Chapter 1

Sweet Revenge

My brother layed still on the bed while I was standing beside him, running my hands through his fringe and on his forehead. His face was the only place I could bare to look at; the rest of the parts of his body would make me burst into tears if I took just a peak. 

Mom and Dad have gone to the doctor who was assigned to him's office asking about my brother's condition after that heart-breaking accident. This morning, 7:00 am, a couple of local residents at a downtown apartment who were doing their morning round around the area found my brother barely alive in a alley. Some people said he was seen being beaten by a gang who was very known in the neighborhood. 

I looked at the heart machine, thankful that the line is still showing some pulses. After that, all I wanted to do was get revenge for what that gang has done to my brother. My eyes trailed back to my brother, thinking about what evil could that gang do to such an innocent person like my brother, Dong Min. 

The door creaked open, my head shot up and my eyes met with my mother's. I quickly looked for any sign of sadness in the way her eyes were but I was glad that her lips curled into a smile a while after. "What did the doctor say?"

Mom approached us, Dad following after, and held my brother's left hand. "Dong Min would be just fine and is recovering fast,"

I felt a heavy load off my heart. A breath escaped my lips as they themselves curved into a small smile too. 

My Dad the television to lighten up the mood inside that hospital room. After a few tiring hours of nerve wrecking moments of anticipating his condition, mom took a seat at a couch on the other end of the room and easli fell asleep. I was the only one left beside my brother, and I want it to stay that way. 

A hand grabbed my shoulders, I slowly looked away and met the eyes of my father beside me. He smiled warmly "Go eat something, you look tired," he said. I haven't eaten breakfast yet after finding out that my brother was in the hospital; I quickly dashed out the house and went to Seoul Hospital. 


The ground floor was a lot busier than the floor we were in. A lot of people, doctors, and visitors were walking to and fro getting from one palce to another. I made my way to the canteen area just beside the waiting area and grabbed a cup of coffee for my hungry stomach. Coffee wasn't actually the best thing to feed ones self but my apettite is not with me today. 

I grabbed the hot cup and carefully made my way out of the bustling crowd of people and out of the hospital where I could get some fresh air. I heard there was a garden in the back, maybe I should go check that out.

The back part of the hospital, there as a garden where the patients could take a breather from the smell of alcohol in their designated rooms. Some were escorted by nurses, those that couldn't walk well. My gaze dropped down to the floor, what if someday my brother would be assisted when he was going to places like that patient? Again I sighed.

I sat at the nearby bench around the small fountain at the center; drinking the rest of the coffee inside my cup. I threw the paper cup in the trash can beside and stared at the surroundings. 

"Whoever did that to my brother," My hands were in fists as I talked to myself, looking at the window of my brother's room. "Will surely pay,"

I was quickly distracted when my attention shifted from the building to a man who was trying to peak through a window. What made me curious was he was wearing a hood in such a hot day, and the way he looked around shifting from one position to another really got my mind working. 

At that moment, the wind blew hard. I held down my knee length skirt before it flew up. The mysterious man's hood fell off his head and I got a clear vision of his short black hair and baby-ish like face. But seriously, he seemed cold even though he had that sort of appearance.

The man quickly placed his hood back on and scurried away, dissapearing behind the building. Out of pure curiosity, I left the garden and followed his tracks. He moved faster than normal, as if he was trying to get away from people who could've seen his face. 

He turned right and dissapeared into some trees, appearing again at the sidewalk and crossing the street towards a small space between two buildings. Small enough for a person to pass through.

I did the same as his and went through the trees. "Geez," the bushed were scratching on my bare leg and I barely made it out alive if I wasn't wearing sneakers. Good thing I didn't go with my original plan of wearing flats.

After the road was cleared of passing cars, I immediately ran strait towards the small area and squeezed myself in. I was surprised to find different paths leading to different directions. I went with my instincts and just took one foot in frot of another. The guy has completely dissapeared and I was following nothing.

I stopped while I was in the middle of an intersection between four pathes. One on fromt of me, one on each side and the path I took earlier. My feet were getting tired and my knee had a cut below it because of a branch. "I should go back," I told myself, wiping the blood that had accumulated on the wound. 

When I turned my body around, a arm quickly stopped my from going on. I gasped and backed away quickly from another hooded man. My body collided with another hooded man as I backed away. Was I trapped? Two others began to close in on the two paths on my side.

"Gyu Mi, what have you gotten yourself into now," I trembled in fear. 

I am trapped.

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seoyuna #1
hi your title itself attract me to read this story. unfortunately you.stoped updating. will you please start update this stody itd kinnd of intersting to read.
AddictedToBLUELOVE #2
UPDATE please...
@addictedToBLUELOVE thanks ^^~~<br />
@enjiness glad you enjoyed the teaser lol :)) I thought I messed it up xD
AddictedToBLUELOVE #4
wow excited for the next chapters...hope you update soon..
Can't wait for this!!!<br />