
My Heart Beats For Him [Officially on Hiatus before further notice]
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Yejin grumbled to herself. Great. Now she had to wait for that idiot. If it weren't for her anger toward Kris, she would have been long gone. How was she going to entertain herself now?


After scanning some channels on the radio, she gave up. Most of them played girl's generation songs. To be honest, she despised them. She really did hate all the cutesy girl groups nowadays. I mean seriously, do you except every girl on the streets to be wearing cheerleading outfits and say ‘Oppa saranghae!’. Yejin shivered at the thought of it. Besides she preferred the old school songs and raps like Dynamic Duo.


She looked down and found herself staring at a phone that was left in the cup holders. Bingo. Haha and when she thought that couldn’t be any more stupid. Now she could erase her number and her picture. And she was really lucky this time because it had no lock or password. Stupid . The phone opened to reveal a group of six guys posing together as the screensaver which startled her to see so many good looking faces in one pic. What the- Are they freaking flower boy models or something?


She automatically recognized Kris as him being the tallest with his sky scraper height. But then a grimace formed on her lips when she spotted Luhan. Ew, if possible she would scratch out his face right there. Yejin scanned through the rest. She couldn't make out their faces very well because of the poor quality but one face in particular caught her attention. He just gave off this calm aura and he looked cute. She was almost a bit captivated. But never mind that. Her mission was to delete her picture and number not to drool over flower boys.


It took her a while to get used to his complex android since she never had something this complex but she managed. Her number and picture was now deleted permanently from his memory. She chuckled to herself in success and looked at the shop's entrance. It looks like he wasn't coming out any time soon so she decided to snoop around his photos and files.


They mostly consisted of the same group of boys, several pictures of luxury cars, and some pictures of idols especially girl idols. Bored, she flipped through the photos but paused when she saw a single shot of the same male she saw earlier. What’s this? This picture was clearer so she could make out his features. Creamy brown hair, high cheekbones, deep brown eyes. He was smiling in the picture, making his eyes almost into an eye smile.


It looks like it was taken when he was hanging out with some friends which she presumed to be the same ones in the screensaver, but he was still cute. Yejin couldn't help to smile. Even though she had never met him before, he had made a good first impression on her based on his looks. But she would never judge a book by its cover. He could be a jerk like that stupid baby faced Luhan as well.


Quickly she attached that picture of the guy and a couple of funny pictures of Kris (so she could blackmail him later) and sent it to herself. She deleted all the evidence and put back his phone just in time to see Luhan come out of the store. He was wearing Sperry’s, tan khaki shorts, and a black polo shirt.


Yejin scoffed at the sight of him. "Rich kid much?" she muttered to herself, looking out of the window as he made his way back.


"I'm back." he declared as he stepped inside the car.


"I can see that," she rolled her eyes. "Wake me when we ACTUALLY get there. I'm tired after being with an arrogant brat like you," she turned to her side and pretended to go to sleep. Honestly, she wasn't that tired but she didn't want to talk to him. And Luhan suspiciously had complied to her order, not saying a word along the way. Maybe he was tired of bickering too.


After about fifteen minutes off tense and awkward atmosphere, Luhan shut the engine off. "Yah we're here." he got out of the car and opened her door, making her fall a little.


Yejin's eyes fluttered awake as she groggily stepped out of the car.


"Alright now let's go kill that bastard of a giant." she cracked her knuckles and waited for Luhan to lead the way.


After climbing twelve flights of stairs, they finally reached Luhan's condo complex.


"Damn it, don't they have an elevator in this building?" she panted and bent over for oxygen. Let's just say her stamina wasn't the best. She never was an active person. More of a lazy one.


"Yeah. It's right next to the stairs. See?" he pointed to metal doors that were right next to the stairs door.


Yejin's mouth dropped open. "And why did we take the stairs?" she said through gritted teeth.


Luhan shrugged. "Exercise..."


It took all of her strength not to lunge at him and choke the living daylights out of him. He was crazy, a crazy bastard. She would kill him one day, she swore.


"Here it is. EXO-M's dorm!" Luhan showed her the door proudly. "If you ever want to visit remember room 1206!"


She scoffed. "I wo

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Chapter 20: Why? <///3 :'(...
Chapter 19: i ship chenjin ><
forsakingfaith #3
Chapter 19: The pace of the story is just right. I'm just too impatient and anxious to want to know the ending, lol. But I'll just wait it out(:
Chapter 18: HAHAHAHAHA this chapter was so funny hehehehe I imagine luhan as a kimbap :P so funny
forsakingfaith #5
Chapter 17: It's okay, author-nim. There's still a next time and another next time. You've still got many chances to get better results, so cheer up, okay? FIGHTING, author-nim!
kpopj3 #6
Chapter 16: Update please!
kpopj3 #7
Chapter 13: wait I know I'm late and everything But does yejin like kris?