The Witch
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                His eyes never lifted from the documents, as his fingers flipped through it for a few times. Even his eyebrows started joined together making a woman grinned widely than ever. Slowly, she came forward and pressed her forefinger toward Yamapi’s head. A soft giggled came out from when she did it. Yamapi sighed deeply, while taking the woman’s hand from his forehead and intertwined with him.


“Masami chan…..can you stop doing that? You distract me from reading this document.” Yamapi complained while pulling the woman closer to him. Nagasawi Masami smiled even brighter and looked naughtier than before.


“But, your face looked funny enough with the connected eyebrows!!


“It did not connect!!” he retorted.


“It did!!!” Masami pointed as she squealed happily. This made the man groaned softly while pulling her within his embrace, hugging her. Their forehead touched before he whispered softly.


“You are bad….Nagasawa Masami. Disturbing me when I am busy with my work. What should I do with you? ” Yamapi said while nuzzling on her cheeks. The woman bit her lips and grinned widely.


“Ummm….well, you can punish me by buying me a lunch.” Masami tilted her head as her finger trailed on the man’s chest. Yamapi laughed softly. His eyes glanced toward his watch and shifted his gaze back toward the short hair woman. There was something wonderful on her that made him lost his battle easily.


“Okay…fine!!!This stomach too had been singing a lovely song too.” Yamapi said while patting on his tummy, making Masami chuckled once again. Helping the slender woman standing, Yamapi grabbed his coat and wore it.


“Ne…..can we have western food for today?” Masami asked as she helped him wearing the coat. Nodding softly, his eyes lingered back on the document. Something had been bothering on him when he read the document just now. I need to read once again.


“Pi! Did you listen to me!” Masami pouted as she called the man once again.  Folding her arms across her chest, she pinned a frown look toward the man. Yamapi laughed heartily seeing his girlfriend started to sulk over small thing. Snaking his hand around her waist, he tried to coo her.


“I heard you, come…let’s go.” He said softly while pulling her toward the door. Intertwine their fingers together, they walked out of his room and moved toward the lifts. Masami never stopped talking about what menu they should eat that afternoon, making Yamapi smiled wider than ever. It seemed very easy to blow the bad mood within her in a short time after all.


Suddenly, his feet stopped immediately. The words that kept coming from his mouth too, ended instantly at the sight of something making Masami who stood next to him turned her gaze as well. In front of the lift, it was Horikita Maki standing with her secretary, Toda Erika. The long hair woman never stopped talking as she kept reporting everything toward her boss. The previous event played once again inside his head making he clasped his hand tightly than ever. Suddenly, a hand grabbed on his arm.


“Ne…Pi. Can we take another lift. I don’t like the witch.” Masami whispered softly on his ears. Moistening his lips, he just nodded and started to move out from the place. But, somehow, luck was not his side when Toda Erika noticed him immediately. She smiled widely as she bow deeply to him.


“ Thank you so much for helping us just now.” Toda chirped happily bowing once again. Masami widened her eyes and her brown eyes darted toward her boyfriend. Maki, who was looking at the lift, just glanced at him for a while before turned back to the view in front of her. Being trapped in the situation with Masami’s glared on him, Yamapi just bow slightly.

“What does she mean that you help them?” Masami hissed under her breath, trying to be low as possible. Swallowing his throat, Yamapi stared at the witch’s back. Ryo’s words rang back inside his head.


By the way…..stop thinking about the witch!!! You are going to get curse from her later….


Yamapi stopped thinking at the sudden thought. What does it mean by all of  those words?


                Suddenly, the sound of the lift woke him from the deep thought. Glancing back to the front, he found out that the lift was opened wide, revealing empty spaces in it.  The women ride on the lift, leaving Yamapi and Masami outside the lift. Before the door closed up, Toda Erika stopped the button and tilted her head.


“Aren’t you coming?” She asked while smiling. Masami shook her head whereas Yamapi remained silent.


“But….you are going down, right? There is more space here.” She pinpointed toward the space inside the lift. Automatically, the grip within his arm became stronger, making Yamapi looked at Masami for a while. There was something inside her eyes that made her reluctant to ride on the same lift with Horikita Maki.


“It’s okay Toda san….we could take another lift.” Masami gave excused toward the woman. The long hair woman stared at them for a long time before shifting her gaze toward the boss. Toda Erika was not that stupid to understand the situation that happened in front of her. Unknowingly, a smile started to formed on her lips.


“I think it is better you take the lift. You do not want my boss to be irritated right, for holding her and wasting her time like this, right?” Erika said cynically.

 She understood too much that they were too scared to ride on the same elevator with her boss. Well, she was the witch after all. For someone to be close to her will get the dangerous disease after. Well, that was what they said. But, Erika did not even bother about it.


                Hearing Toda Erika words, making their eyes fall on Maki automatically. The woman gave her a dark and cold look. Even, they were not even slightest smile on her face. Masami swallowed hard as her eyes instantly moved from her.


“Let’s go….just bear it for a while…” Yamapi whispered to his girlfriend.


“But…” Before she could protest, the man dragged her inside the lift. Toda Erika smiled of victory seeing the situation. Then, the four of them rode on the same elevator after all. Once th

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Hello everyone, the update will be late since I'm quite busy. I'll try to post it as soon as possible. The earliest might be next week. Sorry about that.


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b2stpanda #1
Hello there. I know this going to annoy you but please can you please continue to write the story please.
Hello hello!!! Please, keep writing, I really love the fanfic!
Hello! My Yamaki heart is praying for the update ;) please, dear author, keep writing. Hope you're back soon.
Chapter 55: My dear author, please update soon :D I really want to read more <3
Chapter 54: Hello, I return to this fic again after years!!! And return to asianfanfics as well.
I'm really surprised that this fic still continues, after being in hiatus and...maki's marriage (thus breaking my yamaki heart)

Edit: Asfafadfafsgaf, I wrote a lenghty comment but why did Aff cut it? Grrr......
Anyway, I hope they didn't cut this one. I'm so thankful that you keep this story alive, after years. I have re-read all the way to the beginning and I got all giddy in yamaki scenes. I know I will love them forever....
Please continue updating this fic, please please....
I really like that Yamapi saw the real Maki in the video. I hope that he choose the best option. Ohh no, Masami what are you planning? Thanks for the update!!!!!! Great chapter!!!! :D
fickyz #7
Chapter 55: Wow...this chapter is intense for Yamapi's part. But hopefully he makes the right decision what ever it is. Please don't let go of Maki for what ever deal Mukai has offered. Great chapter as usual author~
Chapter 55: i teared when Pi saw Maki's smiles.... the sweet side of her he didn't get to see. :(
Whatever deal they made, i hope Pi says know and fight for her!!!
it's ok for the late update... we don't want to stress you out. :) Life is life. :)
Will definitely wait for the next chapter when you are available. :)
Please update soon <3 <3 <3
Chapter 54: First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR KEEPING THIS STORY ALIVE! Thank you so much :D
Honestly, I thought you'd never continue this story again, so when this morning I checked up this site and saw this story has been updated, I was so happy :D THANK YOU :D!
I hope you can keep writing because I really love your stories (The Secret and this one :D)
I'll be waiting for your update :D