On Rainy Days

Safe and Sound

The moment the two made their way out of the store, Woohyun ran, holding tightly onto Junghwa, the two of them ran. When  they made it across the street, the sky began to be colored in dark grey clouds, the rumbling of thunder could be heard, flashes of lightning could be seen. Junghwa kept looking back to see who the man was and realized it was her dad. She felt her heart drop down to her stomach as she looked back to Woohyun who kept a firm hold on her hand. Woohyun kept running, he didn't know where or when he'd stop going but he'd go as long as he and Junghwa could go.


Drops of waters came down, hitting their head as they ran farther away. Junghwa felt the rain hit them harder and harder as every minute passed by, crossing different streets, going into alley ways. She wasn't sure where Woohyun was going, but she trusted him-- she trusted him with his entire heart.


Minutes later, Woohyun and Junghwa slowed down before coming to a complete stop at a vacant park. Their lungs were burning and their legs ached from the amount of running. Their bodies felt wet and sticky with their sweat and the rain that kept pouring down on them.


Woohyun led her to a bench and they both sat down in the open. "Your dad," he started, looking straight ahead. "He called me to say he'd come get you soon." Junghwa didn't say anything as she just listened to what he was saying to her. "I didn't know he'd come so soon though."


Only the noise of the rain hitting the ground and thunder rumbling could be heard. Both of them were drenched from the heavy rain.


"When?" She asked, breaking the silence. "When did he call you?" Junghwa looked at the  male and saw his shirt getting wet and how his hair stuck to his face, covering his eyes.


"Two days ago," he replied. "I didn't want to worry you," Woohyun explained to her.


Junghwa looked at him and shifted on the bench so that she sat facing him. She gently cupped his face and made him look at her. "You didn't have to think that," she said. "You didn't have to worry about that. You could have just told me that he was going to come then we could've went back to Seoul or gone off to Busan for the time being."


Woohyun grabbed her hands and held them against his cheeks. "It hurts to know that we don't have anywhere to go. Anywhere that's safe for us to be together," he said softly and gently shook his head. "I don't want that for you, I want you to be happy and-- and I want you to have a place to stay for a long time, I don't want you to keep running away like this."


"Stop," she said.


Woohyun ignored her request and continued to talk. "I want you- no- I need you to go with your dad."


"I said stop," Junghwa looked at him with tearful eyes. She shook her head and began to cry, "I can't leave you. I don't want to leave you, Woohyun."


"No," Woohyun said sternly. "You can go, and you will," he took her hands off of of his cheeks. Woohyun turned his head towards the street and saw the black car and he knew was her fathers.


Junghwa bursted out in tears as she saw her father step out of the car, carrying a black umbrella. Frantically, she shook her head and looked at Woohyun. "No, no," she cried.

"Don't make me go, Woohyun."


"Shh, baby, listen," he gently pulled her into a hug. With trembling hands, he soothed her wet hair, "Baby, don't cry-- not today-- don't cry today." Woohyun had tears rolling

down his face as he knew time was limited. "Cry on the next rainy day." he told her. From the corner of his eye he could see her father coming closer to them. "Go home, okay? I love you so much, baby. I love you too much to see you like this."


Woohyun knew that a part of him was dying. It was the part that would never grow back no matter how much sunshine and water you gave, it would not sprout the same way.

The same flower would not grow in his heart and he knew for a fact that the moment she left, only a trail of petals will be left for him.


"No! I don't want to go away from you," she sobbed. "I want to stay with you, don't make me go away from you."


Woohyun pulled away from her and wiped away her tears, which, was being washed away by the rain. "Only on rainy days can you remember me," he said softly.


The look in their eyes as the both of them looked at each other, only gave the two an understanding that they felt the same way. The way their hearts were ripping from the rest of their body and how their lungs seemed to give way to the weight of the world. They felt their bodies giving up and they felt every memory run painfully past them.  


"Lee Junghwa," her father's low voice was heard. "I'll give you a moment to say your goodbyes," he told her before turning away.

Junghwa felt her breath run short as she heard what her father said. She looked at Woohyun and cried harder. She didn’t want to leave him. Not alone here with nothing. She didn’t want to go away, not from the man who showed her love and affection.


"Trust me on this, okay?" He held onto her trembling hands, giving them a light squeeze before letting go. "You trust me, right?"


"Always," she answered, "Forever and always."


"Then go," he said. "On rainy days, you can think about us-- you can think about the love we had, I promise you that one day, we'll be together soon, either as friends or lovers."


"Stop saying that," her voice was hoarse. "Don't say that to me, please. We'll be the same as we are when we see each other."


"Go then," he told her with sadness in his voice. "I will always love you," Woohyun placed kisses on her lips and forehead.


"You promise that we'll see each other?" She asked him, sniffling.


"I promise you we'll see each other." He placed one last kiss on her lips before standing up. He held out his right hand for her to take. With trembling hands, Junghwa grabbed his hand and he heaved her up to her feet.


The rain began to fall down harder than before and the thunder rumbled louder. Woohyun led her to her father's car, before he could let go of her hand, Junghwa kissed him one last time with all of her heart.


Such a sad kiss they shared, so painful when they parted. Opening the car door, Junghwa gave him one last tearful smile before she got in. Woohyun watched as the car speed out of the city and headed back to Seoul, to where the heiress belonged.


A painful sob escaped Junghwa’s lips as she watched Woohyun fall to his knees as the car drove away. She looked at her father and saw the look he gave her. He reached inside his jacket and took out his handkerchief.


“Wipe your tears away,” he said softly. Junghwa took the fabric from her father and did as told. “I’m only doing this for you, princess,” Junghwa looked at her father and saw the

man who was standing beside her so many years ago. She saw the same person who used to call her princess every single day until she turned sixteen.

Junghwa felt her eyes water and she began crying again. “Why are you and mom doing this to us?” She asked.

“Because you can only love someone for so long,” he answered.

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Kimchi32 #1
Chapter 16: I really love this story. I cried my eyes out because of this.
Safe and Sound <333
kpopj3 #2
Chapter 16: sequel?? :) it was a really good story!
Midnight_Rose #3
Reading this also makes me like crying in the inside as well > < great job at writing it! Hopefully some good things will come by...
Chapter 4: update soon please ^^