Don't Turn Emo On Me


Li Hai Ying is just your average perfect girl. She is the golden girl of SM Entertainment and she is perfect at just about everything; singing, dancing, rapping, acting. You name it and she can do it. She has the looks, the personality and the talent to become one of the best idols Korea has ever seen. But one thing is holding her back.

Behind all of her perfectness, she is insecure. Her parents don't approve of her moving to Korea from China to join SM and don't talk to her anymore, she is bullied by all the girl trainees, her brother, who was the only person who supported her, has no time for her since he got a new girlfriend, her crush opnely humiliated and rejected her and just when she was about to debut and thought everything would go right again, she overheard her fellow members trash talking about her behind her back. This sent her back into her deep pit of depression, this time so deep that she didnt think that she would ever be able to climb back out again.


Enter Zhang Yi Xing. He is SM Entertainment's golden boy, except his case is different. He is loved by everyone- boys and girls -and is about to debut in a group of 12 called EXO. He is handsome, shy, quiet and hilarious, although he doesn't think so himself. Oh, and did I mention handsome? Is he enough to pull Haiying out of her misery and change her back to the bubbly and energetic girl she used to be?

WARNING: Intense HunHan moments!!!


Zhang Yixing (Lay)

Age: 20

Quiet, Funny, Forgetful, Caring, Sentimental.

Li Haiying

Age: 19

Sweet, Bubbly, Energetic, Funny, Reserved.

Kim Jinsoo

Age: 19

Chen's Girlfriend.

Kind, Loving, Sarcastic, Funny, Sweet.




Ello!! This is Unicorn-Panda coming to you with a new fanfic featuring our favourite little unicorn- Lay!!!! This is my first ever fic on so I would really appreciate some feedback and support (: Critical is great, but please no hate or whatever. I'm relatively new at this and I agree there is lots of room for me to improve, so bear with me here! I am definitely planning on lots more great fanfics to post later and I'm really looking forward to it.



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Chapter 2: what type of position.....please update soon....
bernypanda #2
Aww so cute!!! :3