Chapter 23

Just Yesterday.
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It was a Friday evening and work at the hospital was coming to an end for L a bit earlier than usual. The past few weeks have been hectic for him with a thesis due and practical works that he had to attend. He was glad he had the weekend free so he could spend some time with the love of his life. After packing up his things and tidying his workspace, he bid goodbye to his supervisor and headed towards the paediatric ward where Jessica was assigned as her next prac work.

“Good evening, Miss Jung” He cooed as he walks up to her from behind and wrapped his arm around her slim waist. Jessica froze at the sudden touch and looked around to see whom it was.

“Oppa! You scared me!” She complained and lightly whacked his arm. L chuckled and kissed her cheek,

“I’m sorry baby”

Jessica smiled at him and pulled him into her embrace, “I’ve missed you so much!”

L nodded his head and breathed in her scent that he has been longing for the past few weeks, “I missed you too. But we finally get to spend some time with each other tomorrow!”

Jessica pulled away and pouted, “About that… I was wondering if we could reschedule tomorrow’s date… I want to take Taeyeon out so she could breathe in some fresh air. Is that okay?”

Jessica could see how disappointed her boyfriend was and felt guilty,

“I’m sorry oppa. I really didn’t want to cancel the date but I think Taeyeon could really use some fresh air instead of locking herself away in her room”

L smiled and patted his girlfriend’s head, “It’s okay. I was just really looking forward to our date since I haven’t seen you in a while but that’s okay! I guess making Taeyeon happy again should be our first priority so our date can wait”

Jessica smiled gratefully but couldn’t help but still feel guilty. She wrapped her arms around L’s neck and kissed his nose,

“How about a date on Sunday? I’m free all day and night”

L smiled and kissed her back on the nose, “That sound’s good to me. A date on Sunday it is!”


The couple looked into each other’s eyes lovingly as they caressed each other’s face. L leaned in and connected his lips with Jessica’s as they moved in synchronization. He wished that time would stop at that moment so he could appreciate how soft and delicate her lips were on his.

“Ahem” a voice interrupted them, causing the couple to pull apart flustered.

“May I remind you that you’re in the children’s ward? Keep it kids-friendly please.” Kris reminded the pair.

L walked over and gave his cousin and brotherly-hug, “Hyung! I haven’t seen you in ages!”

Kris chuckled and ruffled the younger boy’s hair, “I know right! We need to catch up over some beer! How does tomorrow night sound?”

“That’s perfect since someone is ditching me tomorrow! I’ll gather all the boys and we can meet at the usual spot!” L replied, emphasising on the word ‘someone’ as he glances at Jessica. The latter rolled her eyes and poked her tongue out at her boyfriend.

“Can you make sure my boyfriend doesn’t drink too much and make a fool out of himself?” Jessica asked Kris.

Kris chuckled and patted his cousin’s back, “This guy will always be a fool regardless of whether there’s alcohol in his system or not”

L made a sour face as Kris and Jessica laughed at him, “Don’t embarrass me in front of my girlfriend, hyung!” L complained as he folds his arms and pouted. Jessica was about to comment when she was stopped by a beeping noise.

Both Jessica and Kris looked at their pager before an announcement was made over the PA system:

“Attention all available doctors and nurses: There has been an emergency and your assistance is required. Please make your way to the ER if you’re available.”

“I better go check what’s going on. This would be a good learning experience so you should come too, Jess.” Kris said seriously as he runs to the staircase to head to the ER.

Jessica sighed and looked at her boyfriend, “I’ll see you on Sunday”

She lightly embraced him and kissed his cheek once more before following Kris downstairs.

“Be careful!” L yelled out as he watches his girlfriend’s shadow fade away. And with that, L headed home all by himself.


That night, Jessica didn’t get home till 8:30PM. There was a road accident that involved a school bus carrying almost 20 school-aged children and hence the emergency room was chaotic. She dropped her bag and went straight to the fridge to seek for some left over food.

“I saved you some spaghetti. It’s in the microwave”

Jessica turned towards the voice and offered a smile at the owner.

“Thanks Taeyeon”

After heating up her dinner, she sat next to Taeyeon who seems to be in her own world.

“I’ve got two tickets to go see a soccer match tomorrow. I was hoping you would come and watch it with me” Jessica suggested as she puts a forkful of spaghetti into . Taeyeon frowns as she watches the younger girl get the sauce all over . She grabbed a piece of tissue and cleaned Jessica’s mouth for her.

Jessica chuckled and gave Taeyeon a wide smile, “What would I do without you?”

Taeyeon scoffed and replied with a genuine smile. A smile that Jessica has missed dearly.

“So? Are you in or what?” Jessica asked, referring to the soccer game. Taeyeon shrugged her shoulders. She was feeling a bit bitter since soccer was one of Sungkyu’s favourite sports.

“I don’t know… I was thinking of stayi

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vsecret #1
Chapter 25: Coming soon.. its almost been a year /:
Chapter 25: Coming soon o(╥﹏╥)o
Chapter 25: Aww~~~ I can't choose between lusica and myungsica
EunmiLee #4
Chapter 24: For some reasons, I ship Jessica and Myungsoo more
rasamira #5
Chapter 24: Arghhhhhh I feel u L...why sica have to be pretty TmT
mierolzafri #6
Chapter 24: please update soon author-nim...i really luv this story
Chapter 1: please update soon