Around Town

Just Friends?

                “Yixing!!!!! Get down here right now!” Junmyeon yelled through their shared apartment. Yixing came running down the stairs at the sound of Junmyeon’s yelling voice, which he didn’t use a lot. “What’s wrong?” asked a breathless Yixing. He saw Junmyeon standing in the middle of the kitchen with a spatula in his hand and a fearful looks in his eyes. “There’s a really big spider just dangling from the ceiling. I swear to God it tried to kill me this morning. Kill. It. Now,” Junmyeon said without taking his eyes away from the spider. Yixing scoffed and was pretty sure Junmyeon was over exaggerating so he rounded the corner and took a look at the spider. “WHAT THE HELL KIND OF SPIDER IS THAT BIG?!?!?” Yixing yelled as he jumped back; almost crashing into Junmyeon. “Just kill it!” the older boy yelled again. “I thought you were the man in this relationship!” Yixing yelled back. Junmyeon looked at him for a few confused seconds. “We’re not in a relationship!” he yelled as he pushed Yixing away from him and towards the spider. “Worth a shot,” Yixing muttered under his breath as he grabbed the spatula from Junmyeon’s hand. “Where’s Kris when you need him?” he said, mostly to himself before turning back to the devil spawn dangling from the ceiling. “Die you little sh- OH MY GOD IT MOVED.” Yixing was just about to swing at it when the thing crawled back up its web and onto the ceiling. Yixing and Junmyeon looked at it for a few seconds with wide eyes, and then looked at each other before fleeing from the kitchen and running out the front door; completely forgetting their coats.

                “So what are we going do to about the spider?” Junmyeon asked as the pair walked down the stairs of their apartment complex. “We could wait until Kris gets back. He usually handles those kinds of situations pretty well. We could ask Tao too,” Yixing replied as they made it to the last step. “Kris went back to China yesterday to see family, and brought Tao with him,” Junmyeon stated matter-of-factly as Yixing’s face fell. “Then I guess I’ll call an extermi- oh food!” Yixing practically yelled as they passed a food cart on the side of the road. He grabbed Junmyeon’s hand and pulled him over to the delicious smelling food. Junmyeon’s heart did a flip when he felt Yixing’s warm around his, but it was short lived as the younger let go as soon as they reached the cart.

                “Junmyeon? I forgot my wallet. Pleeeeeease?” Yixing begged with puppy eyes that would make Junmyeon melt every time he saw them. Not to mention the dimples that added even more to the cute factor of the younger boy. Junmyeon sighed because he knew he was about to give in. He turned to the vendor as he got his wallet out. “Two orders of dukboki please,” he said as he handed the lady his money. “You even know my favorite food! If we were in a relationship it would be perfect,” Yixing said as he hugged Junmyeon from behind. Junmyeon’s face grew red as the vendor lady gave them a weird look. “Yeah ok Yixing. Guess we’ll just have to stay best friends,” he said as he un-wrapped Yixing’s arms from around him. He made sure to emphasize ‘best friends’ so the lady didn’t think of them badly.

                As soon as they got their food, Yixing started to inhale it. Junmyeon made him slow down so he didn’t choke. Junmyeon slowly ate his and Yixing was already done with his before Junmyeon finished half of his own. He didn’t even mind it when Yixing stole one of his rice cakes, even though he was very protective over his food. “See? We could totally be a perfect couple. You even let me take some of your food without chopping my head off!” Yixing said as he smiled at the older boy. Junmyeon just rolled his eyes and smiled back. A few minutes later he was done and the two were walking down the street, just observing different things around them and watching people pass by.

                “Hey Yixing look at that! Yixing?” Junmyeon turned around but Yixing wasn’t next to him. He panicked for a second before spotting the other in front of a booth that sold, what looked to be, friendship bracelets and different types of handmade jewelry. Junmyeon walked over to the other and wrapped his arms around Yixing’s waist and slipped his hands into the front pocket of the other’s sweatshirt. He put his chin on the younger’s shoulder. Yixing jumped and let out a not-so-manly squeak. “Don’t scare me like that!” he said as Junmyeon laughed. “Don’t run away like that,” Junmyeon retorted and Yixing just shrugged. When Junmyeon tried to let go of Yixing, the younger didn’t let him. “I’m cold and you’re warm. Stay,” Yixing said like it was nothing. Junmyeon rolled his eyes again but didn’t try to move again.

                A seconds later the vendor appeared and smiled at the boys. “How about two free rings for the happy couple?” the vendor said, smiling, while she held out her hand. When she opened it, she was holding two simple, silver, and identical rings. “Oh we’re n-” “That’s a wonderful idea! Thank you so much!” Yixing cut in and the lady smiled happily; reaching out to drop the rings into Yixing’s hand. Yixing had a big smile on his lips as the turned the rings around in his hand. Suddenly, he remembered Junmyeon’s hands in his front pocket and stuck his own hands in it. He felt around for Junmyeon’s ring finger and when he found it, he slipped the ring on it. Yixing brought his hands back out and put his own ring on. “They’re so pretty! Do you like it?” he asked over his shoulder at a frozen Junmyeon.

                Junmyeon managed to get his arms un-wrapped from Yixing’s body to look at the ring. It was very pretty, as Yixing had stated earlier, but Junmyeon didn’t know what to think of it. “It’s very nice Yixing, but….. why?” Junmyeon said slowly. “I don’t know. Since we’re not really a couple, I guess they could be friendship rings. But you never turn down free things!” Yixing replied as he smiled up at Junmyeon. Junmyeon didn’t know why, but he felt his heart throb a little when said the second sentence. He smiled nonetheless and smiled at Yixing. “Thanks,” he said and Yixing’s smile got even bigger. “I’m glad you like it!” the younger said as he hugged Junmyeon.

                They walked further down the street and Yixing started to complain about his hands being cold. The sun had got down a little and it had gotten colder. Without their jackets, Junmyeon didn’t blame him for being cold. Thinking quick, Junmyeon took one of Yixing’s hands in his own and held it as they walked down the street. “Better?” he asked as he glanced over at Yixing. Yixing didn’t reply right away, but when he did Junmyeon just laughed. “Now my other hand is cold,” the younger said with a shy smile. Since when is Yixing shy? Junmyeon thought. Junmyeon thought for a few seconds before walking behind Yixing. He put his arms over the other’s shoulders. “Give me your hands,” he said, and Yixing brought his hands up and interlocked them with Junmyeon’s. “This is going to make it hard to walk Junmyeon,” Yixing said as they tried going forward a couple steps and almost tripping. “Then I’ll just wrap my arms around you,” Junmyeon said as he put his hands into the front of Yixing’s sweatshirt again.

                They walked back to their apartment fairly successfully like that. A few slips here and there only made it funnier and they never broke apart. They both sighed when the warm air from the apartment engulfed them as they opened the door. “I’ll make some hot chocolate. Sound good?” Junmyeon asked and Yixing quickly nodded his head. As Junmyeon walked to the kitchen, Yixing walked over to couch and fell onto it; turning on the TV. Mindlessly flipping through the channels, he noticed the ring on his hand. His heart swelled because he knew Junmyeon was wearing the exact same ring. I don’t want this to be just a friendship ring Yixing thought as he heard Junmyeon singing from the kitchen. He turned off the TV and just listened as Junmyeon sang a slow, melodic song with his beautiful voice. Yixing closed his eyes and only opened them back up when Junmyeon walked into the living room with two mugs of hot chocolate.

                Junmyeon sat down next to Yixing and handed him one of the mugs. They sat in silence for a few minutes just sipping on their hot chocolate before Yixing broke the silence.

                “What if we were a couple?” he asked while looking straight ahead; too nervous to look Junmyeon in the eyes. Junmyeon thought about for a second before replying. “I guess it wouldn’t be too different from how we act now,” Junmyeon said while we looked forward too. Yixing nodded his head. “I could hold your hand whenever I wanted,” Yixing said as a smile crept across his lips. “You could, and we could cuddle when it gets cold,” Junmyeon replied as a matching smile spread across his face. “And we could go on nice dates and presents for each other whenever we felt like it,” Yixing said, getting excited. “And I could kiss you whenever I wanted to,” Junmyeon said in a quieter voice. Yixing swore he almost felt his heart stop and he immediately looked over at Junmyeon, who looked over at him with a loving look in his eyes.

                “Like right now,” Junmyeon said as he slowly moved his head towards Yixing’s. The kiss was sweet and almost chaste. There was no tongue; just lips against lips in the sweetest kiss either boy had ever had. When Junmyeon pulled away, he noticed Yixing’s face was a bit flushed and decided it looked wonderful on him. “Junmyeon, I don’t want these rings to be just friendship rings,” Yixing said while blushing more. Junmyeon lightly chuckled. “Me either Yixing,” he said and Yixing looked up at him; happiness etched into every one of his features. Junmyeon leaned down again and caught the younger’s lips in another kiss; this time more fierce with lots of tongue involved.

                After making out like teenagers for a good half hour, Yixing claimed he was tired and needed his beauty sleep. “Well now that we’re a couple, we can cuddle,” Junmyeon said as he wrapped Yixing up in his arms as they lied down on the couch. Yixing had his face buried in Junmyeon’s neck as he spoke. “Is it too early to say I love you?” Yixing said hesitantly. “No, because I love you too,” Junmyeon said and he could feel Yixing smile on his neck. Soon enough, the boys fell asleep in each other’s’ arms; beyond happy with how the day had turned out.







I know I should be updating my Kaisoo fic right now but I had so many Sulay feels that I had to write something. I might write a chapter to go along with later but I'm not sure. So until then, enjoy the fluff!!!!! <3

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Daeyon-shi #1
Aww, this is so ing cute :3
Please update soon!
Nasulayim #2
Chapter 1: I cant get enough of sulay...and this is one of the best sulay fic...thanks
Chapter 1: Artgggggg so great!!!!!
How I wish Yixing as the top one in the relationship but I respect your point of view and it's cute nonetheless !!!! ^^