Ingredients to Your Heart (Pt.2)

The Best Couple Wins

Ingrediants to Your Heart

"Shut-up!" The girls whiney voice irratated not only Niels ears, but every other shopper that was in the store.  Hyorin was practiacally haveing a hissy fit into that sparkly cell phone of hers.  Niel just ducked his head and pushed the cart amoung the aisle, slightly nodding to the customers, offering an apology for her.

"That guy needs to learn how to control his girldfriend." He heard an older man scoff.

Niel shook his head and slightly whispered "Ani, she's not my-"

"Ahn Daniel!" Niel winced at the sound of her calling his name. What did she want now?


"Make me somthing low carb! I have a photo shoot in three months and I want to lose weight before then." She said holding the phone away from his face.

The older man scoffed, tiltiing his hat off. "You're a better man than me, cooking meals..."

"Acutally," Niel tried to sound polite, despite his irratation "There isn't a law that says only woman should cook.  Some ladies are hard working, such as Hyorin, and they need someone there to make meals for them.  There isn't anything wrong with male's cooking. Have a nice day." Niel bowed at the man and said his final goodbye before pushing the cart further down the aisle.

"Uhm, I gotta go." Hyorin said softly into her phone.  She then stuck it in her pocket to catch up with Niel.

"Uhm," She lightly scratched her arm, embarresed "Why'd you say that?"

Niel, still not phased by how human like she's suddenly acting, rolled his eyes and continued checking the milk. "Because," he scannded the milk for an experation date "It's true." 

Hyorin trailed behind him as he moved the cart further down the dairy aisle. As he reached for a carton of eggs he sighed. "Besides, you really do need someone to take care of you." He checked to see if there was any broken eggs "You seem uncapable of taking care of yourself."

She scoffed. Her human like charecteristics fading away. "I actully live by myself! Have you know!" She pouted.

"Really?" Niel looked up from the eggs "Just by yourself?"

She bit her lips "Ani, I live with other model Unni's."

Niel shook his head as he chuckled. He sighed and returned his attention to the eggs. "I expected that. You really don't know how to take care of yourself."

Hyorin's pout widened and she begain stomping her feet "Why do you say that! I totally can! I CAN! I CAN! I CAN!"

She looked around the store to see people looking at her like she was a toddler acting out, well, because she was acting like a toddler acting out.

She held her head down and bowed a little.

Niel, who was still examining the eggs, snickered a little at her embarresment. 

"Stop laughing!" She huffed at him.

"Seriously," As he pushed the cart further along the aisle he shook his head and chuckled "You really can't depend on yourself."

"Why?" She snapped softly.

"Well," Niel started, glancing at items on the shelf "For one, you throw hissy fits everywhere you go."

She pouted. "Do not."

"Secondly," he ignored her "You hardly know how to make up a bed, hince the fact I had to re-make up yours this moring. By the way, I don't know if you know this or not but the sheets go UNDER the cover."

She frowned a little.

"Thridly," he shook his head "Your eatting habits are a cry for help." He said placing a packet of ramyun in the cart.

She tilted her head up. "What? I eat only healthy foods! And I diet, what's wrong with that!?!"

"See," He snapped his head around to give her a serious look  "There's the problem right there. You diet." He started to push the cart again "How many times do you eat a day?"


He shook his head in shame. "Ani, You have to eat three times a day. Esspecially if you're dieting. You'll get light headed and pass out somewhere, then what? Plus, you don't need to diet you look just fine."

"Really?" She said softly, scratching her arm again "Uhm, ok..."

Niel cocked his head to the side. "Remove your hand."


Niel rolled his eyes and took her hand off of her shoulder and examined it. "Are you allergic to mosquito's?" He ased examining her shoulder.

She was suprised by the physical contact, but still, she remained calm. "Y-Yes? Why?" She swallowed.

Finally, after what seems like forever, he backed away. "You are really a pabo, aren't you?"

She glared at him. "WHAT!? Don't annoy me niel!"

He frowned a little, scratching the back of his neck. Whenever she yelled at him, she was quit scary.

He gulped and pointed to her shoulder. "You were bitten."

She gasped and looked at her swallon sholder. "Ah! no wonder it hurttts!" She whined, stomping about once again.

"Aish, stop it." He complained. He swiped her hand away from her shoulder "And stop scratching it too. You should really wear an replalent when going out somewhere. Let's go see if they have any ointments."

Hyorin pouted, but still trailed behind him. Niel occasytionally glanced behind him to look at her when she didn't notice. "She isn't that bad." Niel thought to himself. Then with another glance, he cleared his throat "You know, those shorts make mosquitos bite your legs..."

"No they don't!"

He grinned. C.A.P actually liked this challange because his wife got ti cook for him, with his assistance of course. Not only did he help, but he did dish duty too, he washed she dried.

"I can't wait!" As he sang he pushed the cart down the aisles. "I can't wait."

She chuckled at her silly spouse. "Shut-up and get me that can!" She pointed at the can on the top shelf.

"Uh-uh-uh." He tilted his face so his cheek seemed apealing.

She scoffed, slapping his shoulder. He knew she hated public displays of affection more than anything.

He chuckled "We're married, it's ok."

She let out a deep sigh and pecked his cheek. "There," She wiped her lips off with the palm of her hand "Now get me my canned carrots!"

He chuckled and put the can in the cart. "You're welcome!" He sang cheerfully.

"Whatever!" She rolled her eyes and continued walking.

"Speaking of carrots." She spun around with sparkles in her eyes "Did you see the maknae this morning?"

"Ani. What?"

Her grinned widened. "Today, Ji Soo accidently hit him with a carrot when we she was picking vegtables. Then afterwards, she ran up to him and rubbed his face like this." She demostrated on her husbands face.

He rose his eyebrows. She was really close.

"Kinda close?"

"I know!" Jin Hi clasped her hands together and grinned. "It's so cute! She must be falling for him!"

C.a.p sighed "I doubt it." He continued to push the cart.

"What do you mean, you doubt it?" She trailed behind him. He exhaled, stopping the cart.

"She hates him, jagia."

She pouted. "Then explain why she did it the secound time!"

"Because she hit him a secound time?" C.A.P rose his eyebrows. He leaned on the cart and sighed. "If anything, Changjo will totally fall for her first. Trust me, I know my mankae."

Jin Hi scoffed "Well, I know Ji Soo! And she's proabably already heads over heels for him!"

"We'll see, Jagia." C.a.p exhaled cooly, "We will see..."

"Ya!" Jin Hi called after her husband "Where are you going with the cart? We aren't finished yet! Ya!"

Changjo frowned. He leaned down on the cart, his arms rested against the handle, his head tilted down on his folded arms.  He let out an loud exhale.  He hated shopping. Not even just grocery shopping, but shopping in general. Well, when he was shopping by himself it was ok, when he was shopping with his hyungs, it was alright, but when he was shopping with someone like his mom or something, it was terrible.

"Taking so long." He mummbled to himself. His eyes were already drooping.

"4oz's or 8 Oz's" Ji soo muttered, glaring hardly at the two different cartons.

Changjo moaned, faceplanting his head in his arms. "Come onnn." He mummbled again.

"Butter, or margrine." Ji Soo muttered to herself again as 15 minutes flew by.

Ji Soo, really didn't know what she was doing.  The only people she's ever cooked for were her siblings, all the time, but they had a pretty unhealthy eatting pattern and she'd never made a cake before, never the less a carrot one.

Changjo groaned at the sound of his stomache growles. He wish she'd just hurry up, he was feeling fatigued.

With his eyes only half open, he abandoned the cart and slugged his way lazily over to Ji soo and did something quite absurbed and out of nature. He swung both his arms around her shoulders and hugged her tight, letting his chin rest on top of her shoulder.

Ji Soo stiffened. She didn't know what or who was hugging her. She swallowed, and dareingly took a glance to her left and saw the red-headed enemy seemingly taking a rest.

"W-Wae?!" She managed to get up.

Changjo just moaned lazily, baring his face in her shoulder. "Hurry uuup!" He complained. 

She blinked, unsure what to do or say. Shouldn't she be pushing him off of her? Well, he was being nice...

"I'm almost done." She replied. "I have just a little more things on the list."

"Ugh." He moaned. "I'm hungryyy!" He whined. "Feed me!"

She rolled her eyes at his childness. "We'll buy something at the check out! Calm down. Toughen up."

"I am tough." He pouted.

She smiled a little, just a tad, but changjo didn't noticed because she was facing forward.

"Well, then you should be a man and help me shop for-"


The loud scream startled the young not-so-much-of-a-couple. Ji Soo broke out of Changjo's embrace to face her Unnie red-faced.

Jin Hi stood paralayzed with covered in her hands. "Omo, Jagia! Did you see-" She tugged on Cap's sleeve.

Cap slyly sent a smirk in the mankaes way. Changjo scratched his neck, aggrivatingly, turning a lighter shade of the color of his hair.

"What?" Changjo glared.

"Nothing.... nothing at all." Cap giggled. "I just think maybe that instead of her falling for you, you're both falling for eachother at the same time."

"What!?" Ji Soo snapped. "He's the one that wrapped his arms around ME!"

"But you didn't pull away." Changjo squinted at her.

She scoffed, her face reddened even more. "I-I, WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON!?"

Changjo grinned a little. "Avoiding the question." He snickered.

"AISH!" She stomped away angerily "Changjo, Don't talk to me anymore!" She called over her shoulder.

Changjo palmed his forehead. He just got her to stop being mad at him, and now she was even more pissed than before. Great. Just great.

He slowly turned around to glare at the married couple.

"Sorry." Jin Hi whispered as Cap shrugged.

"If you two are done picking on me, I'll be going to go and try not to get my head ripped off by my FAKE girlfriend." Changjo groaned, following behind Ji Soo with the cart.

"s." He muttered.

A/N: Yay! Update, thank you to my new subscribers and thank as well too my old ones. I changed te foreward because well, it ws ugly. It's still weird now but look you can see the girls now ^.^ yay. lol.

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New chapter coming soon! This week probably. Probably Saturday! It's might be a lengthy chapter too with a cam time following it ^•^


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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Do you know when you're going to update again? :(
I miss your updates ㅠ.ㅠ
this seems really interesting... ljoe <3 even tho this is a changjo fanfic
Chapter 26: I love this update! :)
YoongiholicAnonymous #4
Chapter 26: Lol how Changjo's asking everybody if Teacyeon could be a special MC :D
Chapter 26: Chunji cracked me up! that's totally something he'd do!
Chapter 26: bahahah love it!
Chapter 25: Hands down my fave Changjo fic ^_^
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
Chapter 25: OMG this was funny with the pizza and the cola :D
Oh and Teen Top should be next week or the week after next week on Weekly Idol because last week I saw a pic of Teen Top on Weekly Idol's twitter^^
Update soon ♥~
kmendozaaa #9
this is too adorable. cant wait for the next updates =)
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
Chapter 24: The moment Jisoo ate the lawn manuer I also thought INDIRECT KISS!!! :D
This chap was funny^^