Four Legged Warfare Pt.1

The Best Couple Wins

 Four Legged Warfare. 


"Yah!" He grunted "Come on!"

"I can't!" She shook her head pleading.

His glare hardened "You have to!"

"Aish," she was panting. Sweat was dripping off of her forehead and she was pratically frying from all the heat. "Just let me rest for a while!"

He studied her as she took a couple of sips from a dixie cup, still panting like a fish out of water.


"HEY!" She gasped as she wittnessed her fresh water spill onto the ground.

"We have to get going! We have to be first place!" Changjo spoke desperetly. "COME ON!"

She stood up from the chair against the food cart, still a little out of breath, and sighed.  This girl might be a lot of things, like pretty, funny, charming, and rich, but one thing is for sure, Lee Min Joon was NOT an athlete.

"Changjo." She groaned. "I really can't..."

"AISH!" He grummbled and ruffled his hair.  All changjo wanted to do was get this stupid challange over with and untie their legs.  This whole thing made him uncomfertable and he just wanted to go home.

"Just, calm down and sit with me for a while." She sat back down at the stand.

He just glared at her, and reluctantly sat on the edge of her chair, being that their ankles were still linked.

"So..." She began to start a conversation.

He snarled, his arms were still crossed.

"If Niel beats me, I swear I'll hate you even more than I hate you right now."

Min Joon gasped.  Never in her life have she heard someone speak such rude words to her, and over a silly little competition?

"Changjo-ya!" She growled. "I'm just TIRED! Ok!?"

"Well, when aren't you tired!?" He barked back. "You've been complaining this whole time! I just want to get this over with and go home. After this, I don't ever want to speak of it, or to anyone other than hyungs and hyungs wife, again."

She squinted at him.  "Fine."  She stood up so suddenly, it caught Changjo off gaurd and he lost his balance for a secound.

"LEt's just get this over with!" She growled angierly, and began stomping off.

"Yes!" Changjo nodded. "WOOO! LET'S GO!"

Lee Min Jae

"But why would someone think of such thing?" The blue haired girl questioned walking along with her new "boyfriend".

He shrugged. "I don't know, it's really irrataitng isn't it?"

She nodded her head in agreement. "Making us do a four legged race in public is really childish."

"And it's too hot!" Ricky pouted, fanning himself with his hand. "Why'd they make this challange for today out of all days?!"

Min Jae took out a big paper map and held it in front of her face and studied it, tilting it at an angel.

"Hmm, let's see...where are we?" She mummbled, her eyebrows furrowing.

Ricky looked around them to spot any street signs, once he did, a giant smile grew on his face as he felt accomplishe.

"Here!" He pointed at the map.

"Ah, yes. Thank-You." She nodded. "And we need to" She pointed to a street on the map.

"WAAH! THAT'S AT LEAST A MILE!" She complained.

"Aigoooo!" He shook his head "You counted the math wrong, it's not that far at all!"

"Ah, Really?" She scratched the back of her neck embarressed at the hissy fit she just threw. "I don't really do math well, sorry."

She was truly embarressed at her math skills. Well, her acedimic skills periode.  Her older sister had always been better than her when it came to math, or science, or history, or even english.   Just about every subject in school, Lee Min Joon had accomplished something amazing, while little min-min was just struggling.

"No, no." Ricky shook his head "It's totally cute."

Both of their eyes widened when they caught his comment.  Sometimes honest words would just fly out of Ricky's mouth without him knowing. 

His face reddened as he awkwardly started to giggle, Min-Min glanced away with a small smile planted across her lips.

"You're totally cute." She thought to herself.


"I saw that." Ahn scoffed.

Chunji looked down at her and rose an eyebrow innocently. "What?" he replied.

"What!?" She mimicked his dumb tone. "You know what! You totally just winked at that girl just a secound ago."

"Jelous?" Chunji his lips with a smirk.

With a roll of her eyes, she scoffed.  She hated the situation she was put into. 

"No," Ahn denied "I just really want to meet G-Dragon."

Chunji chuckled a little. 

"What?!" She eyed him. "What's so freaking funny Chanhee!?"

"One," he corrected "Chunji."  He continued walking, not making eyecontact with her as he tugged her along "And two," he continued "They said concert tickets, not behind the stage passes."

She scoffed. "Obviously, you don't know me."

He rose his eyebrows once again. "Oh really?"

"Yeah!" She challenged. "When I put my head to something, I can totally accomplish it. I could totally meet GD if I get those tickets."

"Wanna make a little wager?"

"No." She sped up her pace, now dragging Chunji's ankle behind her.

"Heh, Wae?" He cackled "Scared?"

"I'm not falling for your childish acts Chan-hee."

"It's Chunji! And I'm the childish one!" He scoffed in sarcasum.

"Yeah, you truly are." She muttered. "Why'd I have to be with you!?"

He smirked at her when they came across a cross walk and had to stop. He leaned forward and let the tip of his nose touch hers. "Fate."

She squinted at him. "Move." She shoved him a little and began walking across the street.

"You'll fall for me sometime."


"Hey look," L.Joe shifted his head a little "There's chunji."

"MmmHmmm." He heard a little mummbled.  He could already tell, even by not looking at her, that she wasn't paying any attention to what she was saying.

He turned his head to see what she was looking at.  She was gazing into glass outside of a brick building.

L.Joe glanced at her eyes, then the direction her eyes seemed to be looking at.  It was Kim Himchan, their MC. Suddenly, the blonde felt a little annoyed.

"Yah!" He snapped, startling her. "Aren't we suposed to be doing something?"

"Mm?" She rose her eyebrows, then walked closer to the glass, reluctantly pulling L.Joe with her. "Maybe we can get some info from him?"

L.Joe smacked his lips, "Like the Mc would help us! Face it, We're lost! You got us lost!"

Ji Soo frowned at him "I did not! I know exactly where we are!"

L.Joe gave her a little look. She frowned "We're at a coffee shop."

"Wait." She mummbled as she saw another man accompany Himchan. "Whose he?"

L.Joe chuckled. "His spouse?"

Ji Soo chuckled and hit his side. "Shut-up."

L.Joe laughed as well, ignoring the fact that they were probably going to lose this mission.

"Oh, there's two more besides gummy smile?" Ji Soo rose her eyebrows. "Wah, he's really good looking."

L.Joe scrunched his face up. "Who? Which one?"

"That one." She pointed in the glass "The one with red hair."

L.Joe smirked a little.  "So, she likes guys with red hair?" He thought. She was totally going to fall for changjo soon enough, if she hadn't already.

"OMO!" She suddenly spun around tugging L.Joe awkardly with her. 

"Aigooo, there's going to be a rash!" He bent down and rubbed his shin.

"He saw me!" She hissed patting his back. "He saw me!"

"Who?" L.Joe asked looking up.

Suddenly, a sound of a bell rung and a door swung open.

They both turned around to see the very red headed boy looking at them, but oddly enough with a smile. 

"Oh, H-hello." Ji soo ran her fingurs in her hair. 

He grinned. "Hello. I'm Jongup." He then glanced at their ankles. "Variety show?"

"Omo! How'd you guess?" Ji Soo's jaw dropped.

"I don't know." L.Joe begun sarcastically "Could it be the tied ankle that gave it away, or the guy holding the giant camera behind us."

He turned to the camera and gave it a wink.

"Aigoo," Ji Soo hit him "So greasy."

"Well, that..." Jongup nodded "and the fact that Himchan is non-stop talking about hosting a varity show."

"Ehhh," Mi Soo nodded "I get it."

"So, why are you out here?" L.Joe tilted his head.

Ji Soo gave L.Joe a glare, sending him a message that he was being rude.

"Actually," Jongup seemed to be oblivious to their intense silent argument "Himchan sent me out here."

Their faces softened "Oh?"

"Yeah, he told me you that he couldn't come out because his face isn't on." Jongup laughed. "So, here I am!"

Ji Soo laughed as well and L.Joe just looked him over from head to toe. He had to admit, Jongup was pretty good looking, he seemed similar to the waiter that one time who changjo tried to set Ji Soo up with.  L.Joe figured Changjo didn't want to get attatch to her, so the easiest way to do that would be to get her a man. He failed.

"So, that's it?" L.Joe rose his eyebrows.

"Oh!" Jongup snapped. "He also said that you guys are WAAAY off course, and you should go...that way?"

"I think." Jongup mummbled

Their eyes widened. "You think!?"

"Yes, No... I mean, I'm sure. It's this way." Jongup pointed.

"Alright." L.Joe nodded. "Let's go."

Ji Soo nodded her head turned around to wave goodbye to Jongup before asking "Are you sure?!"

"Yes!" he called.

He stared at their backs as they walked away.

"I think." He mummbled.

Author: YAY! it's getting interesting! This week I'm going to my grandmas. I'm bringing my laptop, but I don't know if I'll be updating or not, so I wanted to update this before I go. It was going to be longer, but I'm so eager to update with you all! So, here!!! I'm sorry for all the fillers before, It was so boring :(( SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT! 

 P.S We'll have a very special MC coming soon who will melt you like Ice cream ;3


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New chapter coming soon! This week probably. Probably Saturday! It's might be a lengthy chapter too with a cam time following it ^•^


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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Do you know when you're going to update again? :(
I miss your updates ㅠ.ㅠ
this seems really interesting... ljoe <3 even tho this is a changjo fanfic
Chapter 26: I love this update! :)
YoongiholicAnonymous #4
Chapter 26: Lol how Changjo's asking everybody if Teacyeon could be a special MC :D
Chapter 26: Chunji cracked me up! that's totally something he'd do!
Chapter 26: bahahah love it!
Chapter 25: Hands down my fave Changjo fic ^_^
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
Chapter 25: OMG this was funny with the pizza and the cola :D
Oh and Teen Top should be next week or the week after next week on Weekly Idol because last week I saw a pic of Teen Top on Weekly Idol's twitter^^
Update soon ♥~
kmendozaaa #9
this is too adorable. cant wait for the next updates =)
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
Chapter 24: The moment Jisoo ate the lawn manuer I also thought INDIRECT KISS!!! :D
This chap was funny^^