Do You Need to Leave?
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Your POV

I didn't waste any second, when i received the address of the hospital I hurriedly shove any clothes i can see in my bag and turn to leave.

I can't think straight,my eyes blurring from the unshed tears.

Fortunately I arrived at the hospital in one piece--though I almost got into some accident.

But I can't worry about that for now, all I wanted to is to see Lay.

I ran room after room muttering his room number and his name. Lay

I can't see properly because of my tears blocking my view.

All I can think is Lay...Lay...and Lay...

Please don't leave me.

I saw Mr.Zhang in front of Lay's room talking to his doctor.

He frowned, he nodded, he slumped his shoulders.

I don't want to lose him.

Not now, not ever.

I walk towards Mr. Zhang.

He just gave me a sad smile.

I'm loosing hope.

Eventually, he allowed me to enter.

I push the door open.

I can hear the monitor.


His breathing, his still breathing evenly, maybe he can still fullfil his promise of forever.

Lay, his there--lying helplessly--sleeping--pale--skinny

I can't help but sob and sob.

I threw my bag aside and walked towards him.

I held his hand and slowly intertwined them, they're cold--unfamiliar

Lay's hand should warm me up, not me warming his hand. I'm used to him making me feel warm all over.

My tears soaking his hand.

His fingers move

His eyes slowly fluttering open


Lay's POV

I can feel someone holding my hand and slow droplets of what seems like water.

I slowly open my eyes, and the first thing I see is my lover.

But I frowned

She's crying, and I'm the reason

This is why I didn't tell her

It doubles my pain, this beats the pain i'm feeling physically, sigh.

No words exchange, just a comfortable silence. Mind and heart speaking for us.

She kissed my forehead soaking it with tears but I couldn't careless.

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luhanluhan123 #1
Chapter 3: This is so sad!! im crying so much why are you doing this to me!
Superman2311 #2
OmoomoOmo T....T I Need a Sequel For This ;;
Chapter 2: awww this actually sounded like my story! XD loved it ><
Chapter 3: why this is so sad T__T
Oh well, Lay is the most potential candidate to be sick of something hahhaa
but it's so sweet as well! too bad he didn't tell her anything
or at least they could spend that last week of his life with her..

nice job anyway! :)
MissSushiYUM #5
Chapter 2: Oh my goodness! :OO Lay!