Yin Yang



Yin Yang

               2044. The world was a terrible mess. People had no control of themselves. Animals are rarely found and there was litter everywhere. Nobody could find a way on how to bring back peace. Nobody wanted the world to end. But yet, it seems like we do want it to end. Littering all over the place. Yin Yang was a source of peace to the Chinese long ago That was the true peace. But how can we find a Yin-Yang when it was barely seen now? What a lot of people don't known is that Yin Yang is not just a symbol. Not just a black and white circle. The Yin and Yang chooses who is their master in times like this. People have to find out who is the Yin and who is the Yang before it's too late. Jessica and Krystal Jung. Two beautiful sisters who are inseparable in many ways. They both have their personalities and people describe them as the Yin Yang Twins. Although they were not twins. They woke up in the blind sunlight of chemical and pollution. Coughing, they felt someting on their neck. They found a locket which was separated to two. Krystal, who was the kind and sweet one deserved the white Yin part while Jessica, the popular one, received the black Yang.


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