So we meet again.

Love On The Fast Lane


Shin-ae was lucky to have been given a ride by her parents to her workplace on her first few days. Her dad wanted to see where his daughter would be working so he drove her there on her first day. He stayed for coffee and observed Shin-ae’s co-workers. Shin-ae’s mom did the same thing on the second day and even brought a close friend so they can try the desserts that the café offered. Because of her parent’s sweet actions and the fact that she is the newest member of the coffee shop, Shin-ae was labeled the ‘baby’.


She befriended everyone in the crew, including the barista who made a joke of her name. 

Shin-ae is still learning and getting used to the equipment they use. She’s still under probation and so that’s why she’s only been getting orders and serving the customers. The skills that she lacked so far, she made up with her cheerful vibe and pleasing personality, she was practically radiating and bringing smiles to the place.

Everyone treated her fondly. They were all in good spirits even as they supervised her. The boss, Jonghyun is guilty of stealing glances, looking at her inconspicuously whenever she was in his line of sight. He would sometimes hide his expression behind a book or paperwork when he would be infected with her smile and her laugh.


After a few days of pushing her luck with the parents, it was finally time for Shin-ae to commute on her own again.

Shin-ae’s on a look-out for that vespa that she rode the last time, not because she wants to be on it again but it’s because she is determined not to ride on the same vespa anymore. Not after that last incident that made her blood pressure rise.

Fortunately she didn’t have to wait too long as a motorcycle stopped in front of her. This one looked a bit more masculine than the vespa but it still didn’t look too scary.

She was ready to greet the driver with a smile but then the expression on her face changed 180 degrees.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. How many motorcycles and Vespa do you own?” Shina-ae mumbled when the guy took off his helmet and lo and behold it was the same guy that she was avoiding. He clearly remembers her too as the look on his face showed amusement. What were the chances?

She shoos him off by looking uninterestedly at him and spoke with an aloof tone of voice. “I’ll just wait for the next one. Thanks.”

Donghae scoffed and didn’t say anything else before simply driving away.

Shin-ae watched as he got further away before being on a look out for another one to bring her to work. She out a sigh as minutes passed, her patience was wearing thin and the weather was starting to get warmer. She tapped her foot against the pavement impatiently and looked at her watch for the nth time.

It took about another 5 minutes before she saw a motortaxi pass.

‘Seriously?!’ Shin-ae looked dumbfounded when she realized that it is him again.

“Get in or you’ll be late.” Donghae spoke monotonously. He went around the area and even managed to buy a drink from a nearby convenience store when he noticed that that the one who rejected him was still standing on the same spot. Knowing it’ll be hard for her to find a ride now that the rush hour is starting, he decided to give the girl another chance.

Shin-ae looked down on her watch and realized that she didn’t have much time. She knew he was right…and she hated that.

She swallowed her pride and without another word, snatched the helmet from Donghae before hopping behind him.

“Pay me half now, I need to pass by the gas station on our way there.” Donghae stated as he turned to her and opened his palm.

“Can’t you do it later? I’m going to be late if there’s a traffic jam.” Shin-ae tried to stand her ground but lost due to her driver’s annoyingly persistent attitude.

“Your fault for being picky when you have no right to be.” Donghae made a remark that made her just roll her eyes. Well she is paying him, right? So she shouldn’t feel like she owes him anything.

There are two types of bad men, one who women fall for and the other kind who are just plain mean and arrogant. Right now, Shin-ae can't judge nor decide whether which side Donghae belongs to. Maybe the second one is more appropriate?



Jonghyun just stepped out of his car when Donghae parked his motorcycle right in front of the café. Jonghyun narrowed his eyes at the guy before widening them in surprise when he saw that it was his newest employee in the backseat.

“Shim Shin-ae?” He called her name out just to confirm if it really is her.

“Oh sajangnim! Good morning.” She immediately greeted him with a smile and a bow.

“Lee Donghae.” He made a motion to acknowledge the person he thought he wouldn’t have to see again.

“Lee Jonghyun.” Donghae replied with the same cold tone of voice.

‘Lee Donghae? So that’s what his name is.’ Shin-ae made a mental note before switching her gaze back and forth between the two who seem like they were having a silent war…the look on their eyes were pretty intimidating.

“You two know each other?” She asked sounding all innocent and confused.

“Unfortunately, yes.”

“I wish I didn’t”

The men replied at the same time, both expressing discontentment with one another’s presence in their lives.

She could feel that there was some sort of tension going on.

“Okay then…I think I’m going inside now to prepare for my shift.” Shine-ae turned around and was about to take a step away when she felt a hand grip her wrist.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Donghae raised his eyebrow at her.


Donghae gently tugged on her hand so that she would be closer to him. She unintentionally leaned her upper body to him while his head moved closer to her face, not giving a care in the world that Jonghyun was standing close, watching his actions carefully.

“You haven’t fully paid me yet.” He whispered close to her ear. Shin-ae’s eyes flickered as his words and the close proximity of his face to hers registered.

“Couldn’t you have said that like a normal person would?” She pulled away from him feeling slightly embarrassed.

“I’ll pay for her.” Jonghyun spoke up making Donghae look at him sharply.

“Can’t you mind your own business for once?” He said irritated.

“She is my business. She works for my coffee shop.” He didn’t back down and glared at him. This was a new sight to her, well admittedly she hasn’t known him long enough but to see her boss have this kind of side made her scared of screwing up.

“She is my business too so why don’t you just do something productive inside your café and stay out of this. Maybe for once you can try not to meddle with something that doesn’t involve you.” Donghae bluntly told Jonghyun. Shin-ae was surprised that Donghae answered back defiantly.

Clearly things aren’t right between them, it’s as if they have some bad blood or a history that made them irk each other.

Shin-ae was starting to get anxious that these two would seriously start a fight so she let out a joke in an attempt (a poor one at that) to calm the guys down. “You two really need a cold cup of latte to chill you both.”

Shin-ae paid the remaining balance and softly pleaded Donghae to just leave as to not make a scene while she tried to coax her boss just to enter the establishment along with her.

The two men still stubbornly didn’t want to turn away and lose the ‘glaring battle’ but Shin-ae stood in between them with her bag above her head just so they would stop staring at each other and instead be distracted with her.




Jonghyun was suggested by the majority! Well at least it also gives the option whether you’d like to imagine that it is Lee Jonghyun from CNBLUE or Kim Jonghyun of Shinee

Any guesses as to why there’s some sort of tension between the two Lee’s?

Is the pace of the story just okay? Let me know if you'd like to see any particular scenes in the story and I'll try to incorporate it :)



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Watch out for a special chapter / epilogue! ;) Will post maybe within the month.
Such a kiligggggg in the end, eonni!!!! Oh I'm sooo sad that it ended quickly ...T.T But this is now my favorite story of yours :-) daebakkk!!!
ColaSmackles #3
Chapter 14: OMG OMG OMG ITS OVER 8((((( no more bickering from Donghae OTL and when he just confessed All My Heart started to play on my mp3 :))) awww but I'm glad shiet they're si cute unnie why cant i have someone like that 8((( I do hope you'd make another Donghae fic soon <3

Chapter 13: Straight? Hmmm.. >;) Update sooooooon!
Chapter 13: you're one jealous "friend" ㅋㅋㅋ
ColaSmackles #6
Chapter 13: Odg </3 drama huhuhuhu. What was that with the blind date thing 8( how can he not notice that Shinae's feeling that way </3 oh well I hope things get patched up before this story ends ;~;
ColaSmackles #7
Chapter 12: Merry christmas unnir! I actually greeted you on Twitter too <3 aw but the story's about to end? ;;;;;; do you have plans for making a new fic? :3
Chapter 12: awwww....donghae youre so cute
Chapter 9: Ohmygooooodnessss!!! Please update soooooooon!
Chapter 8: Wah! So sweet! I hope they'll realize their feelings for each other soon ^^