The First Chapter

The Monday Couple?

The scene set where  the running man show is being finished recording and a final joke is made about the Monday couple.

"anddd cut! okay that was perfect! everyone can return to go get cleaned up" The director ended the shoot for the day with an energetic smile.

Still wet from the pool games, gary emerged from the deep and shook his wet body. "man i feel like i never need to take a shower again" The guy joked, followed up with small laughters made by the staff who heard it.

"eww if you did that i would break up with you" His monday 'girlfriend' playfully threatened him

Gary played along with Ji hyo's joke, and said "oh nooo please my love don't break up with me you are my everything!!" Gary yelled out while dramatically kneeled with one leg and stretched bothof his arms in the sky as if he were begging for mercy to god

Now already laughing, Ji hyo stared at him and said "well Kang Gary.......if you do something like for real.... i'll really dump you for jon-kook" She ended her sentence with a playful grin

The two laughed together ending their joke

Now with a less joking manner, gary talked to ji hyo, in a more formal way "Man, Son ji-hyo how long have we been doing this silly Monday couple thing?" 

"kure... it really has been a while now. we've become almost like family due to all the running man shows" She said while remininscing the days that she spent with the runningman crew 

Gary nodded in agreement and continued "kure! yet we never have time to hang out once its over. its such a waste... we could have been friends!"

Son Ji-hyoya well in the past it was because i was dating other guys, and i couldn't tag you along as the guy that everyone pairs me us with

"ya your right that would have been weird but your not with anyone now right?" Gary asked in a detective manner

"ya im not, i guess we can start now, there is this fun party so celebrates next week think you can make it?" Ji hyo asked him, while she's at the topic

Gary: getting excitedi'll have to talk with my agent but i guess one day of hanging out wouldn't be too hard

"ye---ahchooo!" Ji hyon then sniffed a little before she continued "i guess being soaked in water might not be too good for me,  i better head off" She ended her sentence while bowing her head to Gary.

Gary looked at song jihyo's skinny figure that's practically soaked from top to bottom, "here" He said while handing his dry towel to her "you probably need it more than me"

Gary covers Ji-hyo up with his towel gently almost hugging her to warm her up, thier hands touch, as Son Ji-hiyo notices Gary slightly moves back

Gary slightly blushed from the little skinship and apologized "umm sorry.... i-aa"

Ji hyo, who was in no better situation, blushed desperately as she sees Gary being uncomfortable from the sudden contact, and desperately tries to turn the event into some kind of joke, "come on Gary we all know no matter how hard you try your not gunna be a gentleman" She said with an awkward laugh

Gary finally calmed down "haha yea well it was worth a shot" He said jokingly

The ice quickly breaks as HA-HA calls Son Ji-hyo

" i have to go now see ya later, Kang Gary" she said as she playfully puches his arm before she left/

 Gary was a little confused, as his heart suddenly skips a beat, "Ya.... bye Son ji-hyo"


A/N: That's it for now hope this relationship becomes funnier later on!

Again Sorry for the long wait

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hannaraisya #1
Chapter 1: hello this is the co-author! I edited the first chapter, so to those who have read it, try reading it again! And thank you for the new subscribers! hope that you enjoyed the update!! ^^
hannaraisya #2
Chapter 1: hello this is the co-author! I edited the first chapter, so to those who have read it, try reading it again! And thank you for the new subscribers! hope that you enjoyed the update!! ^^
vevina #3
Chapter 1: it was pretty good...but the writing...errr
Moon-RM #4
Please continue. Any Monday Couple story is fine with me!
hannaraisya #5
Authornim.... I am forever waiting for your update so I can read it XD
maerd82 #6
Finally another monday couple show, I was waiting a long time for one
hannaraisya #7
yaaaay! let's do this! can't waittt ^^
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