Your Greasy Cooking!

The Best Couple Wins

 I Won't Eat Your 

"WAH!" She grinned as she entered the kitchen.  She couldn't belive her eyes as she waltzed around the place.  It was a kitchen suited for a chef of some sort.

"Aren't you going tot help me with the bags-" A voice behind heard mummbled.

She spun around and frowned. "Sorry."

Quickly, She ran over to Ricky and helped.

"Thank you." He mummbled again.  Poor child had a total of six bags that he was trying to lug inside.

Setting the bags on the counter, Ricky finally took a chance to look around.

"WAH!" He exclaimed as well. "It's like we're on a cooking show!"

"We're CHEFS!" Min-Min agreed, clasping her hands together, ever so childishly.

"Hmm," Min Min said as she found a hanger with two aprons dangling off of them. One was pink with red hearts, and the other was light blue with sunflowers printed across them.

A mischevious smirk grew across her face.

"Here." She threw Ricky an apron. "This one is yours."

He caught the apron, but only thing is, he caught the apron using his entire face instead of hands.

"THANKS!" He muffled sarcastically, hiding under the apron.

She giggled. He looked like a ghost. "Sorry Oppa!"

Underneath the apron, Ricky was blushing. She was totally cute to him.


"Hurry up and put the things in the fridge." She demanded. "If they spoil, you're dead."

Chunji rolled his eyes and strolled over to the fridge with the groceries. "Whatever you say, princess."

She scoffed. "Princess? Don't call me that." She focused on washing her veggies.

"Besides," she sighed "You're the one wearing the pink apron."

His sudden laugh caught her attention. She wasn't expecting anything she's said to amuse him and she certainly did not want to be the source of his joy.

"What?" She scoffed.

Chunji shook his head in reply "It's just that this is the first time you've paid attention to me! You even noticed that I'm wearing pink, I'm touched!"

Again, she scoffed. This is why she didn't like people, they always found a way to work her nerves. Esspecially that damned Ji soo.

Ahn inhaled. "So annoying, really!"

Chunji chuckled and gradually moved closer to Ahn's sink.

"You know, you're not washing that properly?" He said reaching his arm around her shoulder.

She shivered. Why was he so suddenly close to her.

"Y-You're in my personal space!" She attempted to sound harsh.

Chunji ignored her and managed to switch off the water.

"Here use this." He placed a gallon of water on the counter besides them.

Ahn jumped at the sudden sound of a gallon being set down, which only caused Chunji to snicker.  He enjoyed seeing her emotions.

"Cute." He snickered as he eyed her.

Ahn frowned looking up at him. "What do you mean 'Cute'?!" She snorted.

He just grinned showing his handsome pearly whites. 

He placed a hand on her shoulder and grinned down at her. "I mean, you're cute."

Her glare harddend. "Get you're flithy hands off of me before I reach down your throat and snatch out your spine."

Chunji snickered again and retrieved his hand. "Yes, Ma'am!"

She ignored him and continued to work.

"I hope you stuck the groceries in the fridge and not the frezzer." She said making no eye contact.

"Because if I go and look for an egg and they're in the frezzer all frozen, I'll make no hesitation in causing you pain."

"Aww," Chunji squeeled. "Is that a promise?"

She suddenly turned around to face him with a glare. In return he winked at him.

"Disguisting." She stated planly before looking away.

Again, he snickered.

"Just finish unloading the stuff!" She demanded.


Minutes later he was snickering again.

"Huh!?" She wipped around annoyed. "What now?"

He held up an apple. "They say apples don't fall far from the tree, so does this mean your mom's hot too."

She gritted her teeth. "Get back to work!"

He then slyly lean on the counter and reached in another bag.

"Hey, Ahn?" He called smirking.


"Do you live in a corn field?" He took out a piece of corn. "Because I'd totally STALK you."

"Creep." She shook her head annoyed.

He snickerd again this time he invaided her personal space.

"Well, Do you like Raisans?"

"No!" She glared, eyeing him up and down as he inched closer and closer to her.

"Well, how about a date?" He grinned.

She blinked hoping her face wasn't red.


"Why?" He frowned. "I could buy you breakfast, unless you want to be my breakfast."

She gasped. "GROSS!"

Laughing he shook his head. "I meant that you're as surgary as any breakfast ceral!"

She just made a face before getting out a pan.

"You want me to cook-"

"NO!" She snapped "I won't eat you're greasy cooking!"

He smirked. He didn't want to cook anyway.

A/N:  keke it's been a while? OMO? NO KISS!? Silly, it's only pt one of this cooking phase. So hmm, we now know that the kiss isn't between Chunji/Ahn and Ricky/min-min.... who could the kiss be between *GASP* -.- sorry the chapter's are shorter. That's because I decided since my fingers are starting to cramp up I write shorter and update more. I think my next update will be around B.A.P's comeback because I'm being FORCED out of town T.T bwaah! :( see you then.



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New chapter coming soon! This week probably. Probably Saturday! It's might be a lengthy chapter too with a cam time following it ^•^


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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Do you know when you're going to update again? :(
I miss your updates ㅠ.ㅠ
this seems really interesting... ljoe <3 even tho this is a changjo fanfic
Chapter 26: I love this update! :)
YoongiholicAnonymous #4
Chapter 26: Lol how Changjo's asking everybody if Teacyeon could be a special MC :D
Chapter 26: Chunji cracked me up! that's totally something he'd do!
Chapter 26: bahahah love it!
Chapter 25: Hands down my fave Changjo fic ^_^
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
Chapter 25: OMG this was funny with the pizza and the cola :D
Oh and Teen Top should be next week or the week after next week on Weekly Idol because last week I saw a pic of Teen Top on Weekly Idol's twitter^^
Update soon ♥~
kmendozaaa #9
this is too adorable. cant wait for the next updates =)
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
Chapter 24: The moment Jisoo ate the lawn manuer I also thought INDIRECT KISS!!! :D
This chap was funny^^