Don't leave.



I lay restless in his arms, fighting off the oncoming waves of nightmares. He embraces my thrashing body as he tries to calm my unconscious body back to a state of serenity. My body refuses his effort to take me away to a state of calm slumber, and I jump up in fear of ever trying to go back to sleep.

I shoot upright, whisking my head back and forth as I take in the wonder that surrounds me. Seeing that I’m still surrounded by the soft swaying willow leaves falling graciously from branches of the willow itself, my body begins to calm. I begin to slowly turn my body back, hoping that my luck doesn’t end with just the willows. I release a soft restrained breath when I see him looking back at me, his hands still carefully caressing the sides of my waist.

I look into his deep soulful eyes and ask,”How long?”

He sighs heavily and pulls me back into his warm embrace, “Not long enough.”

“I can’t, Taemin. I can’t leave you. I don’t want to.”

I tightly hug his arms, never wanting to let go. I look around me, translucent rays of light peeking through the humble leaves of the willow, highlighting the baby dandelions that surrounds our bodies at the peak of their beauty. I take in a deep breath of cool dewy air as I rest one of my hands on the tickling grass.

“I know, Hae Mee,” he gently starts to my long locks to calm my nerves, “I don’t want you to leave either. I want to hold you in my arms all day long, listen to your voice as you talk about life, listen to your breathing as I talk to you about mine, feel your body shake as you laugh at my corny jokes” he chuckles softly.

“But you and I both know that can’t happen...”

“Why not,” I ask, raising my voice slightly, “I don’t need to go! Why can’t I just stay here with you?”

He shakes his head disapprovingly as he continues to my hair, “You know the reason why, Hae Mee.”

I lay in silence. I know very well why I can’t stay here with Taemin, but I still refuse to believe that I can’t do anything about it. I think about all the times I’ve been with Taemin, the rare occasions when I finally get to see him again. His being radiating with an aura I could never describe. He brings the type of joy that’s beyond comprehension, and I bask in it every little chance I get.

I hold onto the one hand that still embraces my waist, slowly drifting back to my dreaded sleep. I stir as the images re-emerge, flashing back and forth, in and out. Contorted images of my family and friends haunt me in my slumber, pulling me into a numbing state. Hours seemed to have gone by when I find myself jerking back to life, cold sweat breaking on my forehead.

“Shhh, you’re fine. You’re here, don’t worry,” Taemin hushes me and he holds me securely, rocking me back and forth, back and forth.

“I can’t do it, I can’t!” I sob uncontrollably into his arms as he continues to rock me back and forth.

“Its fine, you’re okay. Shhh.”

Taemin rubs his thumb against the back of my hand as he begins to hum softly, singing the only song that can calm me down in my state of fear.


Rocket high, comets fly

You and I could hitch a ride

And fly away to Neverland

And give our best to Peter Pan


My breathing begins to steady as I listen to him sing.


When you reach for the stars

Don't forget who you are

And please don't turn around and grow up way too fast

See the sand in my grasp

From the first to the last

Every grain becomes a memory of the past

Oh, life's an hourglass

Life's an hourglass


I look up to meet his gaze looking down at me longingly. His eyes begin to fill with tears threatening to fall out; as so do mine.


Story's read, prayer is said

Close your eyes sleepyhead

While angels linger in your dreams

And hold you in their feathered wings

Just like you, I was small

Not that long ago at all

I wish you all the happiness

That God gives freely if you ask


As the song comes to an end I lift myself up to his level, eye to eye, caressing his face with trembling hands. I pull him close to me and whisper, “Promise me you’ll always be mine.”


He pulls me by my waist, “Always and forever,” planting a sorrowful kiss on my cracking lips.


“I wouldn’t think of ever loving anybody as much as I’ve ever loved you, Hae Mee,” he looks as me, as if trying to convince me of the truth – but I never doubted him.


Taemin pulls me back into his lap, making me lay back down, he continues to hum the melodious tune of the song as he my hair again.


He bends down to my ear and whispers, “Hae Mee, it’s time.”


I wipe my tear stained cheeks as I close my eyes once more, listening to Taemin hum to me for the last time.






It only takes seconds before I jerk awake, sitting upright on my bed. My surroundings become painfully familiar, seeing my books scattered all over my desk, clothes piled up in my closet, and my brown coloured walls depressing as ever. Reality hits me – so very hard. I hold onto my chest as the same pain that comes with always having to leave him comes back.


“When will I get to see you again?”







Second oneshot! I hope you guys enjoyed reading it! For those of you who're kinda confused about what happened or what was going on, here's a little explaination. :)

This is all in Hae Mee's head. It's all a dream. Taemin, the man (YES 'MAN'. Not a boy, but a man! xD) she loves, exists only her dreams. She rarely ever gets to see him in her dreams, but when she does she refuses to wake up. She aches to be with him, but is stumped by their clashing worlds. 

I tried to take the whole 'the man of my dreams' to another level. :P 

First attmept at a fantasy-like fic! Please share your opinions on this cause I LOVE fantasy stories and I'd love to know how I did on this. =D

Thank you all for reading and please do comment! 
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2026 streak #1
Chapter 1: This story sure was nicely written ^_^
I liked reading it...
cessna_taemin #2
This is so GREAT !!!!!!!!I LOVE THIS SO MUCH ..I CAN RELATE =(
this is written so well^^<br />
loved it! great job :D