Chapter Two

The Game

(A/N: Let’s just pretend that BEAST, SHINee, and 4MINUTE are all almost the same age as you. Some members may be older for 1-3 years. So, yeah. Lol.)



I had been doodling on a random unused page of my notebook as the homeroom teacher droned on a curt introduction of two new inhabitants of our class. I was obviously uninterested of what was occurring and what would most likely be solicited from the situation, unlike most of the female population present in the classroom who were gossiping in pure and blatant interest about identity, personality and of course, looks of the two unrevealed newbies. A lot had their fingers crossed, chanting a mantra in hopes that the new souls would be males and would be blessed with undeniably good looks. A few even had their eyes closed as they had their hands clasped together, hoping the same thing with the rest of the females except me.


Not long after, the sickening mantra repeatedly being recited was replaced by the annoying squeals of delight, excitement and approval of the ladies. I was able to easily guess and catch on that the students were males and as they would openly say devilishly charming. I needed not to look for a confirmation, for the irritation that was brought upon the heightened voices were enough for me; though the unspoken curiosity that budded in me to even catch a glimpse of their faces and physique pushed me to see. And so, with a slight tilt of my head, and a stop to what was I doing, my sight welcomed my two new classmates.


Yay! More people not to give a about. I sarcastically thought to myself as my mind registered their outer appearances. There were two of them, as what was promptly said by our teacher before. One was tall, yet the other was taller, only a few countable centimeters as the difference of their heights from each other. “I’m Jang Hyunseung.” The male who was tall yet was slightly beaten in height by his companion spoke. He possessed features that were endowed with a touch of femininity, yet was strikingly good looking. Pretty boy, indeed. I had been opting to read his possible personality from the impression his exterior when our gazes locked. His eyes pierced me as if he recognized me somewhere though I was sure, that this was my first encounter of him. Seconds lapse and we both help each other eyes for what seemed like a period, when our reverie was broken by the resonation of the other man’s deep and husky voice booming through out the room. “Yong Junhyung here.” He curtly said. Kept short just like pretty boy’s. Having that happened, I was forced to look away and focus my attention to the other who was beside him. His outer demeanor exuded such great contrast towards pretty boy. He had bad guy and trouble written all over him, which sadly successfully ensnared him a position as a future campus heartthrob and player. How predictable.


Having had enough of my observations and impressions of them, I opted to return to what busied me a few moments ago, as the new students seemingly ended their introduction with the usual ‘Let’s be friends’, and a polite bow. And with that, ensued the squeals of the ladies yet again. Ugh, note to self, bring ear buds. Rolling my eyes as I further concentrated on my nonsensical drawing and perhaps writing.



It’s her. I found her. While the teacher took his sweet time looking around for vacant seats for us to occupy, I casted a knowing look to Junhyund and slightly nudged him. Receiving a not so surprising response for him, consisting of his usual annoyed looking ‘what’ face. “Target sighted.” I relayed to him as I casted a sideward, yet pointed glance to the female who was busy scribbling or detaching herself from the commotion we caused. With a simple nod of acknowledgment, Junhyung softly spoke in reply. “I know. She wasn’t that hard to spot. Sticking out like a sore thumb.” Our conversation had been cut short as the teacher directed us to our seats, separating us in the way as Junhyung was sat beside a smarty-pants, and I, by the will of the gods, beside my prey.


Moving fluidly across the room and reaching their in a few seconds, I sat down to my designated seat and attempted to strike a conversation with her, seeing that she seemed to be oblivious to my presence. “Hi. I’m your new neighbor in class, Jang Hyunseung.” I said in a cheerful manner, hoping that I’d solicit a proper response. “I know.” Her voice cold and detached, as she didn’t even spare a glance at me. “Name, please?” I inquired. “Yejin.” Her eyes still away from mine and latched unto to the sheet of her notebook. “I hope we can be good friends and please take care of me as your new seatmate.” She sighed and released her pen, finally looking up and catching my eye. “Look, I don’t have friends and I don’t make any. I’d like to keep it that way thank you very much.” With that, she resumed her doodling. Hard to get eh.



I yawned as I casted a look at my seatmate. “Hey, nerd.” I called him, already picking out a fitting name for him in my opinion. “Don’t call me that.” He replied with a soft voice, continuing to rewrite notes. Uncaring and posing no heed to what he said, I spoke. “I’m gonna text. Don’t tell the teacher or else I’ll seriously kill you.” Threat had drench my words, not that I had a care since I wanted it to be that way anyway, I found it quite proper to inform him just in case he would decide to slip up and squeak to the teacher about what I opt to do. Not that I care about what the teacher could do, but I prefer to have a clean record on the first day. He let out a chilled sigh and glanced at me. “I don’t really care about what you do as long as you don’t disturb me when I’m studying and as long as you don’t call me nerd or anything related to that in context and thought.” He rolled his eyes and went back to taking down notes. “Whoa. Chill.” Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed.


I turned away, seeing the conversation was deadpanned, and began to text Hyunseung. “Hyung, it’s so boring. How’s it going with the girl? What’s your plan?” I sent the message to him and waited for his reply. Not that I have a choice anyway. Fiddling with my pen for a while, as I looked around the room taking small bits of the ornaments and usual items it had, when I felt a vibration whizzed through the pocket of my pants. “She’s a really hard girl to talk to. During our break time, let’s plan with the other members and text me later. I’m still trying to get her to talk to me.” It read. Not much progress, I see. Wouldn’t be surprising. I felt a yawn make its way out of my lips, as I caved into sleep, noting to myself that there was nothing interesting to do or occupy my time with. Taking a book from my desk, and opening slightly, as I prompted it up to cover up my soon-to-be sleeping figure before I finally sank into slumber.




The members struggled to explain to their oh-so precious and untainted maknae, Taemin the situation they were in. Their explanation consisting of a few stutters here and there, and stops as well as if they were trying to reword in a way Taemin won’t be too surprise, yet in the end they were the ones who were caught off-guard as they found him laughing and perfectly comprehending the situation. “Hyungs, I’m not a baby anymore. You really didn’t have to hide it from me.” He uttered in assurance. “But we still consider you as our baby and we treasure you.” Key contradicted. Taemin smiled and hugged Key. “Thanks, hyung. But seriously, I’m growing up already, okay? Anyway, what’s the plan? We certainly can’t lose this after all.” He began to query the others. “Well, that’s our problem. Anyone got ideas or thoughts to spare about it?” Onew could only shrug his shoulders in sigh in somewhat defeat, as he asked the group. No one answered. Silence was what retained in the air. “Let’s just ask help from manager hyung, maybe?” Onew suggested and everyone bobbed their head up and down in unison.




Sohyun had been wearing a disguise, as she occupied a booth at a café near the school Yejin, their target went to. Having nothing to do other than to kill time and wait for her target to appear, she had been giving a tad bit off her attention to her phone and the entertain that it could offer. Time ticked slowly and it irritated her, she could’ve been away from here, doing things worth her time, yet due to her position in the group, she had no choice but to do the assigned task. Throwing her phone in her bag, as she rested her chin unto her hands, she began to whine to herself. “Why do I have to be the one to stalk her? Ah, I just hate being the maknae.”  She pouted and took a sip from her latte.




The bell rang, finally signaling for the end of your class today. I started to gather and fix my things and so did pretty boy beside me. “Yejin-ssi let me walk you home today.” Hyunseung kindly offered. “No, thanks. I have my car.” I replied as I zipped my bag and swung it over my shoulder as if it weighed nothing. My reply had been short and enough to kill his kind request. I was in my own fuss to leave when things swerved from my ideal situation. Pretty boy obstructed my way, long before I could’ve taken a step away from my place and to the door. “Move.” I muttered, evidently annoyed by his unnecessary act. Couldn’t he take the hint? I didn’t want any acquaintances so leave me the hell alone. “Can I go with you in your house? Let’s have a study session. I’m kinda having a hard time with a certain subject.” He asked me, flashing me an expression that donned puppy eyes for cuteness. “Ask someone else. Others would be more than willing happy to cater you and your presence.” I retorted, completely unfazed. I stepped to the to the left and he mirrored me. Stepped to the right and he mirrored me again. God, why was he making it difficult? “I insist it to be you. Please?” He said, adding a cute pout to top it off. “Fine.” I gave in. Caving in to his request was what not I had in mind but better get it over as soon as possible. Getting him off the easier way. Besides, he’s handsome, alright? And he needs help in a subject. One subject to be exact, I can be kind and helpful too. He smiled a full grin that showcased his pearly whites, as he grabbed his bag and finally stepped aside from my way. “Let’s go.” He spoke and we both headed off to my car.


Making my way out of the café, thinking that I had enough lounging in that place, I immediately hid behind a nearby tree as my vision recognized the girl that was known to be our target, walking casually beside Hyunseung. My teeth clenched as a bit of irritation crept up to my skin. “Damn it. Beast got her first.” Taking out my phone, I captured a few shots of them getting into a car, which seemed to be owned by the girl, as I knew for a fact that Hyunseung did not own such. Hailing a cab, I asked the driver to quickly tail the vehicle. A few moments later it stopped in front of a building, which resembled a condominium. “Ahjussi, please drop me off at the next building.” I kindly asked. The man did what was told and I paid the cost. After ensuring the cab left and no one was in plain sight and would be lurking like I was, I took shots of the building. Noting that she lived in a condo and the distance was quite fair from her school. ““You live in a condominium, eh? Now my only goal is to know which unit is yours.” I smirked, moving on to my next objective.



A/N: Sorry for the crappy update. I haven’t had any sleep yet. I can’t sleep! D: I’ll try to give better updates next time. And longer ones, maybe. We’ll see. :D

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_sally_ #1
Loving the story so far!!! Please update.