


Everyone went silent. My mouth parted a little bit while I stared in shock torwars Jin Ae and Zelo.

'They're joking right?'

I then heard Youngjae cough a bit,just so the atmosphere could lighten up a bit. "Mi Sun....are you okay?" Jin Ae almost whispered while taking a step torwards me."Totally fine. Although...that joke wasn't that funny." I bluntly say. "It was a joke? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Jongup blurted out with a confused expression plastered across his face.

"It wasn't a joke hyung. We're serious." Zelo said firmly as he crossed his arms across his chest. I frowned at his statement. "Then I guess it's a lie." Suddenly, I heard Jin Ae growl, " Mi Sun stop being so ignorant! Why are you being like this!" 

'how dare she call me ignorant?! why can't they just be happy for me?! him! there. There.I confirmed it. I love him!'

"just leave me alone. I don't want to listen to your stupid excuses." I muffled. I started to walk away when suddenly I was held back with a tight grip on my wrist. I whip my head around to find Zelo looking directly into my eyes. "Mi Sun please believe us." he almost whispered. I rudely pulled my hand back and glared at him.

"You have to believe Zelo on this one! We both heard him say-"

"I just told you guys that I'm not going to listen to you guys say!!! I Love Him! He even said that to me too! How am I suppose to believe you guys?!'' I shouted. Everyone's eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets and their mouths seemed to alomost hit the floor.

"Yup. Zelo, seemed like your rival got to her." Himchan joked to lighten up the Atmosphere. "Himchan!" Yongguk growled as he smacked the back of his head. Himchan pouted as he rubbed the back of his head. I scoffed and with that,I started to walk away. "Mi Sun! Wait!!! Mi sun!" I heard Zelo and Jin Ae shout behind me. They were probably starting to follow me,so I picked up the pace. I peeked back to see they were running torwards me.I rolled my eyes and started to run away from them. I ran my way upstairs,and into the restroom.

'I probably lost them when I was running away.' I thought to myslef as I panted. I walked over to the sink to splash some fresh water on my face. Once I did, I walked back to the door. I opened it to find Hyojin leaning against the wall,smirking at me."What the hell are you doing here?" I growled at her. She sighed and stood up straight,''just came here to do what I was told.''

I titled my head to the side. She smirked once again,and with a blink of an eye, I felt pain cross my right cheek. My bangs fell into my eyes,as I placed my hand on my cheek. I turned to glare at her,''what the hell?!" She shrugged,''I was told too. Not my fault." I frowned,'' I don't have time to deal with your stupid arugements. I already had enough for one day." I started to walk off,not bothering to argue with her more. "I'm not done yet, princess." Hyojin said as she pulled my hair. She clutched it up into a fist as she pulled my face close to her's. I squinted at the pain. "Let's get this over with. Hopefully that babo comes here quickly or else you'll get more of this."

I growled at her,and spat in her face. "Ugh ! Disgusting!" She whined as she threw me.I landed on the floor with a thud. I wimpered at the impact. I then caught a glimpse of people downstairs making their way upstairs to see the fight. 'this day just gets better and better.'


People surrounded you and Hyojin. You just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible,but Hyojin held you back. You had so many questions running through your mind now.

'why is she doing this? Why am I loosing? Is it because I'm too distracted today?'

You sighed heavily and just laid on the ground. "Gave up already?" Hyonjin teased as she kicked your side. You squinted at pain. Your vision became blurry with every hit. "Mi Sun! Mi Sun!" You heard a fimiliar voice. You looked up to see Hyojin stop,''Looks like that babo arrived. Be good for him?" You pushed her away with the only strength you had left. She chuckled and walked off.You then felt a warm presence next to you. You slowly turned your head to see myungsoo's worried expression plastered across his face. He picked you up and started to walk away downstairs.


'where did she run off to?' I thought to myself. I growled in frustration. "Zelo! Look! " Jin Ae shouted. I looked up to see Mi Sun brutally beaten up in someone's arms. I glanced at the person's face. It took me a while to finally realize it was Myungsoo. It seemed he was taking her out to the front yard.

'He's not taking her. Not if I can help it.' I growled in my head as my hands created fists.

"We have to stop him." I told Jin Ae in a low,husky voice. "then why are we standing here like babos?! Let's go,go,go!!" Jin Ae shouted as she gave me a small shove forward. I nodded and jogged up to Myungsoo, with Jin Ae behind me. "Myungsoo-ah!'' Jin Ae shouted behind me. Myungsoo,who had his hand on the door-knob, looked back and smirked.

He opened the door,and started to run up to a dark van,which was parked in the driveway.My eyes widened,"Mi Sun!!"


"Mi Sun!!" I heard Zelo's voice not too far way. My vision was still blurry,but I could tell someone was carrying me. "Let me go." I whispered. the person didn't respond. "L-Let me go!!" I shouted again and hit their chest with all my might. I then caught a glimpse of Myungsoo's warm eyes looking down on me. I blinked a couple of times,and before I knew it, I was thrown into a seat. I pushed my elbows up and looked out the window. Zelo and Jin Ae seemed to me running torwards the van. The van then started to move.

'What was going on?' I curiously thought to myslef as I glanced around. I really don't know why I even bothered to look around if I could barly see a damn thing. My eyes started to get heavier with every blink I took. And within seconds I collapsed on the seat and my vision became pitch black.


I opened my eyes slowly and looked around the room .I then realized I was on a soft bed.

'what the hell? Wasn't I in a van?' 

I tried to stand up,but a my hands held me down. I looked up to see my hands in handcuffs. My wrists were a shade of a pinkish-red, and to be honest,they felt numb."We figured it would be better if you stayed that way. Who knows you might run off." 

That voice. I looked torwards the door to find a man with what seemed light brown hair, black jeans,and a black shirt. He was leaning against the door with a slight smirk,''You recognize my voice don't you?" He sighed and walked up to me. He paced his hand under my chin as he lifted it up a little. He smiled as he examined my face. "W-Why am I here?" I stuttered. "Because of your brother." He bluntly said.

'what does he mean by that?' "W-W-What are you trying T-to say?" I question again. He smiled and opened his mouth to speak,but some one suddenly barged into the room. "Sun-" the man started but suddenly stopped. "Boss..." he whispered as he looked down."What is it?"

"Hyojin has arrived." He answered. "Bring her in." the man retorted. The other male bowed as he walked out of the room. "What's your name?" I asked. He gave me a devilish grin,"I was planning on telling you later but since you asked-"

"Miss me?" Some one suddenly interrupted the conversation. I looked over at the door to see Hyojin walk in with Myungsoo by her side. "Myungsoo!" I beamed. He gave me a devilish grin,"I'm not here to save you." My smile then slowly disappeared."You should have listened to your friends,princess. Maybe you wouldn't be in this situation right now. But....we both know that would never happen. You couldn't even believe your own friends." Hyojin teased.

"shut up!" I retorted. "Make me." Hyojin hissed. "Hyojin." the "Boss'' said with a husky voice. Hyojin pouted,"But-" "Both of you go outside. I'll join you soon.'' He interrupted her. they both nodded and headed out the door. the '' boss'' Looked down at me again,"I'll be leaving now. Don't even dare to leave." I nodded slowly and looked away. Once he was out,I looked back up at my wrists again.

The hand cuffs were really starting to irritate my skin.

'how do I get out of here?' I thought to myself. I then started to skae the handcuffs,hopping that some way my hands could slip out of them.

"Ah-ah-ah. What do we have here? trying to get free are we?" Someone said as they came into the room. I looked down to see it was a different male. ' how many guys are in this building?' I thought to myslef. He seemed way younger than the "Boss". 

"W-Who are you? W-w-what do y-you want?" I started to stutter.

"The name's SungJong." he said in a childish tone.  I smiled at his cuteness. " Hyung told me to take care of you....." He said as he plopped down at the end of the bed.

"SungJong,what are you doing in here?" I heard a different voice at the door. I once again looked down to find the same male who came in when the "boss" was in here. "Hyung told me to make sure she doesn't leave." SungJong bluntly said.

"Why you? Let me do it." the male said as he wiggled his eyebrows. I shivered at the sight. Sungjong just ignored him and looked over at me,"Oh! You're wrists are really red! are you okay?!'' 

''Yah! What are you trying to say?! Are you going to let her loose?" the other male at the door shouted over at SungJong. SungJong pouted,''her wrist are really red..... Can't we just put her some where else so she won't escape?'' The other male sighed,''where would that be?'' Sungjong shrugged,''are you okay?'' I shrugged,'' They really irritate....''

"See! I told you!" SungJong shouted as he stood up. "Aish......I'm going to let you go,but I'm locking the door!" Sung Jong warned me. I nodded. I really didn't care, I just wanted to get out of the handcuffs. "Sungjong, if she escapes don't  come crying to me for help." the male said as he walked out. After he left,Sung Jong locked the door and released me. 

I sat up in bed and rubbed my wrists. "Thanks." I muttered. "I'm afriad I'm going to have to put you back in them once hyung comes back." SungJong warned. I nodded as I looked away from him. "Why am I here?" I questioned him. "It's because of your brother and hyung's 'problem'. " He said as he sat down next to me. I sighed and started to play with the strands of my hair. I then started to notice I had small scars that would only be Temporary.

'I'm so getting Hyojin back for this...' I grumbled angrily in my head. "SungJong. Hyung is coming back now....." I heard someone say next to the locked door. It was probably the guy we were talking to a couple of minuets ago. "I'm sorry...I have to put you back in these thigs again." Sungjong said as he showed me the handcuffs. I sighed and laid down on the bed once agin.

Sunjong quickly put the irritating metal on my hands. He then walked over to the door and unlocked it. He made it on time too because once he opened the door, the "Boss" came in. "Thanks.'' he said as he patted Sungjong's back. "okay," He said as he clasped his hands together,"are you hungry?'' I nodded slowly. "Alright then. Sungjong, go bring her something to eat." Sungjong nodded and walked out the door.

"Why are you guys being so nice to me? Aren't I suppose to be the captive?" I asked rudely. The male rolled his eyes,''you'll get some of our rudeness later. But I still have to make sure nothing happens to you.....not just yet..." "Wae?" I asked again. the male sighed heavily,''you sure do ask a lot of questions,don't you?'' 

"Then can you at least tell me your name?" I sighed. "the name's Sunggyu. I use to be your brothers' friend,but that soon changed. I won't say more. That's all i'll say. i'll be going now. Sungjong should be coming back with food. If you even dare to do something reckless,you'll pay the consequences.'' Sunggyu hissed and walked out of the door.

'I feel like those stupid girls in the kidnapping movies right now. If only I could have listened to them.....I wouldn't be here. If only....' i thought to myself.

'I know you guys will come and find me.....i know it....'

okay so the secret is out.....yes so you know know who kidnapped her. so nothing new....besides B.A.P.'s new song "hurricane" That should come out at 12 pm KST!!!!






hahaha XD.....anyways~.....


tumblr_m6r6iyT00n1rzdztno1_500.gif  it's sungjong today!!!! that's pretty much it............ so goodbye! See you guys on the next update!








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blahzeloo #1
Please updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
blahzeloo #2
Really funnn. I really like the story.
Chapter 16: ...So Hyojin only does this because of a guy she likes who doesn't like her back? Wow. She's even more stupid than I thought. XD
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 16: Hahaha... It's okay Author-nim...
At least you still uptade your story, althought it's been a longg loongg time...
Never ever make a girl angry, or you'll pay for that....
Eaasyy Author-nim it's not for you, it's for Hyojin ^^
Chapter 14: Hello! First of all: yes, I totally forgot about this and the storyline but: I refreshed my mind and here I am now in the comment section! ^^ So yeah. I really hope GD and his crew/allies will be able to save Dara and Mi Sun without anyone getting hurt or die..
Thanks for the chapter/update! ^^
Yoe_chan #6
Chapter 14: Fighting Author-nim \(>_<)/
I'll read your update soon.....
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 13: Arghh...... Come on GD, Zelo, Yongguk.... Go find her and Dara....
Yoe_chan #8
Chapter 12: Woaahh... Miracle in december....
I remembered again when baekhyun played piano....
Anyway new reader here... Sorry i'm late to comment....
I'm still struggling to read the story ^^
I really like yout story, there is bigbang, b.a.p., block b... It's start's with B.....
jongkey65 #9
love the story
Chapter 11: What happened to Dara?? O.o And how is she gonna get out of there?? You probably can't answer any of this questions, right? *sigh* Guess, I'll just have to wait to find out... =/