
Hugs And Kisses [EXO One Shots and Drabbles] -Request are OPEN~-

Well, I personally have no idea where this came from haha, I actually really like this for some reason, I always think whatever write is crap but I think this decent haha, I hope you enjoy Anon! :) ❤❤💕💕💕💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

I'm closing request in a few days so comment your request you guys.


He’s My Elevator Boy – Lay (2)

In all honesty; you didn’t really know him all too well. But it just felt weird to not see him anymore.

He was always there, every single day right around the time you left for class.


Originally you two never talked, when he had first moved in – or so you assumed – and you two meet for the first time in the elevator going down to the lobby, you two had just smiled and bowed at each other.

In the passing weeks the elevator had gotten stuck – as fate would have it – and you were there with him. The two of you were stuck for four hours in that elevator. But really, you didn’t mind. Actually, you were quite grateful that that had happened.

You learned that his name was Yixing, that he was twenty one; that he was originally from China but came here to Korea to study abroad. You didn’t know a lot about him, it was just tiny details, insignificant details but still.

But anyways after that had happened rides in the elevator weren’t as silent as they use to.

Every single morning the two of you chatted away it never went passed anything that wasn’t school related, it never went passed anything too personal.

And that’s what you liked about it, it was casual, it was nice, it was sweet even.

But one day, he wasn’t there, and the next day he wasn’t there, then the next, then the next, then the next.

It was a month and you hadn’t seen him at all, you wondered if he had moved but you thought he would’ve told you that.

Then two more weeks had passed and you were sitting in a café with your best friend Ali, she was raving about this new SM group that was about to debut.

And that was when you saw him;


He was a dancer,

He was amazing,

He was an amazing dancer,

He was going to be an Idol soon,

That was why you had stopped seeing him, because he had moved in to the dorms – at least; that was you thought – because he was nearing debut time.

After that day you looked up EXO on YouTube and you had to admit, they were pretty good. You really liked What Is Love and History was amazing, MAMA wasn’t really your taste.


You honestly thought you were never going to see Yixing or Lay since that was what he was going by now, he had really moved on to bigger and better things.


Which was why that day when you were going to class and the elevator doors opened and you saw him standing there, you couldn’t have been more shocked.



“Hey,” He said, his dimple appearing when he gave you a lopsided smile.

“Hi,” You whispered stepping in to the elevator, “Been a long time,” You muttered and he nodded.  

“It really has,”

The ride was pretty much silent after that, the elevator dinged when it arrived at the lobby.


“Hey,” He called,

You looked back at him, since you were already stepping out of the elevator.

“Do you wanna go get some coffee?”

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