.
Wooyoung: Are you ready to consummate this marriage?
Me: Yes. Let's do it.
He carried me bridal-style to the bed and we had a great time the whole night. I hoped we could stay like newlyweds forever.
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Ayyyy Maybe I should write a chaptered fic eh?


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Chapter 3: update soon