The dream



" do know what this means,right?" Yongguk asked.

I stood there wondering what he meant for a good couple of seconds. Then,it hit me. If wasn't Yongguk who had her,then it has to be him. 

"No..."I breathed out as my eyes widened.

'this can't happen again. No. This is a lie. A joke. Yeah...that's it. It's a joke.' I thought.

I scoffed and chuckled weakly,"That's impossible...that's not's not ture...right?"

I received no response so I started to back away from the group."It's not true..." I said under my breath as I turned my back torwards them. I then ran torwards my car,and once I was inside,I started the engine. I was about to take off,when I saw BigBang running torwards my car too.

Once they were all in their seats, I took off, Not even caring if they had their seatbelts on or not. "yah...GD hyung...what's acctually going on..." Daesung questioned from the back seat.

"'s....this...Before I met you guys....Yongguk and I use to be friends..." I paused and gripped the stearing wheel tighter.

"Go on." T.O.P. encouraged. 

"And there was this one other guy....we...actually....." I paused again. this time it was because i didn't want to recall the past memories.

"Hyung...are you okay?" Seungri asked from the back seat,next to Daesung.

"m-mwoh?" I asked and noticed my voice cracked when I questioned. Was I crying? How can I look so weak in front of my members?!

"Hey,Let's go back to your house. Maybe you can-"

"NO!" I shouted. They all froze to my harsh tone. I sighed," I-I'm sorry...I Didn't mean to...It's just-"

"I know. She's your sister but you can't think clearly right now. I mean, just a couple of minuets you almost made us crash into a tree!But thanks to Seungri,we were saved." T.O.P. said. I glared at him,but then decided that maybe he was right.


I arrived at my own house, only to my surprise to find out that both of my parents were out at who knows where.

I then went up torwards my room and changed into my sleep wear.I slowly walked over to my bed,and collapsed on top of it. My eyelids grew heavy,and I quickly closed my eyes,accepting sleep.


The night was cold and dark .There was no sorce of light,unless you count the few lampposts that were flickering on and off. But I'm sure they'll die out soon.

What exactly was I doing roaming around these streets?

I don't even know the answer. But strange enough, something inside of me told me I had to be here.

That it was my job to be there.

To find that something.

And To save it.

I kept walking down the dark path,that seemed to go on forever and have no end. After a few minuets of walking,I gave up and started to run.

The path lead me to what seemed an abandond house. I took in it's surroundings,only to find nothing. It was as if they just disappeared. Like all the houses I walked by vanished into thin air,leaving pure darkness. I took a deep breath and slowly walked up to the house.

When I got to the door, It opened without any one's help. 

Should I be scared? Was it wrong not to be?

I walked into the house's darkness. I groaned at frustration at how all I kept seeing was the dark. I touched the walls here and there,trying to find a switch.

When my hand travelled over something,that for sure I know was a switch, I didn't hesitate to flick the switch on. The lights in the house in mere seconds. I gazed at how neat the house looked from the inside. I admired every detail,until I hear a loud 'HELP'.

It seemed to be coming from the basement.I rushed down the stairs,and to my surprise the basement lights were already on.

When I made it all the way down,I found two girls locked up in a cell. One of them my sister and the other.......could it be? Was it really her?

"Well,Well. I thought you would never make it Ji-yong." A voice hissed.

I shuttered at how the voice hissed. I turned torwards the source and I gasped as when I saw Him.

"awww? Why make that face? hmph! I really missed how we use to be such great friends! "

"I have nothing to say to you,Sunggyu." I retorted.

"And if you don't mind I would like those two girls back with me." I said as I walked over to the cell. A hand then stopped me,and I looked up to see Sunggyu's raging eyes.

"I do mind,actually." He said with his jaw clentched. I took my hand back,and pushed him away.

"Well to bad because I'm taking them." I spat at him.

He then walked over to me,and within a blink of an eye, He slapped me.

Wait. Slapped?

I scoffed as I held my cheek,''Are you like a girl? If you were going to hit me, then you should have hit me like a man and not like a women."

"Shut up!" He yelled,then ran torwards me, giving me a punch on my cheek.


"AH!" I yelled,sitting up in bed. I looked around to find myslef sitting up in my bed. But I was not alone. Seungri sat at the end of my bed,with worried eyes,and both Taeyang and T.O.P. were glaring at Seungri. I then felt a pain on both my right cheek and lips. I touched my lips to feel something warm,yet wet touch them. I brought my hand back to veiw the substance.


I opened my mouth to question them,when Daesung walked into the room. 

"Hey I got the-"he began but only to stop in his tracks,holding some kind of wet cloth.

"It was all Seungri! I had nothing to do with it!" he yelled as he pointed a finger over to Seungri's direction.

"W-Well,T-Taeyang told me to hit you!"

Wait. He hit me? that explains the blood....

"I did not! Stop blaming me!" Taeyang yelled at him.

"Seungri..." I began and looked at him directly in his eyes. "Why......THE HELL DID YOU HIT ME?!?!" 

"It i-if you were h-having a nightmare,h-hyung." 


"I warned him,too." T.O.P. added.

"B-But you weren't walking up. I-I e-even slapped-"

"YOU SLAPPED ME?! why you little-" I yelled as I stood up and lunged torwards him. My fingers were about to wrap around his throught when both taeyang and T.O.P. pushed me back.

"Yah! we do not kill our members!" T.O.P. scolded me.

I layed there struggling to get taeyang and T.O.P. off to attack Seungri that I didn't notice the door bell ring.

Next thing I know B.A.P. and and Jin Ae walked into the room,only to give us a questioning look.

We eyed each other until Yongguk Spoke up,"And there's your Karma for attacking me yesterday." 

I'm guessing he saw my red cheek and busted-up lip. He wore a smirk that made me boil. I just wanted to smack it right off him.

"Shut up." I growled. "Now let me go!" I yelled at the two who were still pinning me down."Promise not to hurt the baby panda?" Taeyang asked. I rolled my eyes,but I guess they took it as 'yes' because they lt me go.

I dusted my clothes and looked up at the group.

"Nice pijamas." one of Yongguk's members said. I'm guessing his name was Himchan? 

"Shut it.I bet they would be manlier than yours.So, I really wouldn't be talking." I shrugged and smirked at him.

the boy just rolled his eyes then went to sulk behind the group.

''So why are you here?" I asked yongguk with an eyebrow raised.

"We have....a suggestion." He said.

"And what would that be?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"We..want to help you."

'ohhhh~ this just got intersting!' I thought to myslef,a smirk already forming.

" We really do. We hope to put the 'rival thing' apart for now." Yongguk said once he saw my smrik.

"Deal. But once we find her, I'm going to pretend this never happened." I firmly said.

Yongguk nodded,agreeing with me.

"And if you don't mind, I'm going to start searching for her now." I said.

"Already?! It's too early hyung~!" I heard Seungri say while I walked over to my closet.

"Seungri....if I were you, i wouldn't be whining right now if I were you." I warned without turning around to face him.

When I heard no response, I gave a small smile. This kid was going to pay for slapping AND punching me.When he has a nightmare, I'll gladly return the favor...

"how are you going to where to look." Zelo asked while I pulled out some clothes.

"I know some people..." I mumbled and walked off to my restroom to clean up.


The two sat in the room,waiting for Ji-yong to come back.

"So....."Daesung began,'' How 'yall been?"

"Well considering on trying to find a friend and feeling miserable with no idea where she is,it's been good." Youngjae shrugged.

"That's.....good..."Daesung said and looked away.

The two groups sat in silence again. Some pretended to look at something that caught their interest while others just played with their fingers.

" Seungri the youngest?" Jonup asked,trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.

"Yep." Seungri beamed.

" Zelo's the youngest in our group."

"We know." T.O.P. said.

"Oh look hyung! He has a deep voice like you too!" Joongup grinned.

Yongguk smiled and nodded his head.

"Let's go." Ji-yong's voice rang through-out the room when he came out. 

"Took you long enough." Taeyang sighed.

the two groups left the house,and got into their 'group cars'. "Hey hyung... are you going to follow Ji-yong's car?" Himchan asked while buckling his seat belt. 

"Ugh duh. What do you expect? For us to just wonder around driving until we find a clue?" youngjae said while rolling his eyes.

"Yah! Youngjae stop being such a smart a-"

"Himchan! We do not use such language!" Yongguk yelled.

Himchan rolled his eyes at how their leader hated to hear such language,"Fine what about ? He's a smart ."

Everyone then bursted out laughing.

"Now that just sounds weird. You should just leave the '' thing to us,hyung.'' Daehyun teased.

Himchan frowned then mumbled something incoherent under his breath.

Yongguk then turned the engine on and started to follow Ji-yong's car. The two groups travelled until they reached a house that both Yongguk and Ji-yong knew who it belonged to. The two groups came out of their cars and approached the house. When they reached the door,it sung open without a knock,reavling a man with a huge grin plastered across his face.

"long time no see,Jiho." Ji-yong grinned.

"Aww c'mon! You still call me by my real name?" Zico pouted.

Ji-yong laughed,"why, I can't?''

"What ever. Well come in!" He said allowing the two groups to enter the house.

"Ay ,who's at the door?" Jaehyo asked while coming out of the kitchen.

"Oh! long time no see! the others members are out's only me and Zico for now.'' Jaehyo said while smiling.

"Yeah,yeah. We didn't come here to have a tea party or anything." Ji-yong said.

"So mean..." Jaehyo pouted.

"So what do you guys need?" Zico asked while sitting down on the couch.

"I need you to give me information about Sunggyu. You remember him right?" 





쪽~!Chu~! hahaha ^-^. Nothing new,but I would like to thank every one who is supporting this story!



himchan+7.jpg himchan!

so see you on the next update!

and please sunscribe/comment~ It would make Chanyeol super happy!..........right channie...?





































































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blahzeloo #1
Please updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
blahzeloo #2
Really funnn. I really like the story.
Chapter 16: ...So Hyojin only does this because of a guy she likes who doesn't like her back? Wow. She's even more stupid than I thought. XD
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 16: Hahaha... It's okay Author-nim...
At least you still uptade your story, althought it's been a longg loongg time...
Never ever make a girl angry, or you'll pay for that....
Eaasyy Author-nim it's not for you, it's for Hyojin ^^
Chapter 14: Hello! First of all: yes, I totally forgot about this and the storyline but: I refreshed my mind and here I am now in the comment section! ^^ So yeah. I really hope GD and his crew/allies will be able to save Dara and Mi Sun without anyone getting hurt or die..
Thanks for the chapter/update! ^^
Yoe_chan #6
Chapter 14: Fighting Author-nim \(>_<)/
I'll read your update soon.....
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 13: Arghh...... Come on GD, Zelo, Yongguk.... Go find her and Dara....
Yoe_chan #8
Chapter 12: Woaahh... Miracle in december....
I remembered again when baekhyun played piano....
Anyway new reader here... Sorry i'm late to comment....
I'm still struggling to read the story ^^
I really like yout story, there is bigbang, b.a.p., block b... It's start's with B.....
jongkey65 #9
love the story
Chapter 11: What happened to Dara?? O.o And how is she gonna get out of there?? You probably can't answer any of this questions, right? *sigh* Guess, I'll just have to wait to find out... =/