Say "no" to Peperos

Say "no" to Peperos

Say "No" to Pepero's.

***Author: Whoever comments first with the song lyrics& song used in this story may request a special short oneshot of B.A.P (no )




Jung daehyun was his name, and catch and frisbee, was his game. Litterally. This young 9-year-old boy just was in love with anything and everything that involved the great outdoors and running around a field.  Not even a field was required, actually, he just loved to run!

He also had another love.  Besides playing and eating, his third love was his best friend. We aren't talking about Yoo Youngjae here, his love'd one is Soo Yun. Soo Yun and Daehyun were joint at the hip since they were born.  In the begining of there friendship, Daehyun would always be tagging along behind her, now he'd always was being pratically dragged!

It wasn't that Daehyun didn't like his best friend, in fact he love'd her (he just didn't know it yet), but you see, he was into basketball, and races, where as she was more into dollies and playing house.  He didn't really enjoy those things, but he still managed to plat with her regardless. 

One fall day, Daehyun went running out of his house, with his scrarf wrapped around his neck  over the thick jacket he had on, and went to the field near by.  It was his favorite place to go. 
Daehyun loved this time of year because it was the time he could play the most without getting hot and sweaty, or too cold. It was perfect!

"Hey, Daehyun!" His older cousions friend waved.

Daehyun was always tagging around his hyungs, trying his best to prove them that he could be one of them if he wanted.

"Hi, Himchan!" He greeted. "What are we going to play today?"

"Hmmm....." Youngguk, Daehyuns cousion, rubbed his chin.

Since Youngguk was the eldest of the pack, he useually chose what to play, and his buddy himchan would either agree or disagree.  The young ones didn't have say, or care either. Heck, half the time Youngjae didn't even want to be there, he'd rather be inside reading a book or watching a show, but he only came to see about his best friend, daehyun.

"I know." Younguk finally came up with a idea.

Daehyuns ears perked with great anticipation. He was totally curious about what it was going to be this time. Soccer? Field hockey? Catch?

"Frisbee!" He grinned.

"Frisbee!?" Daehyun bounced around in the grass, making the leafs below him shuffle about. "Hyung, that's my favorite!"

The eldest grinned at his little cousion, crossing his arms in authority. "Good."

"Ugh," Youngjae frowned. "I hate frisbee the most."

Daehyun suddenly stopped his kangaroo bouncing to turn to his best friend in concern. "What? Why?"

"Because!" The young boy began to complain "It's stupid! I'm always chasing after that dumb disk like I'm some sort of monkey or something. You guys ALWAYS promise you'll pass it to me, and you NEVER DO! It's like we're playing monkey in the middle! And not only that, but THIS punk always throws TOO HARD!"

The hyungs all laugh at the pouting cute boy.

"Alright, Alright!" A boy nods after crying his eyes out from laughter at Youngjaes acusation about himself. "I won't throw it too hard this time, promise!"

"THAT'S WHAT YOU SAID LAST TIME!" Youngjae barked. "And you know where the disk ended up?"

The boy shook his head no.


The boy just laughed harder, huging his sides. "I'm sorry!"

"Alright, alright!" Younguk decided to step in. "Let's just get this game started. Rock paper scissors for the first throw."

The 3 boys and Daehyun himself all formed a circle in the middle of the field.

"Ka-wi Ba-wi BO!"  The three boys all threw rocks, but daehyun himself luckily dedcided to go with paper.

"YAY!" He cheered. "I WON!"

"Awe," a sadened Himchan frowned. "Let's spread out."

The boys all ran and distance themself from Daehyun and waited for his toss.

"Hrrm." This was a tough descion for daehyun.  Who should he toss the frisbee to? His older cousion? His Himchan Hyung? The boy who toses hard as thunder? Or his best complaing friend, Youngjae?

Descions, descions, descions!

"YAH! DAEHYUN! HURRY UP!" Bang Youngguk yelled off in a distance.

"Um?" Dahyun scratched his head.

"Oh, Daehyunniiieeeee!" A female voice came suddenly.

"Ugh, not now...." Daehyun grummbled.

Turning around, surely enough, a skipping Soo Yun was coming right in his di.  How lovely?

"TIMEEE!" Daehyun called out loud, which only caused the group to moan and grummble as they walked back to re-group.

"Oh, Hey Soo!" The blonde boy greeted.

Soo Yun automatically grinned at her blonde little friend. Well, he wasn't so little, he was already 9 and she was still the same 8. Well, she was an inch away from being 9.

"Oh, if it isn't Daehyun's little girl friend!" Himchan smirked and draped hhis arm around his best friend.

"Yah!" Daehyun pouted, to himchans enjoyment,

"Hey, Did your mother say it was ok for you to come out here?" Younguk said in his fatherly tone.

Soo yun wiggled the tip of her shoe in the dirt and looked up at him with a pout. "Yes...."

Youngguk replied with a suspicous look.

"She said, if I stuck with Daehyun, I'd be ok!" She grinned clinging to her bestfriends arm.

He groaned a little at her skinship.  Everytime she was around him in public, he felt embarressed.  The guys would always pick at him for having a "girl friend." She was NOT his girlfriend, she was just a friend who just so happened to be a girl...who he liked.

"Aww, how cute!" Himchan rubbed it in.

"Esh, get off." Daehyun shoed her away from his arm.

"Well, can we get this over with? Youngjae complained. "My show is going to be on in a couple of hours."

"Fine, Fine, Daehyun, your throw." Youngguk said backing away.

"OH! OH! Are you playing frisbee, can I play?!" Soo Yun pleaded and looked to daehyun with a puppy face.

He glanced at the rest of the boys who seemed to be holding in laughter, then turned back to her.


She frowned.

"Just go to that tree, and sit down and watch." He pointed at a tree nearby.


"Do you wanna go back inside and play by-yourself then?!"

She glowered at him and began to march to the tree. 

"Stupid jerk." She muttered under her breath.

Soo Yun

Poor Soo Yun.  All she wanted to do was spend some time playing with her best friend on a wonderful after noon.  But all he wanted to do was play stupid frisbee with the guys.  Her only friend, leaving her by a tree to do nothing but watch. Soo yun didn't understand why her best friend was being this way? Didn't he want to play with her?

"Stupid jerk." She said pulling the dollie she had tucked away in her pocket out. "Stupid jerk who doesn't let me play with him."

She studied the dolls face and adjusted her limp arms accordingly to how she felt. "Mrs. Floofy, you'll play with me right?"

Useing her fingers, she deliqutly made the doll nod it's cotton stuffed head.

A grin grew across Soo Yuns face upon Mrs. Floof's answer.

"Good!" She hugged it tightly.

"Hey, what you got there?" A voice was heard besides her tree.

She turned around to see it was her blonde headed friend.

Her grinned widened and she held out her plush dollie for him to see.

"Oh, a doll!" He smiled. "What's her name?"

"Mrs. Floofy!" She exclaimed.

"M-mrs. Fluffy?" He scratched his hair that she loved so much.

She sheepishly shook her head no. "No, silly! MRS.FLOOFY!"

"Ohhh!" He nodded. "I like it. She's very pretty!"

Her smile grew wider. She couldn't belive that he liked her dollie! All daehyun would say about Mrs.Floofy is that nobodies eyes were that big, and that she was really stupid because her brains were made of cotton.

"You like my dollie?!" Soo Yun gasped.

"Sure I do!" He shrugged. "My sister had one just like it!"

"What happened to it?" Soo Yun asked in curiousity.

"Well, she put it in a big box, because we're moving soon."

"To a bigger house?"

"I think..." He said in deep thought.

"Well were is it? Is it in seol?"

The boy's eyes buldged out and he shook his head in shock. "N-No, it's far from here, it's actually in-"

"BYUNGHUN!" Daehyun called out.

The blonde headed boy's words were cut off by a grumpy little daehyun.

"Are you playing or not!?"

The blondie nodded his head and ran off toward the field.

Just then Soo Yuns eyes met Daehyuns angry ones. 

He seemed more mad than she had rememberd him being a secound ago.  Maybe it was because he was loseing the game or something?

"Well, can I play now?"

"NO!" Daehyun yelled before stomping off.

"Fine," She muttered, glaring at his back "I'll just play with Mrs.Floofy."

She grinned with twinkling eyes as she studied the doll of her's.

"My pretty Mrs. Floofy."


If there was anyone who Daehyun didn't particularly care for, it was that darn Lee Byunghun.  Why? Even Daehyun himself didn't seem to know, all he knew was that he didn't like him.  Lee Byunghun didn't do anything to him at all, he was always nice, always kinda, and was very generous. But still, Daehyun didn't like him.  He was just....TOO nice, or something.

Daehyun particularly didn't like when he was nice too his best friend, Soo Yun.  She was HIS best friend, not Byunghun's! So he shouldn't be nice to her at all! It was Daehyuns job to be nice to her, so he thought. He realised that he was doing a pretty poor job at it and his mood changed.

"What's wrong?" Youngjae came up to him.  He was panting from all the running and NOT catching the frisbee.

Daehyun just glanced at his friend. "Nothing."

Suddenly, his eyes wandered to the tree again where he saw Byunghun conversating with Soo yun again.  Un-knowingly, Daehyuns hands began to ball up. How DARE he talk to her again. She was HIS best friend. HIS!


Youngjae covered his ears in fright, he hadn't been expecting such outburst from daehyun.


As expected, Lee Byunghun just smiled his stupid smile and started walking over to them.

"Hey, cna I play too?" Soo Yun asked, once again.



Lee Byunghun and Daehyun stared at eachother as their opinions contradicted.  How dare this boy invite her to play with them! Who said he had any say!? Again, Byunghun was NOT her best friend, HE WAS!

"NO! I said no! You can't play! Go sit back down!" Daehyun pointed at the tree as he had a stomping fit.

"Aww, come on, why?" Byunghun questioned. "It'll be fun!"

Daehyun just huffed at him. He was really starting to try Daehyuns nerves. Youngjae just stood back wondering if he was going to have to stop a fight, or if he should just sneak home befor the fight happened and catch his favorite show.


Daehyun had one weakness- Well, Two if you count food. His other weakness was Soo Yun. For somereason, if she batted her eyes, his walls would come down, if she aing'd, a smile would grow on his face, and if she kissed his cheek, he'd be under her control.  But it wasn't like this for other girls, just Soo Yun.  And she knew this as well. 

He blinked at her and swallowed. "Not this time." He thought.

"No." His descion was final.  Soo Yun would NOT be playing with them. Daehyun wasn't having it.

"Come on!" She pouted and grabbed onto his hand. "Oppa! PLEASE!?"

He just slipped his hand from hers and glanced the other way.  He was serious this time. There was no way to get around this one, not for all the aegyo in the world.

"Forget it, he's not going to budge." Youngjae chimed in intellegently.

"OH! I KNOW!" Soo Yun gasped. 

The boys studied her actions as she carefuly dug into her pocket and pulled out a small plastic bag.

With a smirk on her face, she dangled the baged peperos who made a shocking debut right in front of daehyuns eyes.

"Peperos." He whispered.

Like mentioned before, Food was another one of daehyuns weaknesses. His will power was depleating y the secound.

"Come on, oppa, please?" She pouted. "I'll give you all these peperos."

"Don't do it man." Youngjae shook his head.  But in his heart, Youngjae knew his friend was going to give into her puppy faces.

"Fine!" Daehyun snatched the bag. "But only on one conditon."

She nodded her head cheerfuly, awaiting his rules.

"You have to stand right there, and only catch the frisbee if I throw it too you and you can only throw it to ME!"

Sooner or later, after agreeing to daehyuns rules and a couple of tosses, Soo yun started to complain.

"NO! YOU ALWAYS THROW IT TO YOUNGJAE!" Soo yun complained.

"Yesh!" Daehyun ruffled his hair annoyed. "Fine, back up, I throw it to you."

Her face perked up in excitment.

"YAY!" She ran a few paces back.

"Further." He said shooeing her.

So she ran a couple paces back.

He shook his head and fanned her again "No, further."

So she ran a few more paces back.

He shook his head once more and fanned her away.

This time, as she was running, Daehyun cupped his hand around his mouth and called to her. "DON'T STOP! GO AWAY!"

So she continued running.

"Alright!" he nodded. "Perfect!"

She bounced up and down in excitment. She just knew she was going to catch this one.

But just when she was getting ready to catch, a mischevious smirk grew on daehyuns face and he turned his body and tossed the disk, still to his best friend Youngjae.

Soo Yun

Gasp.  All Soo Yun could do was gasp.  Gasp and return all the way were she once stood, next to daehyun.  

"YOU'RE MEAN!" She grumbled and stomped her foot.

"I know." He just looked around, ignoring her completly, which was really starting to anger her.


"Aish!" Daehyun looked around to see older couples walking by staring in their di. "Don't get mad at me!"

She just glared harder at her so called Best friend.

"I'll get MADE AT YOU! IF! I! WANT TO!" She screamed again. "Because YOU'RE A JERK FACE!" She punched his sholder.

Rubbing his shoulder he winced in pain. "STOP IT!"

"Fine! But I'm going to let everyone in the park know your secrets if you don't let me play!"

Daehyun just tilted his head as if to say "What secret?"

" The secret that DAEHYUN STILL SLEEPS WITH HIS-MMFP!" was suddenly cuffed by his hands.


She his hand.  But surly enough he let go.

Crossing her arms, she just wandered off and stood away from her "bestfriend."

After a couple of tosses, the frisbee landed right into Byunghuns hands again. Much to Soo yuns excitment.

"AHH! BYUNGHUN OPPA! PICK ME! PICK ME!" She bounced up and down. 

The blonde headed boy made eyecontact with her. "huh?"


"NO!!!!" Daehyun interjected. "YOU CAN'T!"

"Oh, you don't think I can throw it that far, huh?" Byunghun felt threatened.

"WHAT? NO!" Daehyun shook his head. "DON'T THROW IT!"

"COME ON OPPA! YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN DO IT!" She cheered louder.

"No! STOP!" Daehyun shook his head again. "YOU CAN'T!"

This only made Byunghun feel more determined.

Younguk and Himchan looked at eachother confused, and Youngjae just shook his head.

"This is not going to end up well." Youngjae sighed.

"Welp." He smacked his lips. "I'm going home." And with that, Youngjae began to walk home.

"ALRIGHT! HER IT COMES!" Byunghun worked up his throwing arm.

"I GOT IT! I GOT IT!" Soo Yun began to run according to where she thought the frisbee was going, and-



There was first shock on daehyuns face, but it was only followed by rash pent up anger.

"YAAAH!" He screamed on the top of his lungs.  He felt as if he was running fast as a tiger!  He ran in Byunghun's di and tackled him as if he were a human torpedo.

"HOW! DARE! YOU! THROW! THAT! HARD!" Daehyun growled inbetween punches. "YOU BASTARD!"

For a nine year old, Daehyun was very viloent, and had a well, intense vocabularly.

Younguk and Himchan exchanged looks again before settling their silent debate.  Himchan was to help Soo Yun off the groud, and Youngguk to restrain Daehyun.

"Daehyun!" Younguk struggled to drag him off of the poor boy. "DAEHYUN!"

"I'll KILL HIM! I MEAN IT!" He said with a slight twich of the eye.

"I'm SORRY!" The boy rose his hands confused. 


"DAEHYUN!" Younguk shook the anger crazy boy. "CALM DOWN!"

Daehyun just growled and sat down on the ground.

"Byunghun, maybe we should all head home, umm....well play again tomorrow."

Byunghun nodded and awkwardly waved good bye as he began to walk off.

Himchan looked up at the boy as he was fanning the girls face. "DON'T FORGET TO ICE YOUR...WELL, ENTIRE FACE!" He called.

Younguk shot himchan a glare as he tried not to laugh.  

Daehyun just tore out blades of grass from the field and yelled in anger.

"ARH! I TOLD HIM NOT TO!" He began to hit to ground. "I TOLD HIM! I TOLD HIM NOT TOO!"

"I know." Youngguk said in a comferting tone. Younguk looked back at himchan. "Maybe you should walk her home."

"Nu-uh!" Himchan shook his head no. "I'm not taking her home like THIS! What am I suppose to say!? Oh, here's your daughter, she kinda passed out and or died, because we were playing frisbee. See ya!?" Himchan acted out the sketch.

"NO! THEY'll think I DID IT!"

Younguk blinked at his friend.


"Aish! Stop it. Juvies not even that bad..." Younguk shook his head.

"Hyung?" Daehyun questioned, suddenly forgetting his anger.

"Just kidding, I wouldn't know. How about we all go take her home."

Soo Yun

"Soo Yun!" Her mother called from outside her bedroom. "You have company!"

She sat up in her bed a little anticipating who was coming.

The door cracked open a little and a head peered inside.

Her eyebrows rose a little. "You can come in."

The boy came in and she smiled in shock as he held something out before her.

"Flowers?" She questioned.

He scratchced the back of his head.  He seemed embarressed.

"I'm sorry." He finally spoke, holding the flowers toward her. "I was being a good friend."

A grin grew across her face as she grabbed the flowers.

He looked at her worridly as she sniffed them.

"They smell great." She grinned and hugged them tightly to her chest. "Thank you."

He just nodded a little and stared at his feet.

"Have a seat." She patted the spot by where she laid on her bed.

He nodded and climbed on the bed and sat next to her.

He studied her face. "Does it hurt?" He said as he touched the big white band-aid on her head.

She shook her head as she looked up at him.

"At first it did, but the docter gave me stuff to put on it." She smile.

He just frowned a little and let out a giant sigh.

"What's wrong?" She questioned.

"I'm sorry." He moped. "It's all my fault. I should've played with you."

She frowned a little. "No, I just wanted to do what you liked to do, since you always play dollies and house with me, even if you hate that stuffs.  But, I never do what you want, so I wanted to give it a try. I'm sorry."

Daehyuns eyes buldged hearing this from the first place.

"What, I like that stuff!"

She leaned her head, as if to ask him a question.

"Ok, maybe I don't like to play dollies.  But I like the cookies when we play tea party, and...being your play husband it''s kinda cool too."

Soo Yun grinned and sat up a little."Really?"

He shyly nodded his head. "Yeah, so how about this." He cleared his throat. "I'll play house and tea party four days of the week with you, and you'll play with me and the guys two days of the week."

"what about the other day?" She cocked her head.

"We'll do something we both like!"

"What? Eat?"

Daehyun deadpanned.

"No, silly, we'll go to the playground! Just the two of us!"

She grinned. "THAT SOUNDS GREAT! Promise!?" She stuck out her pinkie.

"Promise." He intertwined his with hers.

"And Soo Yun?" Daehyun said.


"The next time you get mad at me, could you not tell everyone I still sleep with my bunny stuffed animal!"

She giggled. "Fine, KeKe Mato is our little secret."

"Good!" He declared and sighed.

"Hey, Daehyun. I have a secret to tell you!" She said seriously.

His eyes widened. "What?"

"Promise not to tell?"

"What! WHAT IS IT!?"

"You CAN'T get mad!" She shook her head.

"What!? What is it? What did Byunghun do?!"

"DAEHYUN! PROMISE!" She again stuck out her pinkie fingure.

Caught up in the anticipation, he groaned, and extened his towards hers.

"Ok! Come here." She waved her index fingure toward herself.

He leaned his ear closer to her face.

Expecting her to whisper, he was suprised when he felt her soft lips placed on his cheek. His face redened when he looked at her.

"Goodnight daehyun!" She said fastly as she threw the covers over her face.

Staring at her covered up body, he held his cheek and began to crawl off her bed.  As he inched toward the door, he still studied her, covering his kissed cheek.

"G-Goodnight Soo Yun." He almost whispered before closing the door. "See you tomorrow."

Author: Well, that was fluffy ^.^ Like and subscribe please!

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xLovesMusic #1
Chapter 1: So freaking cute <3
rscxchan #2
Chapter 1: AHHHHHHHHHH its soo good and its was so cute and adorable i loved it
Chapter 1: so cute and fluffY!!!! <3
b2strockz #4
Chapter 1: So cute~ ^•^