Break These Chains


Okay, I had a wondeful dream last night, that brought me an awesome idea (I think) for a new fic. I'm not sure how many details I can really give away right now, but here it goes. Plot...

Mika is a girl who has messed up a lot. Her parents love her, and want to support her, but don't understand why she seems to be lashing out at the world. Her older brother and younger sister don't have the attitude that Mika seems to hold onto. No one gets why she is angry and shows little respect to people. She does love her parents and siblings, and treats them well, often, but does not like to be around other people. Due to her behavior in school, she is kicked out, and her parents don't know what else to do. they are forced to send her to Bootcamp.

Mika HATES and DETESTS this, but can not escape it. She is sent to this place she doesn't want to be, and continues in her angry rampage the moment she arrives. Upon meeting her, not one of the students likes her due to her attitude. Mika is fine with being on her own there, with no friends just as before. But one guy, who is popular among every guy and girl there, and has his own tough side, approaches her. Mika is annoyed by his persistence, and the fact that someone is really going to challenge her and give back the same disrespect she gives. Though he is difficult and rude, he has a softer side, which shows in the simple fact that he won't leave her alone. His name is Donghae, and he has a plan to get to Mika, and make her stop lashing out.

As the two go back and forth, accidentally forming a strange sort of friendship, Mika is also faced with a relentless bootcamp supervisor: Taecyeon. This guy is an absolute jerk. He seems to single her out and treat her with absolute disrespect. He doesn't hold back in being cruel, and shouts every insult he can at the girl. He shows complete detest, and due to her own fighting back, he forces her to go through many difficult obstacles. Because Taecyeon is in charge, he may do as he pleases. If he wants to hit her for yelling back, if he wants to make her sleep outside in the freezing cold, or if he wants to starve her, he may do so. And more severe punishment may come if rules are broken.

Will Donghae be able to get through to Mika? Will she soften, and find her reason for lashing out at the world? If Taecyeon goes too far, will Donghae come to the rescue?

Read to find out if Donghae can Break These Chains that hold Mika back.


Okay, so first, SORRY if anyone is displeased by the fact that Taecyeon plays a negative character. I actually like him, but I wanted to put him in here, and he fits the character, well physically at least. So like i said at the top, this came from a dream. The main guy wasn't Donghae there, but I thought I should try something new and not write another Jaejoong fic xD. Nichi got the part of older brother without even applying :) and part for sister is now taken. Btw, Mika is 17, so Nichi is older at 20, and the sister is 12.  I also need a few girls who will share a bunk with Mika, and maybe a few others, like girls who cause her more problems. I will need men of course, probably more guys than girls since it is a bootcamp.


***Applications are DONE sorry no more applying!!!***


*****Men taken: Ji yong of Big Bang, Junsu of 2PM, Onew of SHINee, Suhoon of DNA (Mika),  Niel of Teen Top, Nickhun of 2PM, Minho of SHINee, Chunji of Teen Top, Taemin of SHINee**** (and no, you can't have Taecyeon cuz he's a jerk in here)




Mika’s POV

All I did was tell the teacher to shove it. Okay maybe that isn’t really ALL I did. But that guy has been getting on my nerves for the past couple months. He’s such a jerk, and really thinks he can tell me what to do. I had to do something. Maybe kicking him in the balls was too much, but no one understands. And no one would believe me if I told them the truth. Maybe I messed up in the past, but it really was necessary. And HE is the one who brought it on himself. I wouldn’t have gotten so angry if he hadn’t done that and reminded me of HIM. But I don’t want to discuss HIM. I never will. It was the past, and it’s done and gone. I just can’t let it happen ever again.


Now thanks to that dirt bag teacher, I was expelled from school. My parents begged for an explanation of why I’ve been acting this way, but I don’t have an answer for them. And because of my own actions, apparently, there’s nothing they can do with me. The only thing they can think of is sending me to Boot Camp. You have GOT to be kidding me!!! If the court wasn’t involved, I would refuse, but by law I am being forced to go. This is so wrong! What do they think will happen to me there? Am I supposed to be yelled at and forced to run obstacle courses, in order to fix my attitude? I don’t think so!


Today is the day I am leaving home. This is the first time I’ve gone away for so long. I won’t see my parents, or oppa or my little dongsaeng again for a long time. I know they love me, but I am sure they’re looking forward to this. They want me to stop behaving so “poorly” as they say it.


I sighed heavily as I laid the last pair of jeans into the suitcase, and zipped it up. Maki walked in.

“Unnie! I’m going to miss you.” She whined.

“I’m going to miss you too dongsaeng. But we can still call and email, so don’t worry.”

My younger sister Maki has always looked up to me. We are 5 years apart, so she has always seen me as her elder I guess. I’m almost ashamed that she has to see me leave this way. It’s not like I just graduated High School with honors, on my way to College. Nope, she has to watch me go away to Boot Camp after failing to behave correctly during my senior year of high school. I love Lila, and never lash out at her, but I still feel sorry toward her for being such a bad unnie.

“Yeah, I am going to call you every day, unnie.” She smiled innocently at me.

“I’m not sure if I am allowed to talk every day. But I promise we can talk as much as possible.” I sweetly replied.

She frowned slightly, “Fine,” then her lips curled back into a smile, “But I will still try to call every day.”

“Okay, Maki.” I laughed and she sat down on the bed next to my suitcase.

My mom suddenly walked in. “You all packed and ready, Mika?”

“Yes, ma. I’m finished.”

“Okay, your father is waiting in the car. He will be taking you himself.”

“Alright, mom.” I sighed, and grabbed my bag.

Nichi oppa walked in to take all my stuff for me.

“Thanks oppa.” I tried to smile as he didn’t say anything while walking out.

We all ended up on the porch outside, and my brother set my bags in the truck, where I saw my father waiting in the driver’s seat. Oppa walked back over to where I was standing.

“I wish you hadn’t done this to yourself.” He sighed, looking at me.

“I am sorry for making you all ashamed of me.” I said to the three of them, choking back any tears that dared to well up in my eyes.

“Unnie, I am not ashamed. I love you and will miss you.” Maki replied, and I couldn’t stop one tear from forming as I heard her voice tremble and saw her own eyes filled with tears.

“Maki, be good. Unnie loves you too. I will call when I can.” I hugged her tightly.

I then looked up at my oppa. He had softened. I knew he felt bad about everything that had happened. He knew I didn’t really want to behave the way I had.

“Goodbye Nichi oppa.” I hugged him, and he held me closely.

After breaking his hug, I turned to my omma. She was crying quietly, not wanting to say goodbye.

“Omma, don’t cry. I will contact you.”

She hugged me, saying, “Mika, I don’t know what happened. I don’t understand what is going on with you, but I love you, no matter what. I will miss you. We all will.”

“I’ll miss you too. I love you omma.” I broke the hug and smiled at her. She forced herself to smile back.

I said my last goodbye to all of them, and turned to climb into the car with my appa. He waved out the window to the others, and pulled off onto the road.

He was silent, and so was I, until we arrived outside the camp.

“Mika…” He began. I turned toward him, and he suddenly looked very vulnerable. He had lost his tough defenses. I had hurt my father.

“Take care of yourself here. We hope to hear from you soon. You know I love you, right? It doesn’t matter what you do. Your mother and I love you. And so do your brother and sister. I know there’s a reason for your actions, and I understand that you don’t want to talk about it. Just get through here, and figure out what you really need to do. I know you will talk when you are ready.” His voice trembled slightly, and he looked at me very intently. His expression softened.

“Okay, appa. I will try my best. I love all of you too, very much. I will miss you.”

We got out of the car, and he pulled my bags out of the back and set them in front of me.

“This is goodbye now, dear.” He told me, and I hugged him.

“Goodbye, appa.” I answered, and he left like that.

I stood there in front of a large gate. I gathered my bags together, and walked my last few steps of freedom for the time being. After this, I will hardly even have a will of my own. This really is goodbye. Not just to my family, but to life as I know it.


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I am so so sorry :(<br />
<br />
I've been even busier since school started, but the new chapter is already in progress. I am on a bit of a hiatus, but since I have ideas for this fic, I hope to update soon...
i miss it too T^T
I miss this story T_T
SweetTooth: Yeah, he is a pretty heartless jerk. I dont want to give anything away, but he does have his own story and past, to be revealed at some point in the future...<br />
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i am very happy you like, and I will work hard on next chapter so I can update soon!!! Everyone will be satisfied, i promise<br />
Thanks for commenting! <3
pynky: it seems that you were the first to see the new chapter :D<br />
yep, it's a bit dramatic what is going on with Mika, thanks to Taec. it seems everyone agrees here, that he is an .<br />
Don't worry, you'll know exactly what is wrong with her arm.<br />
<br />
More will be revealed in the next chapter, and there will be more of all the other characters, not just Mika and Donghae like in this chapter.<br />
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And yeah, Donghae is turning out even sweeter than I expected :D<br />
thanks for the continued support!!! :)<br />
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kim: Yep! <br />
yeah, i'm hearing that a lot about Taec...<br />
and Donghae was super sweet! :)<br />
LOL, yeah Taec is an "uber " for doing that. He has issues alright...<br />
You'll understand the arm thing in the next chapterr<br />
So happy you liked!!!! will update soon :D<br />
Thanks for commenting!<br />
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Sunny_Yunny: Yessss Taecyeon is that. you aren't the only one who thinks so either, lol... You will find out what happens with her in the next chap!<br />
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haha, well you'll find out about who's in love with who later as well.<br />
<br />
And sorry I didn't really show much of the girl characters in this chap, and you will interact plenty with your Suhoon later. :)<br />
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Yeah, Donghae is sweet, but you will learn his story later, k?<br />
lol, well all the main guys who matter are in Donghae's bunk, so they were on his team. I just threw in a random guy who came to mind for the other team.<br />
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lol, i think by now, everyone wants to kick taecyeon's . BUT only this Taec, not the real one....<br />
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Thanks so much for the support, and I am very pleased that you like!!!! :D
xDDDDD Taecyeon is such an !!!!! oooh i hope mika gets better!!! is her arm burned from the obstical course?!? or did taecyeon do something?!! grrr!!<br />
I feel like there is going to be alove triangle between donghae, mika and teacyeon xD suhoon get away from that group now!!! u are mine!!! u do not look at other girls grr!! xD lol aww donghae seems so sweet, i'm wondering too how a sweet guy like him can be in a boot camp :O lol leeteuk is in it too? haha. i wanna kick taecyeon's ! *Hiya!!!!!!<br />
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continue to update unnie~ love ur writing style :)