The End...

Love You Forever

"Soo Rang! Where are you going!?" T.O.P yelled after his lover as she walks toward the ocean.

"I just wants to go for a walk!" she shouted back at T.O.P as he was running toward her like a wind.

"I'll walk with you"

"Its ok..." her voice was low almost a whisper, but he could hear what she said. "I can't let you go alone, what if something happen to you?" She knew that he was going to said that. "I love you, Soo Rang. I don't want to waste any precious time, I want to always be with you." She felt the love that he have for her, and warm drops of water start flowing out of her eyes. She quickly cover as she start to sobbered. In her crying tears she said, "no matter what happen I will always live in your heart. You are my other half, Choi." I gave him a soft smile and kissed him. We holds our hands as we walked on the beach. The day was slow as the waves slowly clams down. It was a peacful day. 

After an hour of walk we went back to the house. T.O.P made some dinner for me, it was my favortie ssalbap (streamed white rice). As we were eating I noticed a small box in the middle of table, and asked him what it is. He told me to open. i opened the small white box and saw a ring. "Will you marry me Soo Rang?" as he was on his knee.

"Choi... I... I can't *sob* you know that I can't marry you *cry* ... I'm...sorry..Choi." I got up and turned away but he grabed my hand and ask me why. "I want you to find a new love. I know being here wouldn't help you find new love, but I don't want you to live in misery once I'm gone." I broke myself free from his grip and walked away. 


I knew that she wouldn't live much longer, but I still love her... I stood there for a few mintue before I hear a loud noise comming from the bed room. I ran there as quickly as I can, and found Soo Rang lying on the floor. I quickly called for an abmbulance, she was getting paler by the minute! I didn't know whatto do as I was crying next to her. The ambulance finally came, and she was taken to the hospital as I drove my car behind the ambulance.

Narator POV:

Soo Rang is in the E.R right now. As for T.O.P he is walking back and forth unrestly. After 12 hours of intense waits the doctor finally came out. T.O.P rushed to the doctor and asked if she was ok. The only thing the doctor could said was "I'm sorry Mr. Choi..." and he walked away.

A few says later T.O.P went back to their beach house that they stayed together until her last moment. He then took out her ashes and spreads through the ocean. "I only love you... my lovely flower" as his hands reaches to her illusion, she was blown away by the wind leaving a message for him "I love you, are my other half..." 

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