[Chapter 1]

Donghae's Tail

Eunhyuk stepped onto the deck. He inspected the calm waters before turning to his companion.

“Today looks like a fine day for diving. Don’t you think?” Eunhyuk spoke.

The other man shifted uncomfortably in his skin-tight diving suit.

“Yeah, it does. But do I seriously have to wear this thing?” the other male asked, tugging on the material.

“You’ll have to wear that unless you were planning on freezing yourself to death. It gets quite cold at the bottom of the ocean, you know?” Eunhyuk said.

“Okay, okay” the larger of the two agreed “Anything else we need to do before diving?”

“We need our oxygen tank and mask” Eunhyuk said, heading further out onto the deck.

The other male followed.

Eunhyuk stopped at a wooden box located towards the front of the ship. He flipped open the locks and heaved out a large metal container, attaching it to his back.

The other man copied him.

Eunhyuk reached in and applied an oxygen mask to his face.

Again, the other man did the same.

“Are we ready now?” he asked.

“Yes Kangin, we’re ready” Eunhyuk said with a nod.


Lee Eunhyuk has owned an expensive ship for over four years now which has led to him being interested in diving. Today he decided to bring his cousin, Kim Kangin, along with him.

Unlike Eunhyuk, Kangin is not rich nor is he poor. He is average in every sense.

Both of them are unlucky with finding love.

Eunhyuk was married five years ago until his wife, Yoona, left him for a girl. Yuri was her name as far as Eunhyuk could recall. This had turned Eunhyuk completely off relationships altogether.

Kangin, on the other hand, has never even thought about marriage yet for he still has not found the right person for him.

About one week ago Eunhyuk went to visit his cousin, who he had not visited in years, and offered to take him diving. Kangin immediately agreed without a single thought.


“Just tug this rope when you want to resurface” Sungmin explained, tying a rope around Kangin’s waist “I will press this button and you will be lifted back up to the boat”

Kangin nodded, still a little unsure about everything, and took a seat on the edge of the boat.

Eunhyuk tied a rope around his own waist and dived in straight away.

“What are you waiting for Kangin! Jump in!” Eunhyuk said, grinning up at his cousin.

Kangin took in a deep breath before looking down into the deep blue sea.

You can do this Kangin. A little bit of water isn’t going to hurt you.

Kangin shut his eyes tightly before letting himself plummet into the water below, creating quite a large splash.

“I knew you could do it” Eunhyuk said, his voice sounding quite strange through his oxygen mask.

Kangin smiled brightly and looked around curiously.

“Where are we going to go?” Kangin asked.

“I’m not sure. I’ve never dived in these waters before” Eunhyuk admitted “Let’s just take a look around”

Kangin nodded and gasped a little when he saw a shark headed this way.

“U-Um…Eunhyuk. S-Shark!” Kangin exclaimed.

“Relax Kangin. It’s not a dangerous type. It won’t hurt you if you don’t hurt it” Eunhyuk said.

Kangin nodded, still completely petrified of the underwater creature.

The large shark swam over the top of the heads. Eunhyuk even reached up and touched the tip of its tail whereas Kangin almost wet himself.

“Hey, calm down Kangin. Just enjoy your time under the sea” Eunhyuk said, sounding quite relaxed and calm.

Kangin folded his arms “That’s easy for you to say”

“Kangin…” Eunhyuk said slowly.

“What is it?” Kangin asked.

“Look over there” Eunhyuk said, bringing up a shaky finger and pointing to a bright light shining through a crevice in the rock.

“It’s really bright…” Kangin commented, slowly swimming towards the light.

Eunhyuk followed cautiously, wandering what could be producing the light.

“The crevice is too small” Kangin observed “I’ll never be able to fit through their”

“But I would” Eunhyuk said, swimming up to the crevice and trying to squeeze through.

“It’s no use Eunhyuk. Your oxygen tank is too big” Kangin said.

“Then take it off” Eunhyuk said.

“But…then you’ll have no oxygen” Kangin said.

“I can hold my breath” Eunhyuk said carelessly, taking off his oxygen tank and mask and handing it to Kangin.

“Be careful” Kangin said, scooping up the oxygen tank in his arms.

Eunhyuk nodded, holding his breath and squeezing his way through the crevice.

Once he reached the other side everything went silent. Kangin peered through the crack but could not see a thing.

“Eunhyuk?” he asked desperately.

There was no response from his cousin.

“Eunhyuk, if you’re still there stick your hand through the crevice” Kangin said.

Nothing happened.

Eunhyuk was over the otherside without any oxygen...

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Chapter 1: Sounds like an interesting story! I look forward to the next update! ^^