
A Big Lie

“I and Lyan are official” Donghae said quickly spreading a wide smile over his face.



            On the other hand, Ryeowook felt like being hit right in his heart. What he could just remained silent. He was disbelief about what he had heard before.



Donghae hyung and Sooyoung... are.. of..official?


Why it’s like hard to breath...


What is this?




            Ryeowook stayed still silent until Donghae shook his body a bit to interupt Ryeowook thoughts.



“Ryeowook-ah?” Donghae asked still shaking the frozen body.


“Huh? Hyung..” he said and felt like about to cry.


“Ryeowook-ah... what’s wrong? You look unhappy about the news..” Donghae said.


“Oh.. no.. I’m happy for you guys” He said bitterly but still trying his best to smile as warm as usual.



            Donghae hurriedly hugged him and Ryeowook hugged him back. Donghae hugged him even tigther as Ryeowook patted his back.



“Congratulation.. hy..hyung” Ryeowook said and unnoticely, tears were streaming down freely.








Two weeks later..



            The members were staying at the dorm since they were no longer promotion the song y free and single. They were going to comeback next week for spy. So actually they had a week off but some of them still doing their own schedule like filming variety show and dj-ing but today they were totaly off. So they were staying at the dorm only to sleep or watch movie together.



“Ryeowook-ie.” Sungmin said while waking the sleeping dongsaeng since he had been taken nap for two hours straight without having his lunch.


“Wookie...” he said sweetly yet gentle as a hyung.



            Finally, he stirred a bit, then yawned cutely. His fits run to his eyes to make him wide awake.



“Ah... hyung..” He said while kept snuggling to his pillow.


“Yah.. it’s been two hours.. let’s have our lunch” He said making Ryeowook moved his body into sitting position.


“Can I just skip it? You know hyung.. I just arrived at the dorm about 3 o’clock. So I’m still sleepy” He said making an excuse to his hyung.


“I knew.. but it doesn’t mean you have to skip your lunch, right?” He said with a stern yet lovely voice. It’s clearly that Sungmin was worried over Ryeowook strange  act lately. He kept working overnight. Ryeowook even rarely have a time just to chat or watch TV together with the members.


“Look at yourself.. skinny.. no energy.. I don’t like to see you like this. Come on!!” He said and ruffled Ryeowook’s already messy hair than left him without hearing his answer.



            Ryeowook had no choice. He quickly got up from his lovely bed and went to meet the others.





“Ryeowook-ah...” Kangin called the sleepy Ryeowook.


“Hmm..” he replied as simple as possible since he wanted to finish his food quickly and went to his bed.


“Yah.. eat first then sleep.. why are you eating while closing your eyes?” He said and made the rest of members turned their attention to Ryeowook who wasn’t fully awake.



            The members chuckled at the  sight of sleepy Ryeowook. They found it so cute.



“Ryeowook-ah.!!” Eunhyuk plafully yelled and pinched Ryeowook cheeks.


“Yah!! Hyung.. it hurts!” Ryeowook who was fully awake yelled to Eunhyuk.


“Who’s fault? Eat!! Ok?” Eunhyuk added and pointed to Ryeowook’s food.


“Hmm uh-uh..” He replied lazily.


“By the way.. Donghae-ah.. when will she arrive? I don’t think so we can cook the food.. I mean.. we can’t since our cute chef is still sleepy” Leeteuk said and made the members turned their attention once again to Ryeowook who was pouting because of his statement.


“it’s better to order in restaurant, right?” he added.



Wait.. she? Who is she Leeteuk hyung reffering to?


By any chance.. is she..



“Yeah.. I think the same hyung.. well.. we don’t need to worry. About the time, she’ll arrive here around 7” Donghae answered while eating his food.



So.. it’s right..


Lyan.. I mean.. Sooyoung.. she’ll come here?


What should I do now?


I don’t want to see her with Donghae hyung


“Hyung.. why didn’t you tell me? Abot her visiting?” Ryeowook asked joining the conversation.


“Sorry Ryeowook-ah.. but you hadn’t had arrive when we’re talking about that last night” Donghae explained.



            All Ryeowook did to response Donghae was giving him O expression. He was pretending to agree by giving him that response.



“But hyung.. have you told manager hyung? About Lyan?” Kyuhyun asked.


“I did. Manager hyung told me to keep quite. So no one suspense that I’m dating with Lyan since she is one of the upcoming Idol star. You know.. I want to see her achiving her dream to be a singer without worrying about our relationship” Donghae said. He looked totally serious now.


“you did a good job so far. It’s not your first time dating with unordinary people, right? Like Eun..oh.. that girl. Besides, you’re not the only one who dating an Idol. You did a pretty good job to kept your guys status. No need to worry, we are here to help you” Sungmin said comforting the worry Donghae.



            Ryeowook listened to their conversation attentively. Well.. it hurts even more to hear that their relationship going well this past two weeks. At the end he felt like all of his efforts for the past two week to keep him busy with all of his crazy schedule to at least reduce his pain, but that was wrong. All of his efforts met with failure. He felt like a knife kept stabbing his heart everytime he hears Sooyoung and Donghae being together. So he kept silent giving no response and kept eating his food.



So.. she really likes hyung..


She even wants to come here.. introducing herself as Hyung’s girlfriend..


OH... GOD.. just kill me





Around 7 pm at the dorm



            Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Yesung were busy preparing the food which is just delivered. Eunhyuk, Kangin,and Shindong were re-arranging the living room and what the rest members did was dressing as good as they could. No exception Ryeowook, he was preparing himself. Instead of confusing to chose the cloth that he should wear. He was thinking about the right and good reason to avoid Sooyoung. He looked at his reflextion from the mirror. He was looking at his own emotion less expression.



What should I do?


Should I say that I’m sick.. suddenly.. or


Ughh.. what to do? It’s enough to feel the pain in my heart


everytime Donghae hyung talking about how sweet their relationship is..



“Ding-Dong!!” sounds of bell made Ryeowook back to his sense.



            He even heard the members walking toward the door to welcoming her.



She’s here..





“Hi!” Donghae greeted his lover who dress nicely.


“Hi.. your members?” she said almost whisper.


“Don’t worry.. they are nice and cool” he said and led her to the living room. On the way they met the members who smile as wide as they can.


“Hi...Lyan.. nice to meet you” Leeteuk said and followed by the members.


“Hi.. hmm.. sunbaenim.. nice to meet you too” she said shyly.


“Let’s put the formality aside, ok” Kangin said from the back of the members crowd.


“Yeah.. just call us oppa” Leeteuk added.


“Oh.. yeah.. sure.. oppa..” she said quickly after had such a warm feeling from the members.



            The members and Lyan went to the living room to chat either to know each other more. But then, Yesung realised the one and only eternal maknae was missing.



“Guys.. by the way where is that small girrafe?” Yesung asked.


“Gir.. ahh.. Wookie.. he’s..” Sungmin was searching Ryeowook.


“Yah.. that boy.. guys.. I’ll go to find him. I think he’s in his room” Sungmin said and left the crowd to find Ryeowook.


“Wo..wookie??” She asked almost unaudioable.


“What’s wrong?” Donghae asked as his hand run to Lyan’s hand, holding it tigther.


“Hm.. nothing..” she replied and gave Donghae smile, not wanting to make him worry.





Did I hear Sungmin oppa called Wookie?


Oh.. what’s wrong with my ears?


Why do I keep thinking about him these days?





Hi readers ^ ^

How was is? Well I could say.. this chapter is like.. you know.. boring.. sorry TT_TT

I’ll try my best next time..

Well.. I don’t think so I can update often.. because you know college stuffs (you maybe bored to listen the reasons..hehe)

Sincerity..thank u for your time to read this fic... ^^

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Kooky1106 #1
Chapter 20: is this the end?
purplegiraffe #2
Chapter 20: I just found your story.. And is this the end? :(
Chapter 2: i really love it ! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 7: we're the same..i like sooyoung too..
monsterallergie #5
Chapter 19: Lyan ahhh There shouldnt be a choice if you love someone though x.x wookie is just too kind to give in.
Chapter 18: I wonder what will happen next. But you know, I feel sorry for Donghae. I hope he and Ryeowook will not go on bad terms or anything but I can feel that they will. Well update soon! ^^ Fighting! Don't give up ;))
monsterallergie #7
Chapter 15: So so in love w this updateeeeeeee !!!
Chapter 15: Love this update and ouh you're welcome ;) Can't wait to see what happens next.
Chapter 14: I still support u no matter what. A little suggestion thou, maybe u should pace it up a little bit instead of running around the bushes ;)
Ouh and perhaps Lyan and Sooyoung is the same person? :0
monsterallergie #10
Chapter 13: ahhahahahahah poor ryeowookieee!!n x)