Let's mention it!

Our Bucket List!

They aren’t sibling or family. They just living in the same place for a few years, spend time together make  them has their own bond. They feel loss of each other if they have individual schedule. Therefore, they are very happy if their group schedule more often than individual schedule. That means they can spend time together while work. They are such the awesome magnae from SMent. Krystal and Sulli.

The two 20-year-old girls has just release their obligations as student. Actually they are ordinary girls who want to spend their time as teenagers  like other teenagers without working at a very young age. But be an idol is their choice in the beginning, and they also have to bear the risk.

"Jinri-ya .. now we've graduated. Sometimes I regret that I can’t enjoy my school days well." When they're not dealing with a camera, Krystal is always calls Sulli with her real name, as well as Krystal, Sulli is always calls her with her real name 'Soojung'. It makes them feel closer.

"Me too. Actually, when still at school, I want to go to school as usual like other students. Without having to skip a single day in school except holiday. Soojung-ah .. Don’t you regret with we become an idol at a very young age?" Sulli looked at Krystal who was putting her head in Sulli’s lap.

"It's a risk we must accept Jinri. Do you know, I felt isolated at school while other students were playing and joking together. And that's the risk that I have received since I rarely go to school." Krystal sighed as she closed her eyes.

Their  rest time they use to tell about their grievances to each other. Krystal feels only Sulli who can understand her, and Sulli also feel the same way. Although Krystal has Jessica as her sister, but still, she always felt more comfortable sharing her stories with a girl at the same age.

* Click * heard, their bedroom’s door open. It was Victoria, leader and mother who always safe them as long as they are still under the name of f (x).

"Hey .. magnae! go to sleep! Tomorrow morning we have a rehearsal for SMTOWN concert that will hold one more day. Tomorrow morning you have to ready! Do you understand??! " Victoria clenched her right hand to cheer on the magnae.

"Understand eomma .." they said together, smiling sweetly at Vic.

"Good night kiddo." Vic shut their door. Krystal and Sulli were already lying side by side in their bed.

"Jinri-ya .. as hard our youth, there are nothing that can make us regret it." Krystal holds Sulli's hand who lying on her right side.

"Yes, you're right. Ya! We have to make a bucket list that we have to do before we die!" Sulli leaned her body to facing Krystal.

"Hm! You're right! We have to make it! "


All SM’s artists gathered at Seoul's Olympic Stadium to rehearsal. Now the SM’s crew was preparing the stage. When the stage is ready, Super Junior is the first group to rehearsal, after that SNSD, then Shinee, and their turn, f(x). The maknae of f(x) sat behind the stage to wait for their turn. Only two of them, 3 other members of f(x) are busy somewhere they don’t know.

Krystal and Sulli sat together, Krystal leaning her head on Sulli’s shoulder, and Sulli leaned her head on Krystal’s head. Their face look bored. They don’t seem in the mood to do a rehearsal. Krystal inflate her cheeks as she pouted her lips. While Sulli busy playing with her short hair while blowing her bangs which falling perfectly on her forehead.

"Haah .. it’s too long until our turn." Krystal sighed. Looks like she's really bored with the situation.

"Me too. Why do we have to come early if our turn is not now.. " Sulli sighed too.

"While waiting for our turn, how if we tell each other what will we wrote in our bucket list later!" Krystal mood instantly changed when she was talking about their bucket list. Krystal straightened in her seat and to her side to look at Sulli.

"I'm agree!" Sulli is also her side, and now they face each other.

"I’m first!" Sulli raise her hand straight into the air.

"Ya! You're older than me, you better give in! I should have came first!" Krystal snapped Sulli. Although Sulli few months older than Krystal, but Sulli’s act more childish. And Krystal looks more calm and mature. People always think Sulli younger because of her act, and often in front of the camera Krystal also be mature and calm so that causes some people have misunderstood their age to within a few months. But if they aren’t in front of the camera, Krystal doesn’t want to lose with Sulli, except for some reasons. They always fuss just because of little things. Well .. that's how they are, they are at the same age.

"I’m first Soojung-ah ... heung heung .." Sulli nag. Krystal can’t stand with Sulli’s 'aegyo', Krystal relented.

"Aish .. if I was not sick of your  'aegyo', I will not budge!" Krystal snorted indignantly. She folded her arms across her chest and prepared to hear Sulli’s bucket list.

"Kekeke ~ .. gomawo. Hmm .. Well, first I want to get married, scuba diving, tattoo, walking in the rain without using an umbrella, and then ... " Sulli continue what she will write in her bucket list. Krystal didn’t say anything during Sulli was chattering about her bucket list. But Krystal listen well with every her words.

"I'm finished. Now your turn. " Sulli tied her hair and put her ear to listen her-not-bloody-sister.

"The first thing I want to do is skydiving. Then scuba diving .. "

"With me." Sulli continued Krystal’s words. Krystal threw her dead glare to Sulli because Sulli has been interrupted her talk.

"Save your comment for later ok?!" Sulli just nodded for sign her understanding with Krystal’s words.

"Making memories on a open field."

"Me too." Again, Sulli interrupted Krystal.

"Ya! You never mention it earlier! " Krystal protested Sulli.

"I've mentioned it. Picnic on the field. " Sulli doesn’t want to be outdone with Krystal. This time Krystal ignores her.

"Playing with wild animals .."

"It's dangerous." And this time Sulli interrupted Krystal again. Krystal’s face become red. She still remembers that she had been warned Sulli, Sulli can comment when she is finish mention all of thing that is inside her bucket list.

"Ya! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!?! " Krystal snapped Sulli and managed to make the two boys who were walking in front of them immediately stopped.

"What is it? Do you fight?" Chanyeol shocked to see that Krystal snapped Sulli. Kai was standing right beside Chanyeol also shocked to hear Krystal’s words. But he didn’t say anything.

"Anniya~ .. we used to like this oppa. That's how we express our friendship. Kekeke ~ " Sulli tried to explain to Chanyeol and Kai.

"Really? But it had sounded like a fight. "

"Sulli was right. We are already plain as that." Krystal forced her smile for Chanyeol and occasionally glanced at Kai with his poker face expression.

"Aah .. thank goodness. Then we leave. Annyeong. " Before leave Chanyeol pinched Sulli’s cheek softly and ran first to leave Kai.

"Ya! Oppa! "Sulli moved want to pursue Chanyeol.

"Huh, happy virus. I go." Kai waved slowly at Krystal and Sulli as a sign he would go. Before leave Kai looked at each other with Krystal, he stared at Krystal with his deadly gaze.

"Soojung-ah .. you know, that oppa ....is  really something for me!" Sulli covered her face with her palms after saying it.

"And that’s your ex-senior at school, also really something for me." Krystal smiled slightly after saying it.

"Ya! Dating both of them, get into our bucket list! " Said Sulli excitedly "Hm! I’m agree. Hahahaha " Krystal laugh satisfied.

"Now go on your bucket list."

"I will, but this time I don’t want to hear even a word out of your mouth. Do you understand?!? "

"I understand Soojung-ah ........" Sulli is pinching Krystal’s cheeks.





I plan to make the sequel of the story of how their love story with Chanyeol and Kai. xD
But it's still the plan. Kekeke ~
Let's see later. xD
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Thank you very much for reading my story ^o^

*sorry for error grammars and typo. xD*

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Chapter 1: Hehe , jungli so cute , i like their friendship.....:-)